Awesomenauts. Having said that I'm going to play it now.
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Doesn't quite answer with his question, but I do agree. Awesomenauts is by far the most noob friendly MOBA out there. When I joined an online match in Dota 2 I was instantly raged at for being absolutely crap and told to go play against bots, while Awesomenauts players actually helped me a bit, not that I needed much help, as Awesomenauts is much easier.
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They can report you for that reason? That's seriously messed up. No one can start a game and instantly be skilled at it. I was lucky enough to win Awesomenauts. After finding out how awesome it is, I slightly regret not buying 3-Pack when it was on 75% sale.
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They can't report you for actually that, but they tend to report for intentionally feeding sadly enough.
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+1 I have play it, and after i play DOTA 2... There is no me language (or mabey when i played) and DOTA2 are really confused for me, league of legends are really easy to play. Controls, camera, gameplay... But the best on LoL its the camera FIX when you press Y button.
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As a newb who just tried both, I prefer LoL. My main reason is the screen following the player around. I couldn't figure out how to lock the screen in Dota 2, I'm sure there's some way with my luck, but I felt like I kept dying because I was spending too much time adjusting the screen and trying to control my character at the same time. Plus the gameplay just felt more.. fun to me.
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For future reference, double-clicking your character portrait locks the camera on the selected unit. The camera slides a bit to show enemy heroes or to follow your mouse cursor. Most people avoid using this because there are some heroes that kinda require you to move the camera around to be more effective. I use it sometimes depending on the hero I'm playing with.
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You've chosen a good game my friend, if you ever need help feel free to add me, Deserted Sand.
I'm ranked Bronze 1 about to get into Silver 5.
Ranking List: (Challenger (you play against the pros of the game that make money from it.) >Platinum 5,4,3,2,1>Gold 5,4,3,2,1>Silver 5,4,3,2,1>Bronze 5,4,3,2,1
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don't do it to yourself man! you're gonna get addicted and spend all your time on it when you could be learning a new language!
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lul no, its the worst of both. Worst player base, esp. for new players. Worst graphics, more pay to play than either LoL or Dota. Stop trolling
That said, LoL is better for starting, Dota is good for skilled Moba. I have to say though the top end of LoL is higher than Dota. Also LoL matchmaking and balance is way better at this stage.
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Stop the bad trollin'.
1st There's really no pay to play content in HoN, have been playing for 2 years and I haven't payed a single euro.
2nd LoL is good only when you have luck, otherwise you get all the ragers who just came back from school. And everyone just screaming for reports rather than enjoying the game spoils the fun a bit.
Gotta agree about DotA though, it really is for skilled ones, I play it only when I have a good day and feel like I could do a killing, otherwise when I'm tired and near-death I choose LoL, because you can win there even by pressing random buttons ;)
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Did yo use that fancy search bar that is on this site?
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Dota has technically been around longer since LoL was based off of WC3 DotA. But LoL is definitely more popular because it's so much easier to get into.
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People who say things like this don't actually understand either game.
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I haven't played LoL, but I have a friend who is really good in Dota and it took me some time to learn the "real" way of playing it (and from what I've heard from my other friends - playing LoL - LoL is much easier and enternaining for them, because they didn't want to spend time learing new mechanics in Dota, but just wanted to play it and usually failed).
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dota is more hardcore than lol, so many crazy abilites
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I play dota and i prefer dota, but league is most approachable for beginners
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I'm always amazed at people that say LoL is more casual... true when you are starting. LoL has way more player skill involved in the outcome when you get to the top ranks. Dota often just comes down to the team comp. I play Dota more than LoL nowadays, so I am no LoL apologist, but that stigma is not accurate.
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How is it a stigma though? The bane of the entire genre is difficulty, so if a game has lower difficulty and is still fun to play, it's better than the rest. Case in point, Awesomenauts. (Based on what others say, though. I find that one neither easy nor fun.)
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DotA of course.
LOL is bassicly copy of DotA and you all have to agree! Its also boring easy.. NUFF SAID..
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While generally correct, there is a small issue with your statement. Valve is using "Dota" instead of "DotA" to distance itself a bit from the original to avoid problems with Blizzard, not with Icefrog. Icefrog is currently employed at Valve and has been working on Dota 2 since the project started.
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I have played both and I'll give you my honest opinion. I'm not going to say it is unbiased, but I'll try to keep it objective.
LoL, as a game, is easier to get started with. It has some meta-game outside of the main playfield that affects the matches like mastery pages, summoner skills etc. That means that two people playing the exact same hero with the exact same items/skills build can play differently due to summoner specializations and skills. Some will argue that this adds depth and variety to the game, while some will argue that is affects balance and adds more stuff for players to worry about out of the game, which should be the only focus. YMMV.
The Dota 2 art style is more consistent, and the client itself is more robust than LoL's. The community (at least for now) feels a bit more welcoming. Abilities in Dota 2 are more powerful and varied in general; there is a lot more stuff to care about. It is a deeper game with mechanics that wouldn't appear in LoL according to Riot, like Bloodseeker's ultimate Rupture, Meepo or Invoker, due to being labeled "anti-fun" or too micro-intensive.
In Dota 2, all heroes are available to everyone. The game is free (access to it is still a bit restricted due to still being in beta) and everything that can be purchased with real money is purely cosmetic, and even then it can be acquired by just playing the game long enough. In LoL, a small, rotating set of champions is available for free every couple of weeks, limiting your choices. You can use real money to purchase new champions, new mastery pages, new skins etc. The parts of the game that affect gameplay - like access to champions- can be acquired by playing long enough, without spending enough money. Of course, to own all champions without paying anything it is going to take a long while.
Personally, I prefer Dota 2. LoL feels a bit limited to me, even if it is more accessible at times. Dota 2 has a slightly sharper learning curve, but if you never played a Dota-like before then you are going to have to learn everything from scratch anyway.
Just my two cents. I had a lot of fun with LoL a while ago, but after I got started with Dota 2 I never looked back. Feel free to hit /r/dota2 if you need any advice or if you have any additional questions.
EDIT: I'd like to add something to my argument. If you have friends that play either of those games, go with that. Those games are much more fun when playing with close friends. Playing a not-so-good game with friends is much better than playing a masterpiece on your own.
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Exactly what I was looking for :)
I guess i'll start with the "harder" one >:D I have Dota 2 myself, now I justvneed to get a few for my friends but.. thats easy ;D
One more question, I know that in LoL you can play against bots, is that possible in Dota or is it just PvP?
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I agree with your feeling of starting with the "harder" one, as it is generally how I approach things in general.
As for your question, yes, you can play with bots. You can setup a custom, private game and add as many bots as you want to each team (to a limit of 5 per team), and you can set each bot's difficulty individually. I believe you can even create a match of 5v5 bots and just watch it if you'd like.
Feel free to add me on Steam if you have any other questions. There are lots of good videos on YouTube and topics on Reddit to get you started. Just make sure to avoid the more difficult heroes at first, specially the likes of Meepo and Invoker. Starting with a support hero or even a stealth hero might be a good idea to get a feel for the game and some map awareness. There is a lot to learn - I'm over 500 games played in Dota 2 and I still feel like a noob most of the time.
...reason being why I love the game so much. Always so much to learn and new stuff to try :)
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He should use also the in-game guide feature. With the tips and that they will provide some kind of advice until he can decide for himself.
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Oh, yeah. They recently added support for in-game builds. Those are submitted by players and rated by other people. Those builds tell you what skills to pick and what items to buy, along with information of how each skill should be used etc.
USE those, they can be VERY helpful at first. Just make sure to avoid the ones with FR in the name (those are french).
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I think you nailed the thing about DOTA that everyone uses to describe it as "harder" it is more micro intensive at points, but only certain heroes. I think the part about more skills in DOTA is flat out wrong. Most Dota skills are just rehashes from other characters. Ults have variety your q,w,e are often similar or the same. Nearly every skill in LoL is unique to the character, to play it at the highest levels you have to be competent about all mechanics and well versed in every hero. I find that in DOTA being skilled at your char is all you need to do well. I think LoL has a "glass ceiling" of sorts when it comes to difficulty, most players aren't going to play with the top ranks, it takes a long time to get there. I was an original Aeon of strife player, moved on to DOTA and even was involved is some developments, have some old wc3 map files on my other comp still. I was an early beta player on LoL and have certainly cut my teeth on DOTA2. I think they each have their own pros and cons. Dota has a sharper learning curve, but in no way has a higher difficulty peak. I think DOTA is still too new and small a player base to experience the nuances that make LoL competitive like it can be at the top. I was a 2k elo LoL player at one point before quitting all Mobas for a year. Trust me, LoL can be every bit as hard if not harder to master than DOTA2. I do agree with your statement in regards to friends, that definitely should be the deciding factor.
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That much depends. Casual gamers prefer LOL, Dota2 a is a competitive scene.
While lol is very colorful, easy to learn and noob friendly(for a moba), Dota is darker, harder, it has creep denies and stuff.
I really dont know, if you like playing sims go for lol, if u like starcraft go for dota.
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