I've been here for seven years! My activity is on a decline though. I know less and less people here and even fewer know me. I guess it's not because of something wrong with SteamGifts, rather than me playing games sparsely. I was wondering though what our activity online shows about us and how others can correctly judge our personality based on what they see of us online.

Have a great day everyone, here is your "last minute" petty (7+ level) train.

6 years ago

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Can you judge a person by his/her online footprint? (online activity)

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Sure, what you do online says a lot on who you are
Nah, we always hide our true selves online
There is nothing more than what we are online

May the cakeforce be with you:)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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congratz on both the 7 years and on becoming a dad!

6 years ago

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Thanks and congrats:)

Oh and no to your question. I'm not anything like what I am on here. It's easy to change what you say and it's minutes of your day here. Half the things people have said about me have been things I've never heard of or the opposite of my personality. The internet is weird.

6 years ago*

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Happy cakeday! Thanks for the GAs, bump.

6 years ago

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Thanks and bump!

6 years ago

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Happy 7th Cake Day!

6 years ago

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congrat and HBD

6 years ago

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Happy cake day! :-)


6 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!

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6 years ago

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Most peoples personalities can't be judged based on their internet activity imo. Anonymity, and even something as simple as not being face to face can bring out the best or the worst in people by providing them with confidence, or making them bold since there are little to no repercussions for their actions.

Congratz on 7 years btw.

6 years ago

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Some people say you cannot judge a person based upon his or her behavior online, but I disagree. I think the true character of a person comes through when he or she feels "free" to behave in whatever manner he or she wishes without facing consequences. In other words, people are their own true selves when they think "nobody is watching." You will often hear people offering the excuse that they were "only joking," but that is a lie to cover up the fact that they were acting in accordance with their nature.

"I have always thought you could take the measure of a man by his sports manners - that is to say, the way in which he conducts himself on the playing field, or even over a game of chess or cards."---Graydon Carter

"The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out."---Thomas B. Macaulay

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."---Samuel Johnson

"If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."---J. K. Rowling

"The true measure of a man is how he behaves when death is close."---Alma Katsu

6 years ago*

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There is truth in that. But having the time to think before posting anything online, or edit afterwards, gives everyone the chance to manipulate their online image.

6 years ago

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They can try, but behavior trumps wording. It doesn't matter what quality a person claims to possess if his or her behavior belies the assertion. The only people fooled by a bald-faced lie are those who refuse to accept the truth. Add to that the fact that the more a person lies, the more likely he or she is to contradict him or herself, and the result is that "sooner or later, the truth will out."

6 years ago

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I'd argue our online activity often says more than what some not-so-close people from real life know about us. Because in real life we usually open only to close family and friends, for co-workers or people we just know we put on masks. In online, especially in communities where it's unlikely that you will ever encounter others in real life people tend to be more likelly to show their real colors, both good and bad sides. Because while on one hand yes, all these bigots and haters will feel it's ok to vent on the internet, because there are less consequences than in real life, on the other hand it also gives opportunity to shy or introverted people to interact more open that thewy would ever do in real life.

6 years ago

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That's true for those who are honest online. Anyone can create a back story for themselves that has nothing to do with reality and we've seen this in SG many times (begging for games because they are poor i.e.).

6 years ago

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SG is quite an exception, here you can gain real-life profit, thus it may encourage lying, most of internet activity thou - discussing in chats, on forums, on social media, image boards and so on and on has no profit of you creating a fake persona. Ofc there are people who will still do it, because they may be dissatisfied with their real life, so they will want to pretend to be someone else, but first, they are still minority, second - it also shows who they really are, they really want to be someone else than they are in real life, but for some reasons cannot show it in said real life.

6 years ago

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Happy cakeday tragikos. :-)

6 years ago

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Happy Cakeday and best wishes to you and your family (no wonder you are less online :)

6 years ago

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That's a loooooong time. :)

Congrats on the baby!

6 years ago

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Happy cakeday, tragikos! And importantly, congratz on your upcoming fatherhood! :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thank you. It’s been a ride. Congratulations on the new life!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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wow..7 years.. Congrat!

6 years ago

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and bump

6 years ago

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Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your baby boy, and best wishes to you and your family! :)

6 years ago

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All the best for you and your better half :).

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6 years ago

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Happy 7th cake! That's a long time!

It appears I missed my 7th 3 days ago. ^_^

6 years ago

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