

Crunch ? - Bump... - Cracks !


luckily you've added numbers. it has been half an hour clickin round n round 😭

3 days ago

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I have the collection but would join if I needed it !!! Such a good game (Everything before season 3 IMO)

3 days ago

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hey! whats better to buy? the collection or definitive edition? definitive is cheaper on my region and looks like it may run on my potato laptop, but collection is less and prolly will run on my potato laptop., so could u help me decide which if i dont win neither of the giveaways?

1 day ago

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Oh I meant I have the definitive version. Definitely that one, improved graphics and all kinds of good stuff like that.
Idk if it's a normie thing or what but I use CYRI to check if I can run games before I buy them. I'd say you probably don't need over 30 fps for it so you're probably good, still would check though. Hope that helps, have fun!

1 day ago

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1 day ago

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