Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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in theatres,

was really good.

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7 years ago

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The last movie I saw was Predestination. It's a sugar coated narcissistic fuck / masturbation flick.
Can't believe this was produced by Hollywood and made it past the MPAA.

7 years ago

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Where else would these movies get made?
It's not even that bad compared to this magnificent gem from 2016

7 years ago

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John Wick.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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John Wick (2014) - One of the best action movies of the last few years. Starring Keanu Reeves. It has great atmosphere, very good photographs, music is outstanding and action sequences are amazing. Superb! 10/10

John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. As good as the first one. Audiovisual orgy! 10/10

The Angry Birds Movie (2016) - I honestly don't understand the criticizm. It's cute, funny, charming and interesting, different than all the other animated movies. I enjoyed it very much. 9/10

Top Gun (1986) - Amazing atmosphere and music, very pleasant classic starring Tom Cruise. 8/10

Days Of Thunder (1990) - From the director of Top Gun and starring Tom Cruise as well. It's about Nascar races. It's good but not as good as Top Gun. 7/10

Transformers (2007) - I have a weakness for this series. Great action sequences, very good humor, well shot and directed. Tons of fun. 9/10

Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009) - As great as the first one although many critics seem to differ lol. 9/10

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon (2011) - Still great. 9/10

Transformers: Age Of Extinction (2014) - Different characters and basically a different movie. Still, it was very good, especially when it came to photographs, action sequences and music. Just don't take it too seriously and you'll have fun. 8/10

A Cure For Wellness (2016) - Saw it in the cinema. Amazing photographs (can't stress that enough!), good music, great atmosphere, interesting plot at first but the ending and the plot towards the end is really, really bad. Still, it's a good movie as an overall experience, for the sake of art. 7/10

Collateral (2004) - Crime/drama movie starring Tom Cruise (as a bad guy) and Jamie Foxx. It's very interesting and well done, kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. 9/10

Blue Jasmine (2013) - I'm a huge Allen fan but this was a bad movie. It's a picture about a stuck up bitch who complains about everything cause her life fell apart, she tries to tell everyone how to live and that they live their lives wrong while her own life is in shambles. Horrible mess, it's about nothing basically, about being stupid, if anything. 4/10

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) - Never been a fan of Captain America but this was a very good movie. Especially loved Hayley Atwell in it playing Agent Carter - absolute Goddess, ideal of a woman. 8/10

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - It's basically another Avengers movie. Greatness. 9/10

Captain America: Civil War (2016) - And yet another Avengers movie. Tons of fun. 9/10

Logan (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Twice. It's the definition of how comic based movies should look like! And Rated R is a must, we don't need no PG-13 bullshit. A must see! 9/10

King Kong (2005) - Such a boring movie. Wasn't horrible though, just generic and predictable. CGI and special effects were laughable. 6/10

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Amazing photographs, very good music, good acting, great atmosphere. One of the best "monster movie" type of flicks of the last few years. Recommended. 9/10

7 years ago*

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idk, King Kong looked pretty good back in 2005.
It would be, or it is for some, a good movie. at least if it didn't wander aimlessly
Cut enough scenes and it would still clock on around 2 hours, which is more than enough,
Although there are some implied scenes that didnt make it through the movie, that could provide more action. (Like there are big scorpions and giant piranhas)

7 years ago

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The thing is that action was pretty boring and CGI was poor. It was a decent movie in general as in pretty well made, with good acting and all but it was boring, predictable and kind of empty inside.

7 years ago

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Transformers: The Last Knight?

7 years ago

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lego batman, 10/10 btw

7 years ago

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Everybody Wants Some!!
stereotypical college jocks and the auto discovery crap that comes with it.
Not bad humor, i just wasnt interested.
Dont think twice
This one was the opposite.
I liked the characters and had a more realistic story of comedians struggling to enter the world of showbiz.
but damn do i find improv awkward!
Black Mountain Side
These horror movies with research teams, like "The Thing", are pretty safe...i think.
Maybe it's the fact the genre itself doesnt need a strong opening to establish tension and mystery.
Hard to screw up, but they managed
Someone asked for a monster and a monster they shall provide. Except the movie leaves everything in blank
i would go with superstitions has the cause for chaos, that seems unlikely though, sure they must have felt isolated and without communications scared to die from the cold or hunger, but none of them believed in superstitions.
plus some scenes that dont add up, like the Aboriginals foot tracks and one particular gore scene.

Hacksaw Ridge
I've heard Mel talk about his movie...he is full of shit!
Still, It's really fun for what it is, Old-fashioned and Brutal.
There's little bits of everything that makes that kind of movie work, including some cheesy moments here and there.
characters and stories like Doss, real or not, have been mostly why audiences allowed themselves to have fun over all the violence and gore. There is nothing ground breaking here.
Sure, its a great main character but also the only attempt to humanize any of the sides.
The considerably lower budget Letters from Iwo Jima puts hacksaw on its place. Private Ryan is a better movie as well.

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7 years ago*

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Beauty and the Beast

7 years ago

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Resident Evil: The Final Chapter - nice action sequences, uninspired story, more of the same as every other RE movie. I really hope this is the final chapter. No more, please.

Kong Skull Island - the action and special effects were nice, but even a great cast couldn't save this one from being a snooze-fest of a tale for me. Do yourself a favor and see the original King Kong (1933). It's better.

Star Wars Rogue One - the best Star Wars film since Empire. I'm still trying to figure out why half the people in a galaxy "far far away" have British or French accents, but whatever. Darth Vader. Nuff said.

7 years ago

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Rogue One was damn good. It was the Star Wars movie we needed but didn't deserve.

7 years ago

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I agree. Episode 7 felt like a Disney movie (to me), and Rogue One felt like a Star Wars movie.

7 years ago

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I'm really hoping Episode VII was the set up to something really damn good, and the others aren't as bad as VII.

7 years ago

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so, Ep7 or 1+2+3 again?
i would choose Ep7.

but honestly? i'm waiting for the DVD edition for RogueOne. they deleted so many scenes from that movie.

7 years ago

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Hmm, I liked 1, 2, and 3 for Vader's story (along with a lot of interesting backstory on other characters), but really disliked Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman in those films.

I thought Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver were great in The Force Awakens, but John Boyega was the weak link there, and the story wasn't near as good (at least not yet). In addition, too much of the film's success hinged on bringing back Han, Luke, and Leia. It may be too early to make a decision, though.

I guess I'd be willing to say The Force Awakes could end up being better than the prequels, but only if the next two films really bring it when it comes to the story. A New Hope and Empire are still the best two for me (so far). :X

7 years ago

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A New Hope and Empire are still the best two for me (so far). :X


however, Boyega was "weak" on purpose if you ask me. he played the supporting charterer perfectly.
only the next movies will show if it was on purpose or not

7 years ago

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I just thought it was a combination of bad writing/acting for that character.
I hope it gets better. :X

Having said that, I'm actually looking forward more to the Han Solo film.

7 years ago

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Lion. Such an amazing true story. I cried everytime.

7 years ago

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That's on the top of my "To Watch" list. Really glad to hear it's good, since I'm looking forward to seeing it. :)

7 years ago

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A Clockwork Orange. It was okay. I have a friend obsessed with cinema, he made me watch it. I'm so bored I can't even sleep.

7 years ago

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Rouge One. 9/10

7 years ago

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the movie itself and "inner" story was good.
the background story was utter crap, so much that i honestly enjoyed the movie less. much less. like really really less.
hence, 5/10. without the background story? it would have gotten 9/10 - one of the best Jackman performances ever.

7 years ago

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Went to see Get Out tonight and my god what an absolutely stark raving billy bonkers film. It's at like 99% on Rotten Tomatoes which is... a bit generous. It was definitely a good movie but just so bizarre. And I was under the impression it was a horror but it was closer to thriller. God, the last 10 minutes though were just absolutely ridiculous. My friends were all gasping left and right through it, meanwhile I was just there laughing the whole way through, waving my arms around in a confused manner. I could almost feel the amount of funny looks I got.

7 years ago

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Last time I went to a theater? Uhh.. Alice in Wonderland in 3D.
Last movie I watched, Star Trek Beyond. Was alright but nothing spectacular to rave about. =/

7 years ago

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Blair Witch
I hated it, granted i was never a fan of the original. I've watched simply for being a new Wingard movie.
Its not just that i dislike Found Footage, Its uneventful...and yes i knew what i was getting into.
First half has some bad dialogue, but the fast editing and quick cuts where entertaining, add some music and you got your own Prodigy music video.
During the Edo period, two Portuguese priests travel to Japan in search of their mentor, Father Ferreira.
Its a remake, although they might have a different focus,Here it is more of a discussion topic, aside from also being technical masterpiece.
For story and characters there is "The Mission" which is an alright movie.
The cast is a mess. Scorsese got whoever was popular at the time:
Liam Neeson, who was on "the Mission" has a small role, he wasn't really necessary.
Not to mention kylo ren was so much better than Private Doss, for the little time he was on screen...he has his mouth open in every scene
So many stars I almost forgot the rest of the actors were asian
Starred Up
Eric Love a 19 yo with severe anger issues is sent to an adult prison, where he meets again with his neglectful father.
In such a violent prison, where aggressivity and dominance are necessary for survival, you get to see the real emotions and aspirations that are confined to the small space of a cell or rehabilitation group.
After the Storm
It's another Koreeda drama, great characters, great stories real emotions.
flows from one piece of dialogue to another

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7 years ago*

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Someone hasn't been updating the thread. I'll add some that i didn't feel like sharing at the time.Not exactly the last thing i've watched, just take it has a "Bump"
Kong: Skull Island
Didn't care for the trailer, i thought it wouldn't stand on its own.
Because of the really bad joke, and the oversaturation of Apocalypse Now and CCR, i thought it was going to play it safe around War+Giant concept. Visually speaking, anyone could tell from the trailers it was gorgeous.
At first, an almost complete reamigine of the original work, already holds more merit than a Remake, even though those have been the worst Kong movies.
But this one was surprisingly good
the new kong is set, near the end of the vietnam war. Lots of explosions, lots of Napalm.
In my case i just love 80s flicks, and this one has a very familiar Structure.
Its one of those, that specificly creates Doomed Characters. whatever they are guilty of off, it's what makes the giant Ape active.
it soothes me...especially when it denies any character from dying in a blaze of glory. They dont deserve a badass death
skull crawler are terrible though, somehow they are sillier than the Dinossaurs.
Assassin's Creed
i have more questions about what's not in the movie than what is.
Not knowing much of the games doesn't help but, Alright lets forget that the introduction to the characters was a bit sloppy and did not add much aside for increasing a few minutes to the running time. This movie, is like, 70% Animus.
I dont think it was the most explored part of the series, but certainly wasn't explored here.
Its just an empty facility and most of it is incredibly basic and focused on Cal´s being forced to cooperate rather than adding lore.

I was going to say, the only good thing about it was the well shot action scenes, with not many cuts, not to wobbly and so on, but then i remembered the entire movie was Fucking Grey, which...yeah...
But the Greyish tones must have been intentional to emphasise...hmm..Animus Moral ambiguity... Which...must be, Still really fucking stupid because the movie looks like an episode of Cold Case
When it came out i said ive seen worse, but today im pissed at it.
At Least i've seen Split which is really good.
Everyone should watch Split and unbreakable. It's insane to think these have some many details and layer complexity and then...we have, well the other 90% of Shyamalamadingdong´s work.
Ouija: Origin of Evil
A well directed, well acted, stylish horror about a board sold to 7yo.
I appreciate the work, but the first half was more interesting than the horror.
It has that 70's vibe from Wan´s Conjuring. It's just not as interesting, at least Flanagan doesn't sell himself out, with jump scares and terrible CGI, though the movie is still worse

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7 years ago*

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I recommend watching The Reef

Imo this movie is better than Jaws. They only used real shark footage, no ridiculous cgi or a big goofy animatronic shark, and the scenario they are in is pretty scary because it could happen to you. Lots of tension in the film. It has a jump scare that literally made my head lurch back away from the screen reflexively when it happened, and kind of stunned me for a second, this is the only time a movie's jump scare has ever done this to me, it was so intense. It's worth watching for that moment alone. Some of the acting is a little cheesy but it adds to the charm of the movie.

A must watch! Not very many good shark movies, but this one is pretty stellar. Ten times better than The Shallows, which was pretty lame.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thor (the first one)
Somehow managed to miss that one the first time around, so decided to catch up when I had the chance.
Was OK to pass the time, but it's one of the more forgettable movies of the MCU. It's certainly not helped by the fact that any scene in Jotunheim is so dark it's hard to pick out the details on what's going on, or by the fact that Thor's Asgardian buddies are all rather flat characters.
I give it a 6.5 /10

7 years ago

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Passengers (2016)

almost died a little inside and felt disgust in the process - if i hadn't
watched it with someone, i rather would've filed my tax returns ...


7 years ago

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Watched this when it came out, still wondering what i should say.
Clearly this had to have been some kind of horror movie but for whatever reason the studio wanted to sell it has a romantic/comedy, There are still hints of it in the movie, so i really want to imagine the person who wrote the script wasnt a complete lunatic

7 years ago

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Last night / this morning I watched "Horror Story" on Netflix.
Its an Indian Horror movie in which the characters were constantly switching between English and Hindi but they only subtitled the Hindi (usually) which meant it was incredibly hard to follow since you'd be reading the subtitles but hearing what they said after them...
The actually movie largely consisted of running around and kind of felt like Scooby Doo if people actually got killed by ghosts in it.

7 years ago

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I just happen to be really pissed this month for being bombarded with religious movies, they are occupying at least 2 slots. Obviously that has to do with the arrival of the pope.
So im just going to take the movie "Jacinta as an example:
And it's one i'm really ashamed of.~
it missed the opportunity of a long time coming discussion here in Portugal, it would save the pope from this visit.
If you don't know the story, i'll try offering the little info a agnostic can give, which is still more than this movie tried.
Long story short there is a factual depiction of the events that could be shared in a bio format.
this is pandering, it's nothing more than a no name Director pushing is film forward to the big screen simply to appease the mind of fanatics.
Well, the story of the apparition is more interesting through an impartial point of view, of course says i, a skeptic.
It was mostly the case of circumstances that created this mystical beast...of an event, sorry i'm not referring to the magical lady.
Basically this kids, described they add seen an apparition, It's important to note they were not only fairly young, they also lived closed from society, in a place that was incredibly hard to get to.
Places like that, tend to have extremely religious people, such was the case, with kids that are raised under a heavy religious doctrine.
they probably had no idea of the world outside Cova da Iria, obviously not looking for attention, but they where kids with active imagination, and it was a bad idea to feed off of it.
The problem was the immense attention of the religious society.
turn to religious ownership, where the church used and abused one of the kids testimonies, chaging and destroying some of it in the process for idk 20 years? creating this fantasy.
It was actually just in the early 90s, that the church started releasing a series of volumes, that from what ive heard are a mix of facts and blind fate. That was like 75 years of lunacy and fabricated lies.
And we are still hitting the same fucking key to this day, and i guess we always will...which is fine, but if you are making a movie, dont waste my time, fucking earn it!

7 years ago*

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Hidden Figures Solid and important film with terrific acting (especially Taraji P. Henson).Historical films often suffer from slow pacing and poor story development at the cost of stuffing them full of facts and on the other end can be nothing more than fictional stories with the barest veneer of historical authenticity. This film was neither but well-balanced between the two.
3 and a half axes out of 4

Kong:Skull Island Much-needed update, and full of ideas about cultural imperialism, racism, war, and the madness of mankind.It is also a psuedo-remake of Apocalypse Now (no spoilers here) and is in my humble opinion this generation's smart monster movie.Gorgeous visuals, good action sequences, epic monster battles and some truly creative deaths.
2 and a half axes out of 4

7 years ago

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Assassin's Creed, unfortunately. I didn't suck as badly as I thought it would, but it was pretty close. Nice effects and soundtrack though.
Before that was Flame and Citron/Flammen & Citronen, which was way, WAY better. If depressing.

7 years ago

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