Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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20,000 Days on Earth
Short interview, or rather some snippets from Nick Cave musical career, also reminiscing over his youth.
I expected something more detailed. It's actually tastefully done and ok if you are a fan, which i am not.
Same old story, with less overly dramatic hollywood schlock
A bit weird that the biggest actress was barely used. Did the initial script delve more into the wife's point of view? Who knows...
Atleast she got one good scene, though many other actresses could fit the role.
I like the frozen bodies, all over the mountain...the movie does like to point out whoever dies in Everest, stays in Everest
The Aviator
The rather fictional story of Howard Hughes
Fantastic, i adore Scorcese movies...the only exception being, when the story is impartially told. If its not Casino, chances are ill love it.

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8 years ago*

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Suicide Squad, even with my low expectations it really wasn't very good :(

8 years ago

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The Jungle Book

8 years ago

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Pulp Fiction... again.

8 years ago

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The Last Samurai, about 3 minutes ago. I really enjoyed it, I thought it was well written and well directed. The special effects were good and not over the top. It was a victim of some tropes but they were fairly easy to overlook.

8 years ago

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Batman v Superman.
Yeah, late to the party on that one. Potentially good movie that got hobbled by shoddy direction and lame script. Also, shittiest depiction of Lex Luthor ever.

Followed by
Because watching it once wasn't enough.

8 years ago

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Once Upon a Time in Shanghai. cool movie, enjoyed the fight scenes.

8 years ago

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It has its ups and downs. The main plot is gripping.You have great actors.
Its fantastically shot, especially that opening shot and the medicine cabinet, at the start of the movie.
Sort of ruins itself, for trying to establish the main character, as fast and has cliched as possible And with unnecessary subplots, that probably only exist in this movie and not from wherever it was adapted.
McConaughey is alright, but his character is a bit on the nose. I really had no interest in the Religion vs. Science aspect.
Citizen X
Sort of late to the party, this came out has a TV movie in 95.
I like the forest scenes, almost touches on the borderline snuff fest. Though, as a whole, it's less graphic, compared to its counterparts
but its still closer to exploitation, based on real killers, movies that came out in the early 70s with...idk, The Boston Strangler, than it is to silence of the lambs.
Not better or worse, with some little things that set it apart. mainly due to difficulties on catching the killer, specifically for Soviet justice and legal system at the time
Conan the Barbarian-Demake
its seems fitting, now with the new Ben-hur.
Im was so close to liking it. It's the perfect amount of stupidity and random fantasy elements, that almost makes a bad movie watchable.
If there is anything i can give the director, is that the set design is usually above average.
unfortunately i'm still talking about a man with the maturity of a child.
Doesnt understand pacing, laws or reality, or even common scence.
The movie has a comedic tone for whatever reason, conan has sex with a woman in the wrong scene, even though he is a Barbarian
Director has a fascination with skulls and flames.
Morgan Freeman narrates for 5 min in a movie that did not ask for narration
But, its almost might watch ben-hur and i can only hope its has entertaining as this

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8 years ago*

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now you see me2 - i would recommend it regardless if you saw nysm1 or not

8 years ago

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I enjoyed the movie. xD

8 years ago

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Another Brett Ratner subpar movie experience
Starting from the most positive aspects:
It is good when a bland action movie has Dwayne Johnson. dude is buffed, as experience from wrestling and tons of charisma.
Doesnt shy away from violence despite being PG13.
there were some good jokes. I particularly like the guy that desperately seeks for an honorable death
One hell of a budget. there where 2 hercules in 2014 and unfortunately, this one took all the money and actors

Now, the issue is. Its not well writen
Hercules has turned into mercenary after his 12 labors and some unfortunate events...supposedly. That's the one gimmick to set this one apart.I won't delve into that.
That's the problem though. Being the only big budget hercules, it was asking for huge monster would be visually striking at the very least
instead it runs away from mythology. If that was the intention, it needed to be better written. What comes across is, that some random movie was named hercules to sell at the box office, so they added some scenes later during movie production to give themselves an excuse.
Now in line are: the other 2014 hercules, Lou Ferrigno´s hercules, Sorbo´s Hercules, Disney hercules and exploitation Hercules.
Garbage poster Btw

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8 years ago

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Oh yeah, one of the most bland, boring and uninteresting movies I've seen during last few years. I gave it even lower score than you did :D

8 years ago

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The Legend of Hercules
90% unbearable, the remaining belongs on the "so bad it's good realm" with a couple solid fights thrown in

An origin story, of a hero that's everything but Hercules.Directed by an hack, written by the guy that brought us The Crow: wicked City and Conan Demake.
It looks like it was made on a shoestring budget. I got the pleasure of watching a horse jump over a small log in slo mo. I can't believe this was on the theaters.
The director desperately tried to copy the 300 visual style, with little to no avail.
btw, should this be called "the myth of hercules"?
2/10 (because the fights where decents)

Could be better. It at least has a couple good songs, good characters and humor.
It's also solid not only in english but also Portuguese.
Although, that's the usual disney affair. With some filler moments.
I still think the artstyle drops a bit sometimes and Danny Devito is an awful singer.
Then there's hercules, which is not exactly an interesting character. mostly because his reasons to become an hero are a but questionable.
That's not bad writing. It's just his character progression. So Meg sort of becomes the relatable character, for me at least
James Woods the villain on the other hand, is absolutly fantastic. The best disney villain.

There is also the gospel music and the overwhelming pop culture. Through nowadays is like a small treasure of 90's nostalgia

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8 years ago*

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Blue Ruin
A very uneventful Vigilante movie, of which there have been many.Except it's perfect exactly has it is.
Some changes here this time around, the vigilante character is completly inexperient, which helps maintain the tension on both sides of this war.
Its a slow and subtle movie, very dependent on these actors great performances
You start by supporting the main character in his quest for blood, but soon the same character will be confronted by the other family point of view. whatever happens, all the violence will have been for nothing.
Blue Ruin refers to the car, seen glooming in some shots. But there is in fact a lot of blue, just Green Room
The poorly rated and now obscure FIST, starring young Stallone
I don't care about it but i'm not sure why
Stallone always gets the blame whenever he's not doing action but that's not it either
Even being sloppy during the second half, where is character should have progressed into something more.
There is still tons of Stallone unique moments. He is good has an humble man with strong principles...then there are the speeches which are alright albeit bit cheesy.
Hoffa, an actual adaptation, makes this one a bit pointless.FIST is just loosely based on Teamsters Union but not Jimmy Hoffa.
Independence Day
From Roland heimlich maneuver, visionary director of classics like Godzilla and 10.000BC.
Caught it on Fox Last night and sort of...whatched it.
Idk...i dont get this movie.Its has if it went out of his way to ruin itself
There are 3 major characters, 2 of them are tropes and 1 of them got ruined.
Bill Pullman is the heroic president trope character.
Jeff Goldblum is stuck in a low end job, but deep down is a genius with one connection to the white house.
He even uploads a virus to the alien mothership. They have the same technology?
Smith on the other hand is a good character ruined by every other person that acts like him.
His introduction is similar to shaun of the dead, where he just wakes up and his completely unaware of what's happening...that would be funny if his family wasn't completely oblivious as well.
Obliviousness is a common theme in this movie, used for dramatic effect.
The goddamn ship has a massive red cloak of smoke and flames, SERIOUSLY? Nothing strang about that
The special effects still hold pretty well,It just needed some cleaning, deep down, there is a decent popcorn flick...somewhere.

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8 years ago*

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Just saw Tomorrowland. what a piece of tween garbage.

8 years ago

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Baar Baar Dheko

It's a bollywood movie based on love and time travel (main focus on love). No story not like About Time if you're thinking like that.

8 years ago

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I saw Interstellar a couple of days ago... I have mixed feelings about it.

8 years ago

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Watched Southbound last night, southern backroads-themed anthology by the dickheads who brought us VHS. Not great, not terrible, ultimately forgettable. Some decent scenes and a novel approach to the 'bookend' approach towards anthology films, but overall feels unrealized as a solid horror flick. Don't go out of your way to see it but if it's on, there's much worse ways to spend an hour an a half.

8 years ago

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A Walk Among The Tombstones (2014) - Absolutely amazing crime/thriller starring Liam Neeson. If you like classic movies from this genre you will love this. 10/10

Sausage Party (2016) - Saw it in the cinema. Very good animated movie for adults. There were some forced lines but generally it was fun and funny. 8/10

Seven Pounds (2008) - Over 30 metascore? Critics really don't know shit and IMDB rating just proves it. Very emotional movie with great acting starring Will Smith and Rosario Dawson (beautiful as always). Amazing flick. 9/10

Hancock (2008) - Good "superhero" kind of movie starring Will Smith. Funny and light. 7/10

The Mechanic (2011) - This is exactly how a Hitman movie should have looked like. Very good watch plus Statham, you can't go wrong with him. 8/10

The Gallows (2015) - Found footage type of horror. First 30 minutes of the movie is pure shit and acting is horrible but the rest is pretty decent. 6/10

8 years ago

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Same Director has SPRING ( the Cronenbergian love story) and it's mostly the same thing. A good premise and a series of plot twists.
It works well on first viewing
Our Little Sister
This one's made for a wider audience and i can't help but prefer his more niche titles.
It has themes of abandonment and innocence lost, which isn't anything new but i guess its a lot more viewer friendly and relaxing than "Nobody Knows".
Rain Man
Road movie where Tom Cruise (Charlie Babbitt) kidnaps his long lost autistic brother Dustin hoffman (Raymond Babbitt) to get his inheritance money.

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8 years ago

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Another pretty solid limited-budget production, as long as you can ignore the technobabble that tries to explain why there's an unstable time loop at the center of the plot.

8 years ago

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Mac & Devin Go to High School. Some funny shit but overall a pretty mediocre movie.. Probably better enjoyed high

8 years ago

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Finally got to see Captain America Civil War. DAMN that was awesome. I forgot how much fun Paul Rudd makes Ant Man and I actually liked the new Spider Man. Looking forward to the new movie.

8 years ago

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Last movie I saw?
Deadpool. It was the 3rd time I saw it.
Awesome movie, I never get enough of Deadpool.

8 years ago

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It was amazing, can't wait for the second one :)

7 years ago

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I saw Snowden yesterday

8 years ago

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Suicide Squad a movie is great and Harley is awesome,

I recommend this movie 7/10

8 years ago

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From the director of the original Amityville, which has been remade countless times. I'm not just talking about remakes and sequels. For a time there was a crap ton of "real estate" horror.
This one though, remains a pretty unique concept.
"the most wanted man is the warden"
Im still not very familiar how these prisons work, when there are no actual guards in the inside.
It's quite good, aside from the lame ending. it has one of the most awkward slow clap scenes in history (counting parody). Had it came out now it would have been a meme.
The Freshman
starring everyone's favorite Matthew Broderick
The simpsons episode was better and it wasn't particularly brilliant either.
The idea itself seems funnier than it actually is
The Lighthorsemen
This movies are all the same.They got an interesting story, but somewhere along the way they realize it's not enough to keep the audience's attention.
So just drop a bunch of tropes, why not?
Add a love interest for the main character.
You want him to be relatable, so just make him a sensitive kid, that has to prove to himself worth...i just dont really care :I
Lessons of Darkness
According to IMDB, a War sure fooled me
Bleak and haunting aerial footage accompanied by tremendously glorious orchestral soundtrack over a ruined landscape of wreckage and oil fires of Kuwait, which is why i'm not inclined to call this a documentary.
there is a lack of iconic Herzog narration and two interviews "if you could called them that"
It doesn't really take the war aspect but rather the damage done, you know...politics and all that crap is beyond Herzog.
which is kind of brilliant to be honest. Herzog barely covers the Invasion, the entire movie filled with aftermath footage.
Herzog´s first words are "The war lasted only a few hours", then showed 1Hour of images implying that damage is irreversible.
As for what i called interviews, there was a bit of controversy to them when it came out, if i recall.
wouldn't surprise me, It is actually very noticeable that the Herzog's dub was a bit overly poetic, for people who had just been through hell.

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7 years ago*

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