I have an iPhone 4 on iOS 5.1.1 and I want to upgrade to iOS 6.1, but I have one concern.

I upgraded to iOS 6.0.1 before, but the battery drain was so terrible, normally if I unplug my fully charged iPhone from a power source for a few hours, it'd go down to around 80%, but if it's on iOS 6.0.1, it'd go down to merely 20%.

iOS 6.1 was out some time ago, it was said to fix that problem for some users, but I fear this may not work for mine.

So, should I upgrade to iOS 6.1?

1 decade ago*

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I'm sticking with 5.1.1.
iOS 6.1 isn't anything better than 6.0.1, no use upgrading until a stable update.

Also, backup your SHSH blobs if you are going to be downgrading if you decide to upgrade.

1 decade ago

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I don't think this upgrade is great. I prefer 5.1.1.Programs run smoothly on 5.1.1. But I have heard that there is an improvement of siri from os 5 to os 6. so...i have no idea and that just depends...

1 decade ago

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You've gotta ask yourself, what was fixed from 6.01 to 6.1?

Apple's IOS currently has a Lot of Problems. Wait for next update, and see if they have fixed Some of the Problems. If next update still has the main issues with BATT. & 3G then wait for the next, next update.


1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by simonli2575.