Are you staying the @#$! home? [Hint: there's only one correct answer for most people -- and if you get it right, it means that you have an excuse to just play all of the junk that you win :D]
Always a pleasure playing your events! Now excuse me, I'll need a shower...
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Ha ha ha...glad you liked it. I realized that I had a lot of Russian-themed trash games, so I thought it would be funny to put them all together on one themed page. Plus, it's another excuse to use more Putin/Trump graphics (oh, and I almost forgot...Hillary on there too with glowing red eyes...🤣🤣🤣🤣).
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I personally don't know or talk to grez1 but I want to thank this person for always making gifts on here for the community. And he always have cool events for the community. Recently he did the trash giveaway which was cool. Trash game or not it was still nice of him to make so many and giving people a chance to win.
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Hey, DarkCobra, you're very welcome! I'm just glad that these things bring people some joy. We could all use some right now. I think that the very concept of Steamgifts is a good one...a collective of people coming together to simply be generous in a way that makes other people happy, whether they know the people they're making happy or not. I try to really embrace that concept and find new ways to keep bringing this community together. I just feel like that's what keeps the whole thing working...others around here have inspired me over the past three years, and so I've tried to live up to those standards. ✌🏻😎👍🏻
Best of luck with the RNG for all of the GAs! Only a little over 24 hours to go!
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Finally had time to go through the trasure hunt thoroughly and enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks alot grez!
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You're welcome! Glad that you were able to sneak in at the end of this one!
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Thanks for the (absurd(ly ambitious!)) event. Haven't gone on a pixel hunt like that since looking for Waldo/Wally/Holger as a kid. I definitely wasn't as effective as the people who are able to tell exactly how many they found, as I only found maybe 6 or 7 high-tier bundled and 2 non-bundled games, but seeing a concept like this pulled off was really fun. Good work!
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Thank you for the event. Always enjoy doing them. :)
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Thanks for your dedication grez1. I had a lot of fun
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Yep, Looks like I have 3-4 that are messed up. I'll be getting to them in just a few minutes. 👍🏻
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10 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by Carenard
109 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by Reidor
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3,602 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by pizurk
49 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by quijote3000
72 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by Griske14
Well, the event has ended, the keys have been sent, and most winners have already registered them! Thanks to everyone who played, and I hope that you had a good time! Congrats to all of the winners of junk and not-junk!
For those of you who got a revoked key and notified me about it, I've already put in delete requests. A couple of you have already sent me friend invites on Steam, and I've accepted...we'll IM later and I'll get you consolation prizes. Any requests for re-rolls have already been submitted to the mods as well. As soon as all of the above things are processed, I'll update the top of this thread, and will communicate directly with people whenever necessary.
In the meantime, stay home, stay safe, and play video games! Cheers!
That's right, everyone, the latest event is finally here! Welcome to...
Grez's Junk Jamboree™ 2020!
With the current year basically being canceled, we need things to do while we shelter in place! Amidst all of the mess of this event are one hundred eighty-one giveaways!
If you're familiar with my trash events, you may be asking, "Yo, Grez, what happened to the Trash Tornado™?" Well, I started to make another, and then I realized that I was running out of good tornado graphics, and it just wasn't shaping up to be as much fun. So, I thought I'd try something slightly different, but with tons of absurdist potential. And so the Junk Jamboree was born!
The fun begins when you open the slide show and start stepping through the insanity. All of the GAs are hidden behind objects that are part of the slides in the deck. Most of them are pretty obvious, but some are a little bit harder to see. Search each slide carefully to be sure that you found them all. The GA breakdown is as follows:
So, for those of you who keep lists and things, if you find all 181 links in the deck, you should have revealed all of the better and non-bundle GAs as well. Be sure to take a quick look at each GA while you're busy clicking on the enter button so that you don't miss them!
All junk GAs are level 1+, which means that the entry bar is set low so that lots of people can participate, but you can't be a 100% leecher. You need to have given at least a little bitty bit back to the community. For the "better" bundled GAs, you need to be level 2+. And, for the non-bundled GAs, you need to be level 3+.
Level 2 is a piece of cake. If you're not there, you can easily be there in 24-48 hours for about five bucks, BTW. Level 3 still isn't hard...I hit level 3 before the end of my first month on Steamgifts. So, if you want to up your game, now's the time to give back to the world while we're all self-isolating!
The train is running for one week (expires at noon CST April 11th), so you have plenty of time to find all of the junk.
As always, "junk" is a relative term. Some of the junk is actually pretty good junk. Others...well, they're literally unmitigated garbage. You'll have to sort through it all and make the decision as to which is which for yourself. Or don't, and just enter everything. With this stuff, entering for a +1 is a completely acceptable motivation. Either way, it's all good by me. 😉
Ok, that's everything that you really need to know. I suppose that means that its time for you to enter the Jamboree! Have fun!
P.S. I just found out that dys added five bonus gibs in the slides! I have no idea where they are, so I'll be looking for them too! Anyway, that brings the GA total up to 186 for the whole thing. Good luck!
P.S.S. Also, today, April 4th, is my birthday. I have a little 24-hour jigidi GA running, so go have some fun with that, too. :)
Additional notes:
Once again, a million thanks to dys, who helped with this event by converting my insane Powerpoint art into a navigable browser-based presentation. I absolutely could not have gotten this done without him being involved, at least not at this level of quality. He took time out from his own personal chaos to help me out with this. So everyone please send some love his way. Send him all of your trash keys! (Ok, actually, don't because he hates that In any case, he was instrumental to this event, so please tell him thanks when you get a chance.
Everything was tested on both Chrome and Edge, and both worked 100%. Some of the load times may be a few seconds...this is normal, because I have a crap-ton of graphics in here (and I took the time to compress things as much as possible, but it's still a lot). Just take a breath and be patient if it's a little slow, and it will load momentarily. Also, I strongly suggest that you play this on a PC or at least a large's not going to be a good experience on a phone or other small screen.
This kind of event is the perfect time for me to "clean house" in terms of old/weird/forgotten keys. Some of these are really old. I also am (finally!) cleaning out almost every last remaining Otaku/Gogobundle key from my spreadsheet. Anything included here was checked against the removed games list before the GAs were created, so everything should be ok. However, with this many GAs, and with quite a few keys being old, the chances are pretty good that something somewhere may not go according to plan. If that happens, I ask that you understand and allow me to delete any problematic GAs. If this happens to you, I will try to find a consolation prize for you, which I will gift directly to you via Steam IM.
Fun fact: I had to ask the mods to re-add at least 9 different games to complete this list of junk GAs. So there are at least that many removed games in this event, but probably around double that...just in case you're a removed games collector and you care. 🤣👍🏻
Also, the appearance of political figures/royalty/etc. is just me being silly. You should not read any political statement or suggestion into anything, because there isn't one. The whole thing is supposed to just be bizarre and absurd, so please interpret everything with the mirth with which it was intended, ok? Nothing but love for everyone's country/culture/etc. We're all in this mess together right now. 😁 🤜🏼🤛🏼
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