Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Lethal Weapon 3/4
Just finished the series, and since both are bad movies, i should just tackle both at the same time.
All these series are made to follow the same structure and plot points (makes you wonder, how they accomplished 4 of these)
So 3 is complete garbage, as it is missing some of those important points, with its biggest fail being a lame villain.
But then 4 was not much better, if 3 does it partially, 4 doubles down on everything.
It was just too much cheese for my weak heart to bare :(
Café Society
It was good, a bit emotional and has that awkwardness i like from Woody Allen's movies.
Doesn't leave a huge impression, except for the last few minutes.
Some of the sets were a bit claustrophobic.
Blood Father
It's taken for a more mature audience but just as formulaic.
Which means its less fun, because it takes itself too seriously for what it is, though if someone would tie me up to a chair, i would watch this over any taken sequel

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7 years ago

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here are 2 bio movies that are the opposite of each other
The Walk
The walk is a pointless story that eventually culminates in the famous walk across the World Trade Center.
As most Zemeckis works, its a breathtaking moment. Unfortunately, the reasons and circumstances that lead somewhere are, what gives significance to that exact moment. which this movie doesn't understand.
Clint Eastwood provides an interesting view, over all the transitions in Sully life. It's like a clash of different perspectives and lifestyles with the introduction of the media.
The actual landing is given the TV dramatization, and in the end it staggers with the typical good/bad guy for the end of the investigation

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7 years ago

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I finally watched Suicide Squad.

I now understand why people dislike it. It feels cheap and outdated for such a modern movie. There is a lot of wasted potential for sure. It entertained me anyway, though, mainly because of the cast.:)

7 years ago

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I felt Ayer wanted to make a very expensive B-movie.

7 years ago

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I watched Sleeping Beauty a couple of days ago. It amused me a bit cause it felt like it was a gang doing a roleplay.

The day after I watched Beauty and the Beast also on youtube, it was more serious version, until I realized it was missing the ending. Thanks for directing me to a page I have to register with credit card to see the ending. Maybe I will search for another version when I get bored to see the whole movie.

7 years ago

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Passengers. ^ ^

7 years ago

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I watched this before bed last night.
Did you like it? I thought it was a little boring and just OK at best.

7 years ago

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I really liked it! :D

7 years ago

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Joy (2015)
David O. Russell spins his familiar web of wacky characters and family dysfunction with his muse Jennifer Lawrence yet again stretching credibility as a far older protagonist than her actual age allows. The verbal jousting and the testy relationships that we have come to expect from Russell are all here, but their forced nature just doesn't come over as convincing. The contrived situations tax the character interactions and the dynamics beyond breaking point, to the extent where certain scenes slip into the absurd and almost surreal. I doubt this was intentional. The narrative suffers for this. It's a bit of a hot, uncomfortable mess.

Whiplash (2014)
Finally got to see this after watching the drop dead gorgeous La La Land (completely deserving of all the accolades it has had lavished on it, btw). There's not much I can add to the praise, director Damien Chazelle knows what he is doing, the film is a brilliantly conceived and stunningly executed performance from start to the very final closing scene. And what a masterstroke of an ending. Perfect.

Suicide Squad (2016)
Urgh. What a vile, detestable, cynically engineered preposterous piece of trash. The D.C. universe sadly never got the custodian it deserved with the one-dimensional Zack Snyder overseeing the arrival of the Justice League, but as flawed as the latter's work is (Man of Steel, Batman V Superman, specifically), there is at least a certain earnestness to it. I at least get the impression that Snyder cares about and believes in his work, as misguided as he may be. Not so here with David Ayer. I find it hard to conceive of a way in which a film could show less respect for the intelligence of its audience than the utter cynicism and vapid insipidness on display here. (Yes, even horny teenage boys deserve better.) Truth be told, there's not a lot that I do not find objectionable in some form, from the dull as dishwater Joel Kinnaman jostling with Will Smith for position of nondescript tough guy lead, to laughably miscast Clara Dewhatsherface and a camera perpetually stuck in focus on Margot Robbie's bottom. And don't get me started on Nu Joker and the series of flashbacks that are supposed to explain his unsettling relationship with Harley Quinn. Even when measured to the standard of the bonkers throwaway "plot" for this garish two hour music video, those scenes actually had me saying out loud, "What the actual fuck?!" --which I think sums up this cruel joke of a film pretty well.

Big Hero 6 (2014)
I watched this wondering at what point exactly Disney swallowed Marvel Studios and how that manifested itself in this film, but then I found out after watching that this was actually an animated Marvel featured released by Disney. This explains a lot. Anyways, this was an okay flick, I guess.

Rogue One (2016)
I finally got to catch this on the big screen. What is there left to say after a billion Star Wars nerds cried out (their Internet opinions) and are still not silenced? (<-- well, I'm just one of them, heh). Not a whole lot, but I'll say this. The film carries the subtitle: "A Star Wars Story". This is actually the most fitting and perfect description of this not-quite-Star-Wars film. Why I say this is because Star Wars on the big screen, for better or worse, was always about that Old Story of Good vs. Evil, the Light Side vs. the Dark Side of the Force. It's almost as if the force as the driving narrative element was reserved for the proper sequels and off limits, and thus unavailable for use in this film, which is pretty bizarre. A Star Wars film that does not center on the great struggle--as simplistic (and actually pretty silly) as it is--between the Light and the Dark Side may have been, for whatever reason, the calculated gamble here, but it just didn't pan out. Sure, we have echoes of the force here and there, brief occasional cameo appearances, but much like how John Williams' iconic music was sorely missed in this title (his substitute trying his darnedest best at offering us soundalikes that just failed to deliver), it was the absence of the force that made itself felt in this film much more than anything else. Rogue One is a not bad action film set in the Star Wars universe, and as such a perfectly passable Star Wars story. Too bad it just doesn't manage to be what I would call a true Star Wars film.

7 years ago*

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Django Unchained
Rewatched it on TV, on a Non HD channel in fact.
The movie itself is great, not among his best but certainly the funniest.
It always manages to keep its exploitation roots alive, even with the bloodbath at the end and the explosion just as the credits roll.
It ends has a celebration over all that over stylized violence.
Now, for me i would rather cut those last 10 min near the end, where Django has to return to the ranch.
David Mamet and Danny DeVito, turning FIST obsolete.
Once again, DeVito couldn't resist to end the movie in a rather, mean spirited joke...its part of the course for him. But it actually works fairly well
It's really good, though i would rather avoid praising Ron Howard. Not while he is still scamming us with this Dan Brown bullshit

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7 years ago

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Due Date
"Dad... You were like a father to me."

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7 years ago

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Streets of Fire
I would say, half of it is incredibly enjoyable.
I mean, it's a self entitled Rock fable, set in some future neon where the 50s never went out of style.
With Rick Moranis and Willem Dafoe. That is an authentic setting as well has a solid cast.
The biggest fault and the reason why Diane Lane got her razzie, Which doesn't even make sense if the actor has nothing to work with, is that the overly simplistic and almost dreamlike experience collides with a more down to earth plot, that requires character relation.
The Warriors
I don't "dig it" as much as i should.
I'll be the first to admit this movie is flawed, sometimes it doesn't even hit the right notes...i still want to believe someone somewhere, will give this project the right treatment, the same way they did with Westworld, But for now this is all i got, and so i still hold it dearly and close to my heart.
Seriously, i don't know why this wouldn't be good material for a TV series
It would be interesting, to see the world where everything is a reminder of the insignificance of one individual compared to the conglomerate, rather than just the Coliseum style games.

Oh, and i went to see Assassin's Creed, I got nothing to say, it's really bad, i've seen worse.

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7 years ago

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I was cautiously optimistic about AssCreed: The Movie because I loved director Justin Kurzel's version of Macbeth, but after the film was widely panned by everyone, I just feeling like saving my money and not bothering with it. Shame.

7 years ago

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This was probably the only game adaptation not directed by an hack, atleast until the upcoming Portal.
He even brought his cinematographer.

7 years ago

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Last Knights
The procedure to americanize asian movies with whatever prolific actors you can find, independently of role, is well known.
This time, the studio went further and hired a director well known for his hot garbage and took away his signature color scheme, leaving us with just, Garbage.
The movie itself is half medieval courtroom drama, with some action bits later on. From what is supposed to be a remake of 47 Ronin
Hell or High Water
By far my favorite movie this year.
It's such a great feeling when you don't want to see the major plot point, but rather just follow all these great characters around. Sort of like my experience with Twin Peaks.
You want to know something cool, this and Battlefield Earth share the same cinematographer, Crazy...i know!
The Hunted
If you want to see a Rambo clone, by the director of The Exorcist, this would be it, but...
There is no real reason to watch it, Friedkin is not that great with these stories of Legend...but he did add a very solid chase scene

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7 years ago*

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I just watched that new Ghostbusters movie on cable. It was just painful to watch. I had to force myself to sit through the whole thing.

One of the things it did was reinforce my beliefs that Melissa McCarthy should NEVER be allowed in front of a camera. Ever.
Also that Hollywood NEEDS to be held to a higher standard and never be allowed to greenlight crap like that ever again.

That movie has officially become the second worst movie I have ever seen in my life. The first STILL being Adam and Eve vs the cannibals. It actually knocked Ghosts of Mars off that spot. Something I actually thought was never going to happen. Dear GOD, was was that awful.

Do yourselves a favor and NEVER watch that piece of shit.

7 years ago

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It cant be worse than Jack & Jill

7 years ago

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Oh, believe me, it was. It was FAR worse.

7 years ago

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Just seing the name "Melissa McCarthy" makes me want to hate every movie she's in. She's annoying and has really annoying face, plus she's fat. Now I don't have anything against fat people, but she seems to be fat and proud about it, which annoys me. I ... I just don't know. I'm annoyed by her.

Although, Spy (2015) was pretty good for a comedy. Probably because many other, actually funny people in it.

Also I hate Amy Schumer. Just pure hatred on these two.

7 years ago

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Phenomena, aka Creepers (dumb title if you ask me) in the US. A big inspiration for Clock Tower - underrated in my opinion, definitely worth a watch if you're a fan of horror.

7 years ago

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My local cinema is having "Japanese film festival" (6 days, 6 films all free). So decided to try it out and today's film was Hospitality Department. It's really nice and fun film a bit cringy at times. Would rate it ~8.5.

P.S. it's perfect date material. Got asked out by a girl sitting next to me when the film ended.

7 years ago

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The Boy
Terrible movie, it was made on one "what if" question.
It's just so messy and generic, it's insufferable. The twist is fine, but not a good reason to stick through
Jump scares in not threatening moments are common, some terrible acting and barely any horror.I n fact the writer must have struggled because, the bad jump scares are nothing but dream sequences that hold no important meaning to the overall plot.
The Guardian
I can describe it has being a movie. there was nothing poorly made about it, but sure as hell didnt gave anything in return.
It just borrows from horror in general, there is some resemblance to Evil Dead but also his own work with Exorcist, in fact the soundtrack was eerie and fitting.
Kung Fu Panda 3
I've seen worse reasons for a sequel. At Least i get to see good animation...and Dreamworks gets their money back because this one tried really hard to sell it self to the Asian audience.
And to be honest is the best thing about it, the americanized subplot was rather lame
yawn...It's bad, it refuses to acknowledge its own narrative, let alone reality.
Someone should at least proofread this mess. At one point there is a line of dialogue that raises some questions, but the movie does not address it.
if you seen this: When the babysitter forces the kids to watch the sex tape she found, the liitle girl clearly states "Thats not mommy"
So...does Dad keep adult tapes with his mistress in his own house? who the hell still owns a VCR anyway

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7 years ago

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zootopia! and it was totally worth it! if you think it's just a kids movie, you missed out on the best disney movie ever made.

7 years ago

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Adversity tends to bring us closer to each other, but for one lonely farmer living on the remote fields of Iceland, that person person might just be his worst enemy.
To Live and Die in L.A.
Another masterfully crafted Friedkin movie, always packing a punch when it needs to.
I have one small problem with this movie, has i never really understood Masters.
A man of his line of work should definitely be more precautions, but i got the feeling he always had all the pieces but never attempted to solve the puzzle.
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
Its mere existence is already a plot hole. That's what these movies are ... plot holes for the sake of plot convenience
Always a case of good writing when you add man sized vents to easily move the characters to the point of interest...but better yet is too have them in the recluses dorms of your top secret facility.
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
The movie that opens with all the set pieces and slowly dies afterwards.
That must have been one of the lowest key endings i've ever witnessed. It just ends!

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7 years ago*

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Rogue Nation one of the best action movies of the last decade imo.

7 years ago

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I've only just started reading through this thread (starting from the most recent pages). Just wanted to say thanks for writing so many reviews!

7 years ago

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Hmm.. probably The Eternal Jew was the last one I watched with my imaginary gf, It wasn't that good but I would rate it 9/10

7 years ago

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Black Mass (2015) - Very good biographical gangter/drama type of movie starring Johnny Depp. The atmosphere and music was especially great. 8/10

Looper (2012) - Amazing action/crime movie starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt. Great photographs, music and action sequences. Also, the atmosphere is outstanding. Plot is also original. Recommended. 9/10

Dream House (2011) - Good thriller starring Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz and Naomi Watts. 7/10

Zootopia (2016) - Great animated movie, period. 9/10

Jackie (2016) - Saw it in the cinema. It's a movie about the wife of John F. Kennedy. It takes the viewer through the ordeal she had to go through after her husband was assassinated. It's rather heavy and definitely not for everyone, only for movie buffs. Oh, and the music was mesmerizing! 8/10

Rings (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Tons of plot holes, stupidities, annoyances and a whole lot of boredom. It wasn't horrible but wasn't good either. It had pretty good atmosphere, very good music and technically was done pretty well. But all the rest was rather weak. Only for the hard die fans of the genre. 4/10

7 years ago

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Whats the deal with soft reboots adding an (-s) to the original title?

7 years ago

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It's not a reboot though...

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Tomorrowland and the movie is almost a joke.. It's pretty boring as a whole, Lots of potential lost and is a straight line very predictable.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Ben-Hur (2016)
Couldn't finish it, but overall i'm happy knowing Bekmambetov won't ever get work in hollywood after this failure.
Wish him the best but i have a group of friends who love his movies, Wanted and that Abraham Lincoln Vampire crap and i'm just happy not to watch any of that ever again.
As for this remake, it's not laughably bad, rather its consistently boring, the best way to describe it is has a collection of the best scenes in Ben-hur but without the context.
Of Course, there are still moments where the camera can't focus on anything...someone must have a short attention span.
You have rastafarian Morgan Freeman.
And the dialogue can be quite jarring

The Killing Joke
Maybe i should start by saying WB has had better animation in the past, even the Justice league movies add less stilted action.
As for the plot, it suffers from a bad first half and then gets progressively better with the introduction of Joker.
Except then you are forgetting Barbara´s arc, and her soon to be transition to Oracle. That should be one of the most important plots in the movie.
And what do they do? They stuck her with a z-tier level villain.
PS: The Joker flashbacks reminded me of Eraserhead, The hair, the way he talks, the house they live in...

Bridge of Spies
I've always prefered the Spielberg B-movies but i got to say, i thought this was more enjoyable than Schindler's List
Please dont kill me
EDIT: I just noticed it was written by the Coen brothers

Golgo 13 (1983)
The Japanese version of James Bond pushes the alpha male character a bit to far.
Duke being a ruthless hitman i liked. The silent protagonist with zero charisma, not so much.
At Least it looks great. And to be honest the same type of villain has been recycled many times in anime, but its one i always find solid.
Its actually interesting, they both are silent, focused and rutheless.

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7 years ago*

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The Killing Joke ending was great.

7 years ago

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Yeah but, that is part of the comic, although it's easier to understand with the small details in the scene compared to still pictures

7 years ago

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Jack Reacher 2, aka Tom Cruise by Tom cruise starring Tom Cruise. Really bad.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Doctor Strange. Fairly good movie, had to watch in german though, which sucks cause the german VA's suck, alot.

7 years ago

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