Heath Ledger wasn't as good of a Joker as Jack Nicholson.
The EU is a load of crap.
Bioshock 2 is better than Bioshock Infinite.
Being attracted to someone of the same sex is disgusting and a mental disability.
Sexism and racism go both ways.
With all this "equal rights" BS, women shouldn't be surprised when they get a slap for being a cunt.
Inb4 I'm a homophobic, sexist, racist, antisemite and get banned.
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Hmm.. I admit I have mixed feelings on the Joker thing. I think Nicholson could have been a much better Joker as is if they let him loose like was originally supposed to happen.. instead someone who got wind of the idea suddenly crapped themselves and said "No we can not let him do that" and changed things. So we got him playing the Joker he did. Was still good, but could have been better.
Now I am not saying he was bad, I thought he did well. Just think it could have been better still.
Makes me wonder how some actors would have done if they where given a little more freedom in some of the movies they have been in.
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Generally, some of the best moments in movie history happened when actors were let off their leashes, so to speak, or decided to go rogue and improv regardless of direction.
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Generally, some of the best moments in movie history happened when actors were let off their leashes, so to speak, or decided to go rogue and improv regardless of direction.
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It's not sexist saying that someone who is being a cunt deserves a slap, doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman. I phrased it the way I did because a lot of women behave like arseholes, assault other people, and then scream bloody murder and demand that you can't hit them back / defend yourself, and no I'm not homophobic.
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Then you are quite stupid or I'm just not wording myself correctly.
I'm straight, the sight / thought of for example 2 guys kissing / having sex is gross to me, but I also feel people are free to do as they please. I don't hate people for being gay. I don't want to assault someone for being gay. I don't want to stop someone doing as they choose. I just believe they are attracted to someone of the same sex because their brains are wired wrong.
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I don't think you've ever seen an actual lesbian porn. That is a porn created for lesbians, not that one where straight as a nail girls awkwardly pretend to be lesbians.
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Dude you are totally missing the point here and he perfectly knew what I meant. Good for you if you got a PhD in the field of porn but I really couldn't care less about the gazilion types of porn there are, I'm not really that kind of guy who is into porn.
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"rich people with too much free time"
That applies to every gamer in the end. Someone who enjoys racing simulations will eventually want a wheel and a playseat for proper gaming experience. Just like someone who likes shooters would most likely want to use THIS if they could afford it. Whether someone saves up money for a playseat instead of let's say a new GPU doesn't make much difference I think.
Don't get me wrong, I let you have your opinion and I agree that gaming keyboards are overrated, but I think your take on a playseat is a bit flawed.
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I just believe that a gadget like that belongs in one of those game rooms or what were they called. ( back when you went with your friends in the city to play games at the arcades ). If I had the money to buy a Playseat I honestly wouldn't, even if I am a fan of racing simulators.
And thank you for the pertinent reply.
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All just a question of definition. If you can afford a gaming PC and have actually time to play games you are rich in my book. You don't have to worry about surviving each day, not sure if you can afford your daily lunch and have to work your ass off in two extremely underpaid jobs.
I think it's really upsetting that some people consider themselves poor just because they don't have two cars or can't fly to some exotic country for their vacations each year.
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When I was talking about people who consider themselves poor I really wasn't talking about you at all, I don't even know you. I just wanted to make a point. Just saying in case you got the wrong idea.
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Disclaimer: this is an opinion thread. All the following are my opinions, not facts.
Anime suck. All. Games & "Movies". Pokemon shit the very first. Final Fantasy too.
I played Oblivion & Morrowind and it was boring as f¤¤k (well, no, f¤¤k is not boring). So, f¤¤k Skyrim.
Mushrooms are disgusting.
I'm convinced that having a TV is not a matter of life or death. I lived without one for 10 years, still don't have one. And no, I don't watch TV on the PC instead.
Bacon + nutella is awesome.
A lot of indie games (and now bundled for a lot) are waaaay better and more enjoyable to play than lots of "AAA" ones.
And I don't like Sonic.
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No one is disagreeing with you about bacon+nutella.
And mushrooms are disgusting, they're fungus. Why do people eat fungus?
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I don't like Bacon or Nutella. Does this make me a bad person? Also, totally agree on Sonic. The first time I played Sonic it was awesome, but it got repetitive really fast.
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Call of Duty and Halo, though enjoyable, are overrated.
Every Final Fantasy after XII has sucked completely and utterly.
Modern Pokemon games are overrated. All they do is add more useless side-crap, one or two-hundred new pokemon that look like crap, and online crap that barely works because Nintendo can't figure out this whole online thing. Crap.
The last Pokemon game I played and actually enjoyed was Pokemon Yellow on the GBC.
The Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword was complete and utter garbage.
XCOM - Enemy Unknown was a bug-ridden cluster@#$% of a remake.
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PC has its awfully share of fanboys just like consoles. To me some games, even shooters, feel better with a gamepad.
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I can't play Skyrim with a controller. The inventory management is just horrible.
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I don't like anime, ponies or Game of thrones (The show, I have yet to read the books). I enjoyed Colonial marines more then Planetside 2, A:CM is still a bad game I just had more fun with that then PS2. I also think MOBAS are terrible. Felt good.
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My unpopular opinion? Simply to live optimistically, earnestly striving to be happy. There seems to be a massive trend of hum-drudgery and pessimism in modern society-- it's as though people aren't satisfied unless there's something new to bitch about, an argument/drama to incite, or someone to be pettily envious towards.
Life's too short, folks.
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A realistic assessment. I was going to go on about how blessed each of us are, acutely to the fact that we can choose to blow out spare time on a secular forum for videogames. But in the end, you either sweat the small stuff or you don't. My younger brother died at the age of 19 last year, this plays a massively large part in my reverance for life and overall ability perceive what really matters.
I don't expect my opinions to change anyone's course of pessimism, I just try to keep it all in perspective.
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I get that, I think it all boils down to "life is what you make it". I had some nasty times in my life as well, at 6 I survived a cancer after my parents were told I had 3 months left. I think that struggle made me appreciate my life just for what it is, life. I only have one so I make it the best I can.
I wouldn't berate the world about it's pessimism though, I have a good group of people in my life and although some are down trodden most the time (a couple of emo's really) I won't let them drag me with them. I think in the end we can go with "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger". Maybe I am more of a realist? I think that people in general don't even bother to think about this stuff anyway, they are too busy living a world that revolves around their wants.
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There seems to be a massive trend of hum-drudgery and pessimism in modern society
Would suggest that optimism is the less-popular belief. That said, I don't really see your logic in attempting to argue yet another unfounded opinion against my own unproven view. Unless, that is, you're simply craving an argument.
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Kids nowadays are boring. All kids dress the same, look the same, act the same.
When I grew up there were punks, metalheads, gabbers (early hardcore), goths, geeks, alternatives, hiphop, rich kids, poor kids. You could see who belonged in which group. Not always a good thing but at least there was plenty to look at and really different opinions.
Now they all look alike! So they dont dress bad, but its so fucking boring. Cmon, express yourself. Try to stand out, dont go "safe".
(I work at a school in Holland with kids ranging in age from 12 - 18. Dont know if it applies to other countries)
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In the US it's the same as when I was growing up, except now they all have iPhones and iPads and think they're entitled to everything. -.-
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Grand Theft Auto V is overrated and overhyped
Borderlands 1 is better than Borderlands 2
The Wolf Among Us deserves next year GOTY
Bioshock Infinite deserves this year GOTY, not GTA V or The Last of Us. Tomb Raider is just a mediocre action game.
Hitman Absolution SUCKS
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....I want this thread closed...is this an unpopular opinion? So many hatred here...it's just suffocating, gotta get out before I hyperventilate or strangle myself to death.
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PS4 is a piece of cheap rubbish. Poor games and hardly any features that they advertised. On top of all the hardware problems. Why would anyone be stupid enough to buy one (yet) ? I think this will be unpopular only to the PS4 fanboys though, so who cares about those morons ? :)
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Star Wars I, II & III are better than IV, V & VI; the Jedi/sith lore is better deloveped in the prequel. (exept Jarjar and the pod racing thing, both of those things are wrong)
Luke skywalker is the WORST character of the series. even Jabba the hutt had more personality.
Star wars: The force unleashed, are both (1>2), great games.
Star Wars universe > Star trek universe (not sure if unpopular)
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Dark Souls is for nerds who like to boost their poor ego with a difficult game and the game itself uses the difficulty to mask the shortness by rendering every minute a stupid trial & error.
Also i think that full no kill stealth runs are boring and are rather trial & error runs.
I prefer autohealing over medikits and checkpoints over quicksaving. Contrary to popular beliefs, games in the 90's weren't longer, more polished or harder than today. Crap was sold before and crap is sold today.
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I have only played Demons' Souls, and i like it. Though it isn't for the difficulty, i find the game charming in its nature, the "slowness", for the lack of better words. I like seeing my character and my enemies, approaching each others in steady step, i'm waiting for him to make the move to strike back. It is poetic in a sense, you know, and combine it with the game's dense, bleak atmosphere and a subtle storyline, hidden in the details...damn, i just like it.
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Dark Souls is awesome, but the difficulty is just too much, no excuses. It can be beautiful even without being so punitive, i don't see why making a game so hard just to please a few nerds who think themselves they are cool because they can complete the game while blindfolded.
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If it would suck then it would mean that the game has only a high difficulty to offer that compensate a poor gameplay, which is obviously false.
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Opinions = facts
Wow some people here...
If you can't handle the game don't play it.
"high difficulty to offer that compensate a poor gameplay"
NO just no dude, you don't know what a great gameplay is, it's not the mechanics, but the overall experience. For example Skyrim got a lot of stuff in the game, a lot of variety how to play it, but It's just too easy IMO. I don't want to do millions of things at once, upgrade zillions of stats and do thousands of quests etc., something more straightforward is much more enjoyable for me and Dark Souls is a perfect choice.
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It's always nice to read just what we want to read.
"high difficulty to offer that compensate a poor gameplay, WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY FALSE"
Being less frustrating (frustrating =/= difficult) would mean a more intense game without having to repeate the same levels over and over again. High difficulty is fine, but in DS you can waste an hour of game just because you made a little mistake and you got back to the checkpoint at the opposite side of the level, erasing any progress whatsoever. This is not fun nor challenging at all, is just pure trial & error until you succeed.
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Of course you will, i'm just giving my opinion which, in fact, is about the topic.
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I think what he means is that he likes a challenge in games. You do not seem to like it as much, that is where your opinions seem to differ on.
Its a bit obvious neither of you are willing to budge from your opinions either :P So.. I would say just leave it at that :P
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ever wanted to express an opinion on something but afraid of getting backlashed, well not here (maybe).
simple, post an opinion of yours that goes against the mainstream, not just about vydia games, but anything.
i personally think pokemon is incredibly overrated, and the franchise has been the same thing oever and over again but with more pokemons, except for X Y where they finally did a change. and yes i played it and liked it, but its not something i would get hyped so much about.
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