Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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The Terminal. Good movie, but this was a while ago. I have a shitty attention span so sitting still in one place for more than an hour is difficult, otherwise I'd watch way more movies.

7 years ago

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Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) - Very good movie, I don't understand the hate. Same goes for Jar Jar Binks, character like any other. Acting of certain actors could have been better and the movie is predictable but like I said, it was a very enjoyable watch. 8/10

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones (2002) - Worse than the previous one but still pretty good. The weakest one in the trilogy though. 7/10

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (2005) - Great movie, the best in the trilogy. 9/10

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) - Classic, timeless motion picture that's great all around. 9/10

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - Another classic, as good as the previous one. 9/10

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi (1983) - Great ending to the trilogy. 9/10

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) - I didn't know what to expect and I was pleasantly surprised. It's as good as the classics imo, great movie all around, very enjoyable. 9/10

7 years ago

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2nd time yesterday & agree 9/10

7 years ago

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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, WTF 6/10

7 years ago

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Capture The Flag (2015) - Very good Spanish animated movie, on Disney/Dreamworks/Pixar level to be honest. Very enjoyable. 8/10

Donnie Brasco (1997) - Amazing crime/drama starring Al Pacino and Johnny Deep. Classic. 9/10

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) - Overrated. Decent at best. Very predictable, slow (the ending was killing me lol) plus the alien was more creepy than cute. 6/10

Inside Out (2015) - One of the best animated movies I've ever seen, absolute greatness. 9/10

Tomorrowland (2015) - Very good movie for teenagers starring George Clooney. It was a lot better than I had expected. 8/10

Westworld (1973) - Good sci-fi/western with a hint of action. Can't wait for the HBO series that's gonna be based on this. First episode out tomorrow! 7/10

7 years ago

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ET is the only Spielberg movie i havent seen. It might actually be the most famous one, lol.
It just passes by my radar every time

7 years ago

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Don't Breathe
Mixed feelings.
A fresh idea with a slightly altered home invasion plot. Its tense from beginning to end, which is very rare, only movies like Alien can keep me glued to the screen like that.
They did cover a lot of ground for something this simple. And payed very close atention to the small details, in a way that i found very rewarding.
Its in fact very tastefully done, though not exactly on pair with carpenter's halloween.
The location is well represented and used, the gritty look + characters fit perfectly.
I would even go as far as to say, these are real horror characters, you dont relate with them but you do sympathise, the path horror characters choose is not far from reality, except in horror, they right away face the concequences of their actions.
Then there is "money" which plays any important factor in the movie, and again just reminding you this is set on a bankrupt city
You have the old man, which is a joson vorhees type character who has the money but desperatly searches to find any happiness in a world that no longer cares for him, and then kids who have their whole life in front of them but their refusal to take action and take hold of their future, leads them on a destructive path to take away the money they never fought to earn.

But lets be real, this movie is flawed. In a way that could have been easily avoided but, for whatever reason Fede decides to shine a light over some major plot holes
Had the ending been different, those questions would never be raised

Problem is, there is more to this movie than meets the eye. It might not be concerned in passing across a plausible story but rather a lesson in morality.

7 years ago*

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Mixed feelings and you rated it 9/10? Personally I loved it as I'm a huge fan of such flicks :)

7 years ago

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Second viewing and then edited the final score.
I made a thread about it, concerning my problem, and my possible solution of what the movie is about

7 years ago

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Last Shift
Low budget horror flick.
Not exactly creative tbh. Carpenter himself has done a similar short movie.
Then there was 5 nights at freddy's, which was much more complex behind the scenes, even if it writes itself as it goes along.
Just Replace the animatronics with dead people, and some barely developed plot over a Satanic cult. Remember that every bad horror movie requires the most generic end plot twist...dont forget the jump scares, and grossout visuals to make it more edgy...there you have it, Last Shift
Dread was slighlty better than this

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7 years ago*

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Insidious Part 2 great movies

7 years ago

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It was either Goosebumps or Back to the Future.

Note: Totally was the first time I've ever seen Back to the Future. Not a bad movie, but I think it was way too over-hyped for me.

7 years ago

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The House on Pine Street
Not exactly Rosemary's Baby.
brings me memories of The Strangers, where the writing was better than the horror elements.
This was mostly fine. Starts off slow and promising with a strong tense relation between the couple and their adaptation to the new "house", their new life and soon to be born child.
It works, up until, the point where the actual horror begins. None of the writers seem that comfortable with it. the result is a combination of bad horror elements.
After one hour, it starts bringing some interesting ideas to the table and picks up tension. I have no idea why i had to suffer through almost 40min of Paranormal activity crap, that is more ridiculous than frighting.

Rosemary's Baby is effective on both, horror and psychological thriller and The House on Pine Street isnt.
Though, that's just my personal taste. I could watch the old Hammer psychological horror stuff, and still would think its way to long just for unnecessary build up.
But i do still think there is up to 30 min that could be removed and it would be just as effective.

EDIT: And this point we are just recycling old ideas with a more modern take on the genre. This movie is not as intelligent as it tries to perceive has

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7 years ago*

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I just finished watching Invictus

7 years ago

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Carandiru (2003) - Decent movie about Brazilian prison where eventually a riot happened and special forces were dispatched to deal with it which in turn resulted in a massacre. Nothing too special, there isn't much action, the story focuses mostly on relations between inmates and their lives prior to the incarceration. Still, a decent movie like I said. 6/10

Snatch (2000) - Amazing movie, classic at this point. Guy Ritchie is a great director. 9/10

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) - Yet another amazing movie directed by Guy Ritchie. If you like classic spy movies with good humor you will love this one. 9/10

The Finest Hours (2016) - Decent rescue movie but it's very, very predictable and bland. Still, not a bad watch. 6/10

Housebound (2014) - Good movie from New Zealand. It's a mix of horror, mystery and comedy. This mixture turns out to be good and the movie is just good. 7/10

The Girl On The Train (2016) - Saw it in the cinema today, it was very good mystery mixed with drama type of flick. I enjoyed it. 8/10

7 years ago

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Moon was an enjoyably low-key SF movie with good acting and an interesting premise, although I figured the "twist" out well before the end. It had a lot of squandered potential. 7/10

BrooklynThis was a sweet, lovely film on the surface, especially for someone who has a maternal Irish grandmother.It was also a study on the way society raised women back then and the way men and women interact, etc.At the same time, I didn't like how she behaved once she got to Ireland and deceived people and led them on but I can also understand why she did it, and empathize with how much potential the choices had for her. She was a capable, smart, underestimated young woman there before and suddenly everyone is seeing her for who she is and could be. 8/10

7 years ago

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Train to Busan, a South Korean zombie movie. Absolutely fantastic, I couldn't recommend it more. 10/10

7 years ago

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Killer Workout
Killer title, but that's the best it has to offer.
It's David A. Prior which SGifters may know has the director of Sega CD Night trap.
And while this is just as bad as his other movies, it fails for all the wrong reasons.
It should be an easy premise. If you have a killer on a gym, at the very least put the effort in creating gym related deaths
I laughed once in the entire movie supposedly the entire gym is run by a computer program, for someone to work manually, they need to type please first..."please, open the lockers". That's one sentient computer
2/10 - Just watch Deadly Prey
W.S. Anderson pretends to be Stallone, therefore makes his best movie.
I like ir, its just cheesy enough, it has some mild action, decent enough sets. Most of all, it has some Rambo vibes and even Rocky 4, for how far it takes the manly aspect.
There is one unnecessary flashback and a childish ending, though
Kurt Russell acts like he was going to win an oscar for this, because he is awesome.
Turkey Shoot
Ozploitation movie, where recluses have to survive being hunted to earn their freedom.
Don't expect Battle Royale.
First thing it went through my mind. Would this movie be well received post Hunger games. I looked through IMDB and the answer was NO
Black Snake Moan
This is either the saddest or the most fucked up exploitation movie i've seen.
Samuel L. Jackson is in it and he says "motherfucker" sometimes.
Christina Ricci is a nymphomaniac.

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7 years ago*

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I finally got around to watch Blade Runner, and it was... boring. The visuals, world and theme were nice, but the story was meh and the pacing was way to slow.

7 years ago

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The Lost Battalion

Imho a very good WWI combat movie.

7 years ago

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Don't Breathe (2016) - Saw it in the cinema. Amazing movie. It's basically home invasion type of flick. Dark, violent and full of suspense. Plus the female character is very beautiful. 9/10

Carrie (1976) - Just like with Suspiria, I don't get all the hype and "classic horror movie" tags. It's below average, boring, slow and very uninteresting. 4/10

Time Lapse (2014) - Amazing movie about time and future manipulation. If you like mind fucks where you have to think a lot make sure to watch this one. 9/10

Knight And Day (2010) - Good light action/comedy movie starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. 7/10

Iron Man (2008) - Great superhero kind of movie. Robert Downey Jr. is amazing, great humor, cute Gwyneth Paltrow, tons of action. Well, just pure fun. 9/10

Iron Man 2 (2010) - As great as the first one. More of everything. 9/10

Iron Man 3 (2013) - And another great movie about Tony Stark. The most over the top of all three but I didn't mind that at all. 9/10

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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It was. You might want to continue, some OVAs are not very good, but chapter 2/3/7 are worth a watch

7 years ago

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"Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children"
Watched it yesterday in the Theater, surprisingly fun movie.

The only Con is that it has Samuel L. Jackson.
Don't get me wrong, he's a fantastic actor, but parts like the one in this film just don't suit him if you ask me.
All the other actors felt fresh/new, Jackson was just.. Jackson again, he really grabbed attention away from the well balanced casted crew.

Oh, and it's rated 12+ but it's actually pretty damn gory, so take care if you go watch it with your kids :]

7 years ago

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I just watched Triangle because I was bored. It wasn't great but it was actually a lot better than I expected. It was a horror movie that got much weirder than I was initially led to believe - and in a good way rather than just massive plot holes and characters behaving in ways that make no sense. Every time you thought you had it figured it escalated to a new level of bizarre. It's hard to explain much without spoilers but if you want to see something unusual with a lot of twists (and also people suffering horrific head wounds) then this delivers...

7 years ago

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We can make a movie together if you know what i mean ;)

7 years ago

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The Dentist
Your own dentist is losing his mind. And while the story writes itself, it's just a dumb idea.
they sure tried, there's some really crazy scenes, it delivers on gore near the end.Corbin Bernsen does his best Terry O'Quinn impression in the first half of the movie.
One or two memorable moments, particularly the BJ scene, that was both hilarious and disturbing.
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders
Goes all the way back to the 60s.
Its on point from visual style to sound, characters, they even brought back the old actors, though it can't quite resuscitate everyone.
Casual experience, a one and done kind of movie.enjoyable wherever you like classic batman or not
For what it is, it couldnt have been better.
I was hopping this would get made at some point, the previous iterations of Batman and Joker weren't particularly well received.
even in the animation, i find there was a pretty huge dip in quality. along with half the justice league/Sam Liu movies.
Even if you do like any of the new characters/movies. Much of it has been noticeable, the confusion between M or PG, what do fans like and what they dont like, completly different trailers, taking control over the directors vision, cutting scenes...
At Least this is completely apart from all that craziness, It might be less popular, but right now, it's surprisingly a very safe bet
The animation doesn't need to be incredibly detailed and fast and it is a completely different style at this point.
Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill have been the voices of the animation movies for so long, so just once we have a completely different group of great voice actors. which is a welcome change, once and a while.

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7 years ago*

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EDIT: See that dentist poster?
its a huge lie. Stuart Gordon is the director of Re-Animator, Yuza was the producer and directed the sequels, just like he did with the Return of the Living Dead.
They the good kind of bad movies, but still there is a huge difference in quality between the originals and the sequels

7 years ago

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Ninja Assassin
For someone who watches Martial Arts B-movies from the 80´s. I have to admit, it's only entertaining when directors are not aware of their mistakes.
Yeah, this is miles away better than Samurai Cop,on the tecnical level and on point when it comes to the tropes of the genre but, the magic is not here.
i never really expected to try and be any better than mindless action, that's why i bought it. And thats what i got for the most part.
The cgi blood is a huge problem, and it only gets worse with each viewing.
Oh btw...from the director of V for Vendetta. He could not have aimed lower. And ive heard his new movie Survivor is even dumber
Jackie Brown
I used to dislike this movie. It only took Tarantino to write the same story over and over again for me to actually start to enjoy it.
Falls somewhere in the middle of his filmography, but its a welcome change of pace.
More mature, no revenge plot and it doesn't end on a bloodbath.
The Wailing
A mysterious sickness connected to a series of murders is spreading through a quiet rural area.
An inexperienced police officer must uncover the mystery in order save his daughter, without knowing who to trust or rely on.
Perfect if you don't mind a slower pace to your horror movies.
First half serves as an introduction and is light hearted compared to the rest. There is a decent amount of oddball characters
It's actually surprising the things i laughed on the first half where important later on.
It gives me vibes of The Which, Memories of a Murder, The Exorcist, Twin Peaks

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7 years ago

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Ninja Assassin was great. Jackie Brown too!

7 years ago

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13 Hours (2016) - Great modern war type of movie directed by Michael Bay. Definitely better than overrated Eastwood's American Sniper. 9/10

No Escape (2015) - Decent "fight for survival" type of flick starring Owen Wilson but nothing really special. To watch once and forget. 6/10

The Treatment (2014) - One of the darkest and most twisted movies I've ever seen. It's a Belgian movie about a cop trying to catch a pedophile. Be warned, it's a very strong, realistic and disgusting portrayal of what people are capable of. Still, as a movie it's very well made and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. 9/10

Goodnight Mommy (2014) - I had high hopes for this Austrian movie but it turned out to be pretty shallow at the end. It's a very good example of style over substance. 4/10

From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) - Decent movie directed by Rodriguez and starring Clooney and Tarantino. First half was amazing, the second part was average. 6/10

From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (1999) - Bad sequel, boring, bland, uninteresting and with horrible dialogues at top of that. Waste of time. 3/10

From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter (1999) - It's a prequel and it's a bit better than the second movie from the series but still pretty bad. 4/10

7 years ago*

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The Conjuring 2
Slightly better first half. Those 20 extra minutes alone make all the difference when compared to the original.
Then gets progressively worse as it goes on. And frankly, the crooked man is the lowest point...absolutely no reason for its existence, who the hell was craving for awful cgi?
I do like the first one. Its unfortunate that Ed and Lorraine have to be mentioned. Every time they have to be on screen, the movie takes a hit.
They are huge frauds, why use their real names?
Anyway, this one is a series of clever ideas that serves as a build up for what major audience wants. And what they want is a ton of crap of Jumpscares.
Little side note. Conjuring 2 is set in London (1977) but they used London Calling from 79 for the establishing shot.
Hellraiser on acid.
Xtro is like a fever dream. In its weirdness, It unintentionally aspired to be good, even though it lacked of any real acting or direction.
I thought it was good, in fact it makes me sad to know that even the director treats this like garbage.
Director/Writer/Composer had a collection of great ideas to which he put into a movie.It has a strong atmosphere and fantastic pratical effects,It's amateurish sometimes, but i do think he did a better job than most present day horror directors.
We don't have clowns roaming the streets at night. but i do have 31.
A group of 5 people are kidnaped to play a game. Their introduced to Sick-Head and told they must survive being hunted for 12 hours. (thats the plot)
Strong intro. Would be stronger if it hadn't kept showing the person behind the camera. A character that was there to be killed. Actually im not even sure is dialogue even paid out (it really wasnt something incredible important)
And of course after that we are treated with 3 minutes of opening credits, with no one even uses anymore.
So this is probably a more experimental zombie movie. At times visually gorgeous, other times a paine to watch. Too many effects added post shooting kinda ruined this movie, like artificial shaky cams.
I'm really confused has what to make of this, its really funny at times, but can't deliver on what is sets up to be. For a ultra violent action movie. He really screwed it with the editing.
Such a bad ending too, completly out of character for Doom Head, which was the best character in this movie by far :(
Fix this movie Rob!
The island (1980)
Just another awful movie Starring Michael Caine. From the late 70s to mid 80s he was in a lot of schlock.
A journalist brings his son, when going to investigate the disappearance of ships in the bermuda triangle.
Now forget about that. Actually, they get caught by a group of pirates turn into a cult tribe? and forced to integrate in their society.
overall, it has a bad 50s movie vibe to it.
And the acting is just awful, i'm not exaggerating the difference between Mr. Cain and any other "actor" in this mess is abysmal.

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7 years ago*

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