Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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the good the bad and the ugly .-.

7 years ago

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Some documentaries

Fantasia Lusitana
Alright, so...this one isn't really a documentary.
it's around one hour of archive footage, in Portugal, during and slightly after WW2.
It's propaganda footage, slightly humorously edited intertwined with the opposite perspective, or rather the real Portugal seen by other countries.
Portugal, shown as a powerfull country , a country of culture, with promising future ,workers with aptitude, happiness, heaven for refugees, and retreat for the European political and cultural elite during the war. All Thanks to Sr. Doutor Salazar.
I love the inclusion of Nau Portugal, i think it relates with the the Portuguese dream...but look how the common folk work hard to put that ship back up even though its clearly uneven
A Certain Kind of Death
Ever wondered what happens to people who die with no next of kin? Well, i wasn't particularly interested aside from morbid curiosity, and i think ive learn a little from this long and usually unsuccessful task.
It is thorough, from the moment they get contacted from vile smells of a decomposed body, to them searching the deceased house for family connections or death preparations, and the incredibly long time, they hold the bodies in hope someone comes.oh, and you get a pretty good a idea of the degradation of a space when someone is slowly dying alone.
Man vs Snake: The Long and Twisted Tale of Nibbler
Simultaneously depressing and inspiring. This is Rocky of the everyday game nerd.
Tim McVey held down the record for longest marathon/ highest score at Nibbler.
When reports state he was beat by Zanetti, it lifts up competion for a rather obcure video game, Tim and Daiwne are decided to prove they can beat Zanetti and hold am important land mark in their lifes.
Turns out no one else cares anymore and at 40+yo he is far from the mental and physical state to endure a 40+hour straight gameplay session.
There is no wild crowds, no money, no popularity, just honor.
I would easier bet on a heart attack. but some guy already beat the score with more than 50 hours of play. I feel this game should have been harder.

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7 years ago

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I just watched Arrival. And if you haven't yet, but are interested in science fiction / space or linguistics in the least, I highly recommend you to watch it. Stunning visuals (though in cool colours/tones), a great performance by Amy Addams, a good soundtrack (sometimes a bit over-the-top) and last but not least an interesting plot with a surprising twist. Shortly before the end I was afraid that the twist or the details would be explained to the viewer more than necessary (as if the viewer is dumb), but instead it was just an additional collection of pictures for the emotional atmosphere. Awesome and story-wise/inspirationally much better than most sci-fi movies of the last years.

Though I hate it to read a book after seeing a movie version, I'll have to read the novel "Story of your life" by Ted Chiang on which the movie is based for hopefully gathering even more inspiration.

7 years ago

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Watched Hush. It was surprisingly decent.

7 years ago

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Yeah, I didn't think I'd watch the full movie. It was predictable but I liked it.

7 years ago

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Eastern Promises... Fantastic movie!

7 years ago

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Viggo Mortenson was such a badass in this movie.

7 years ago

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Totally, I really enjoyed his character

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Get Out was great.Hope you enjoy:)

7 years ago

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I really enjoyed watching Get Out. They're both awesome movies in their own way.

7 years ago

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Get Out-Hilarious, insightful, poignant, and even though it was predictable to me I enjoyed it completely.

Swiss Army Man-Really unconventionally funny, dark but beautiful humor.

7 years ago

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Always wanted to watch both of those. Still haven't.

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7 years ago

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Yeah, I really enjoyed the first half of Swiss Army Man. By the end it felt a bit too weird; sort of lost its appeal.

7 years ago

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War for the Planet of the Apes

7 years ago

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They say it's decent, but the last one i saw was Hamlet with Apes

7 years ago

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It's a decent movie. I would say 8/10. But how many people, so many opinions ^^

7 years ago

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Pirates of the carrbean: on stranger tides.

7 years ago

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It took me, 3 Weeks to watch the full series for the first time. And i think im counting Freddy Vs Jason, because Sean S. Cunningham is the Producer

Friday the 13th
on a technical level it's the best one, just not the most enjoyable
Every thing that is an icon to the series, aside from Jason's mother came after this. Besides it's a rip off of halloween, and even though it's grounded, and suspenseful, if you compare it to Carpenter or Wes Craven, it really isn't that special
Friday the 13th Part 2
It's my favorite. Still suspenseful it also has the best Jason, not in design, losing Tom Savini who did work on the first movie.
It has the best group of teens in this franchise, so much so i remember the director forgot to kill some of them. if that really happened that's a major oversight
Friday the 13th Part III
I knew very little about the sequels, so i thought this would be the point i would give up
mind you it's far from the worst, but the only gimmick is the outdated 3D, and...well Hockey mask Jason.
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
Second best. A great conclusion to the original quadrilogy, but if we must go on with this cash grabbing series, it's good to know this marks the introduction of Tommy Jarvis, the real final girl of the series, present in part IV,V, VI...played by different actors, he is a kid here, played by Corey Feldman
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning
Jarvis weird teenage years, still messed up from his encounter with Jason.
Jason as been defeated, and he is mostly out of this picture...yeah, one of those, where the killer has superpowers even though he is a normal guy...again, this is a comedy.
one of the worst movies in the series, he has a transition from suspense to campy, and now a failed attempt at a comedy filled schlockfest.
At Least i know what the director was aiming for, and he did stay true to the series roots of violence and nudity...believe me, there is a worse movie than this.
Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI
Final movie of the Jarvis trilogy, a good way to end it.
Not the best way to begin with.Jarvis inadvertently brings jason from the dead (why did it had to be Jarvis) and with this we get undead Jason.
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood
Kane Hodder´s Jason, and this is the best one in design with the exposed torso.
Unfortunately nothing particularly interesting in this one. One memorable character with telekinetic powers, that's the gimmick
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
More like, Jason catches a boat ride, crashes a party filled with 30 yo teenagers, and eventually arrived at MANHATTAN.
It could also be called inept. The boat is ridiculously small for the amount of locations used, and it might as well have 3 different endings because it would have made no difference.
Jason punches dude´s head clean off
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
you thought you were going to watch Jason fight is way out of hell? what the hell gave you that idea.
No, apparently Jason doesn't need a body anymore, he can possess people now.
Which means a lot of violence isn't super effective, but it does have a couple of moments where the effects are a cheaper version of Hellraiser or that freakish toxic accident in Robocop.
IX and X, are the "So Bad it's Good Jason" with that said, this one didn't work for me
Jason X
its ok guys, all he wanted was his machete back!
Actually i did watch this one as a kid, and i still think it's very watchable and charming.Despite being one of the dumbest movie i've ever seen
Jason was cryogenically frozen for scientific purposes, except he was never frozen at all and decides to wake up in the year 2455
Cronenberg is killed in the opening minutes, no doubt that was something on his "to do list".
This is the movie where the kill count was so high, Jason had to kill two Holograms to fill up some time...brilliant...
Freddy vs. Jason
I find this genre to be particularly lazy, but i would be lying if i said i didn't find movies like this and AVP somewhat enjoyable.
It happens to be to 90 mins dedicated to violence. Other than that you got yourself a thin plot, where Freddy happened to get the spotlight, probably not because it's New Line´s own proprietary, but more due to the fact you can set up everything rather quickly and not in an overly complicated manner, add some cardboard cut out characters, and you got a movie, that is solely about Jason and Freddy killing teens and fight each other. It gets boring fast. The soundtrack is fucking awful.
Friday the 13th
forgettable, aside from some neat deaths.
Marcus Nispel always rehashes the old material to connect with the youngest audience. Result is more sex talk and recreational drugs than any of the series. While the rest is unsurprisingly the same. It's not bad...just really boring, unlike Conan Remake,

Part II > Part IV > Part VI > Part I > Part VII > FvJ > Part X > Part IX > RE > Part III > Part V > Part VIII

7 years ago*

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good effort.

7 years ago

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Train to Busan yesterday, randomly remembered I still hadn't watched it. Really sad horror movie.

7 years ago

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Inglourious Basterds was sniff of goodness.

7 years ago

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Saving Mr. Banks
I just knew the topic, but I had no idea how the movie will be. It's a pretty good movie that benfits from the good cast and even if its slightly over two hours long never feels too slow.

7 years ago

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Red Turtle Artstyle was great, idea too, but... bashing turtle in a head and tipping it over, watching it die slowly in the sun for 2 days to turn into redhead which wants to have baby with you was too much of insanity to me

7 years ago

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Al pacino's And justice for all, Al pacino has two movies that i think make everyone disappointed of law school, The devil's advocate and this one XD

7 years ago

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Lion. This movie bring tears to my eyes, it was beautiful and really well done.

Last time i recall being emotional was probably with Beasts of the Southern Wild.

7 years ago

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Just because of the ending 8/10
That ending got me bad I didn't actually thought they'd do that ;(

7 years ago

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Mag 7

7 years ago

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The Room

no questions needed.

7 years ago

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Just ordered Planet Earth 2 from eBay

Pretty hyped to see it! Don't usually watch or like Disney movies but I watched Moana on Netflix and just had to buy the Blu Ray, great film

7 years ago

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The Fate of the Furious

It reminded me of the action movies of the 80s and 90s big action silly plot.

7 years ago

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Baby Driver - A+ film
The long awaited sequel to baby boss that fills in the blanks of how Boss Baby (Alec Baldwin) arrives at Tim's home, who knew it was so complex? Definitely a modern classic of cinema
The trailer for the lazy people

7 years ago

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I only know of this movie because of RLM

7 years ago*

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No just kidding.

7 years ago

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Thor: The Dark World

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I despise snuff films, Martyrs is an exception, i love this movie

7 years ago

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Two other revenge movies I recently watched: Les 7 jours du talion and The Tortured.

For tonight I have this one ready: Ils

7 years ago

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i've only seen Ils, it's an alright home invasion movie.

7 years ago

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