Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Justice League Dark
Can someone stop the DC Darkness, it's starting to leak through the title
Hard one to watch. Dubstep and fantasy, always a great mix
other than that, poorly paced with some weird decisions here and there.
Assault on Arkham
I removed "Batman" off the title, for obvious reasons. This is the Suicide Squad. The idea is to leave Batman in the background not in front of the title.
Its fine, its less forced than the Movie. The humor is minor, but the character are less stiff and without the teenage absurdity.
Harley is fairly different on this one. instead of showing the obvious abusive relation they have,so...points for that.
this one gets done with the introduction to the characters very quickly, focusing more on them has a group. As if suicide Squad did a good job at that.
Batman is in it, and used fairly well, from the main character's perspective, which is something you dont see often.
The ending is awful, exactly because Batman takes the main stage. Destroyed the entire mood.
The Mist
Discovered through RLM, that there is a B&W version.
The Mist is adapted from a Stephen King novel, and like most of these adaptations are very 50/60s when it comes to structure and dialogue.
Similar to the classic Romero zombie flicks. A group of different two-dimensional characters, are forced to a closed space.
This one makes some good decisions, that make some of these stereotypical characters a lot more enjoyable.
They even hid the town drunk that constantly appears in these adaptations.
Mist was made too late for practical effects. So we end up with cheap CGI. B&W at least covers the bad textures.
The movie is overall fine, but the ending is somewhat of a bad joke.
Deep Rising
For a generic monster movie it's fairly well executed.
It's unapologetic for sure. There is schlock, there´s cheesy humor and toons of explosions. But it makes smart decisions whenever it needs to.
The monster turns to a let down, but initially they do such a great job at hiding it that i find it to be worth it.
The gore is amazing!
An imposing movie for the experienced directors at the oscars.
just like the main theme its a standard for which to aim for.
Not that it matters, but i do wonder how a character so focused on Jazz couldn't be further away from it
Andrew should team up with John Zorn in some Naked City clone band.

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7 years ago*

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I watched Evil Dead 2 for the first time two days ago.

I can definitely see why it's a cult classic.

7 years ago

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Dead Man Down
Can't tell much without spoiling. The constellation of 3 characters is quite interesting, but the potential is wasted by a pretty average movie otherwise.

Ted 2
Ugh. That law procedure kills it, as there is otherwise no real plot. And the humor is coming much shorter too.

The only movie afaik, where Bryan Cranston came anywhere close to his performance in Breaking Bad. Oh and it has a grate educational story too!

I've seen it for the third time now. The very first time I didn't really manage to enjoy it, as several flaws and loops annoyed me too much.
But as the case for most movies, when I see them again, those flaws become less and less relevant.
Rating raised from 7 to 9/10.

7 years ago

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Just watched Sir Ian Holm's performance as King Lear and although I don't think the overall production was as good as the inimitable version from 1983 starring Sir Laurence Olivier, I found Holm's performance completely absorbing and remarkable(the man did, in fact, win the Laurence Olivier Award that year for his portrayal of the tragic king). Like a lot of people I am best familiar with Holm as Bilbo Baggins from the LOTR and Hobbit films, as well as other roles in popular films before that, and I knew of the existence of this filmed performance for a long time before I sat down to watch. I am glad I did, because even as I had issues with other aspects of the production, I can easily recommend it for his performance alone.

Sir Ian Holm as King Lear: 4 out of 4 axes
Rest of the production: 1.5 out of 4 axes
Overall: 2 out of 4 axes

7 years ago

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Carnival of Souls [1962]

7 years ago

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Hard ticket to hawaii

Nudity: off putting, serves for some laughs. Drags for too long and i skipped most of it. 4/10
Acting: awfully awkward from the actors side, wooden delivery from the women, who are just gorgeous models. 5/10
Memorable: one of the best things about it, when every scene is absurd, it's hard to forget it. 8/10
Action: barely any gunplay,  not even martial arts. 2/10
Practical/special effects : no effort whatsoever 1/10
Plot:like an alien figuring out how to make a movie, no understanding of our reality, dialogue or continuity. 2/10
characters: no development, boobies and muscles take the center stage. 1/10
Charm: not when women have no personality and where aimed at a specific type of men. 3/10
Quotable: very much so, here is a few: 10/10
-Calm down boss, we got bad news!

  • Lets unload and hit the jacuzzi, I do my best thinking there!
  • If brains were birdshit you'd have a clean cage.

I recommend searching for the best scenes. The plot doesnt really make any sense and its just curious find for its sheer absurdity.

7 years ago

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Just got back from seeing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2.

Oh my GOD! That was freaking AWESOME!!!!!!!!! EASILY better than the first. If you haven't seen it, you should.

Also saw Fences a week ago. Another fantastic movie.

7 years ago

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This, soundtrack by Chumbawamba.

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7 years ago

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American Graffiti
George Lucas film prior to Star War.
Coming of age/teen comedy that both funny and really easy to watch, aswell as being quite successful at representing youngsters back in the 60s with just a few characters through one long night.
El abrazo de la serpiente
Few directors capture that magic of traveling through unknown locations, lost in time, away from the boundaries of reality of civilized world.
It just set during the right time with the right characters where the modern culture still lets them believe in the imaginary, while still showing the devastation of the modern man and the destruction of the mith/sacred.
The Cassandra Crossing
A group of passengers on a train have been exposed to a deadly disease. More than having these people working out the problem, it seems to be more how authorities are going to deal with it, and i was mostly waiting for the resulution.
This is not a good movie, it's a cheap disaster fiasco with mostly celebrities, like OJ.
At least Cosmatos isnt a terrible director, and he does try to go through a list of generic action, so the viewer does not fall asleep. because the the concept is anything but creative, the script might aswell be 2 pages long

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7 years ago

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Reserving a spot to warn you about Ridley Scott's new pile of hot garbage "Alien:covenant"
Line from the movie:
David: Put it in your mouth, i will do the fingering.
Coincidentally it was the same exact words Ridley Spoke to me, just before he shoved his dick down me throat and his fingers up my asshole.
It was really embarrassing, right in front of my girlfriend.
I think he got me confused for Rich Evans


And im the idiot who defended Prometheus

Nex week i will watch Mission Impossible: Mummy Protocol

7 years ago*

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Covenant was great for a NOT Alien sci-fi action movie. Very enjoyable. Just don't take it too seriously. Also, Fassbenders beating each other up and reciting poetry is GOLD.

7 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. pissed, but my friends didnt like it either, and the audience was dead silent
Personally i prefer the rip off "Life" over new Ridley scott, and im officially not paying for more of his movies.

As per usual, the entire movie is made of recycled plot elements.
They keep killing themselves for not following protocol
We finnaly arrive at the enginers planet, and David as killed em all,that way avoiding awsers to the questions raised in Prometheus.
David is more sucessfull than the Gods who created our life.
There are more references to movies than there is plot
Fassbender was hamming it up
The iconic fight from Aliens is here, except instead of the awesome powerloader we have a generic big claw

7 years ago

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Aye but it all doesn't matter if you don't care too much and just want to have some fun :)

7 years ago

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Why did you change name?

7 years ago

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Cause why not :) Been hustlayo long enough :P

7 years ago

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X-Men: Apocalypse. Disappointing. It's difficult for movies to compete with comic books.

7 years ago

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Currently watching We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011) Pretty good so far, love Swinton and Reilly :)

7 years ago

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I though i was in the mood for Animal Horror

The Uncanny (1977)
Anthology of cat horror related tales.
With Peter Cushing, believes cats have a supernatural power.
He tells 3 different stories of revenge, to prove cats are hiding a dark secret.
Are the cats that deadly? well, kinda but only attack in self defense.
I like the last movie. simple premise, played like tales from the crypt. Guy who was cheating on his wife, created a plan to pass her actress wife death as a simple prop mixup. lover immediately moved into the house, but one last inquiline is still left, the cat. Its funny, the rest of the movie sucks.
The Italian cover makes it look like a sleazy 18+ horror, it couldnt be further from it
Giant mosquitoes in practical effects galore. that's it...ech, is this movie dumb and terribly edited.
No one in their right mind starts off a giant monster movie with Aliens, meteorites, or toxic barrels and continues checking the entire least off, Alan smithee references included, without being self aware and those aren't exactly laughably funny.
Man's Best Friend
Geneticly engineered dog.
Got to love movies that open with a title card after the 90s. catwoman images of cats through history, supposed to look menacing is way dumber.Still, they are dogs! they have been domesticated for way longer than you can show images.
So Max was stolen from some research facility, he is kind of a partially controlled weapon, and without his medication he is about to loose his mind.
Same tone as the classic Chucky (Same Writer) it's just not as good.
The absurd comedy is almost funny because its a dog, he just has no character or charm
The poster shows a Robotic Dog.
Graveyard Shift
Technically Rats.
A Paramount adaptation of a Stephen King short novel, i´do say loosely.
I quite honestly didn't follow anything that wasn't the main premise. Granted i was playing Layers of Fear.
old mill has been overrun with rats, and the owner forces some workers to basically, do a rat disinfestation.
Some of them are bigger and more aggressive than others, and if you know IT, the end monster, is the same nonsensical bullshit.
Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell
Demon Dog.
I can get behind this, its a dog that has been impregnated by the devil, what's not to like? Now there is a bunch of devil puppies.
old tale where a vendor appears at your doorstep, appears just when you thought you lost something irreplaceable.
Perhaps Maria, the south American maid, can sense the devil, as all of mexicans are known to be experts.
pretty tame, no swear words or gore and the dog, IS SO DAMN ADORABLE!
not exactly good, the beginning ritual is perhaps a bit to much in comparison to the rest of the tone, and the racial stereotyping can be off putting
Sloppy, but if it wasn't it wouldn't have a really funny ending
All terrible, except Devil Dog, i recommend that one, its charming

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7 years ago

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Florence Foster Jenkins
It made me doubt my own self worth.

7 years ago

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The Dark Knight Rises.
I know, I didn't rush it.
Was fucking long and still really, really good :)

7 years ago

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Animal Horror Part:2

The Nest
Made under the observant eye of Roger Corman.
Meaning, low budget, full of tropes and schlock, padded with stock footage.
Which, for these directors is the best thing that could happen, he makes sure it gets quickly made and stays profitable, but i really can't recommend them.
If you are looking for splatter and gore, it's at the end of the movie, that at least delivers by giving us a Catroach
It Happened at Lakewood Manor
Avoid this 50s like horror/sci fi. Made of overexposure and cliche characters.
Didn't help that i was forced to accept common ants, of which there weren't even that many, how hard could it be to find Ants?
So yeah, there is overexposure because otherwise:
No one wouldnt understand what was going on.
Nothing would be happening
Mutated ticks. Its ok i guess.
Tony Randall, usually delivers on good bad movies (Hellraiser 2, Fist of the North Star) this one isn't that special.
Kids go camping with this carefree social worker. Who manages to ignore the forest has become infected by giant ticks.
Some good gore, decent body horror, even though it is a bit light in tone, but not exactly a comedy either.
Clint Howard is in it, and he makes any movie better. Seth Green is here as well, but i don't really care, he plays some nerdy teenage stereotype.
the characters themselves don't come across the usual assholes from teen horror, so...there's that
squirm (1976)
First movie from Satan's Little Helper Writer/Director Jeff Lieberman. I did not expected it to be this awful.
excruciatingly uneventful.
Long Weekend
I recommend this one.
Neat hybrid, that gives an interesting take on the formula.
We start as Peter drags his wife to a trip into the wilderness, from there it becomes obvious, their marriage is on the line, with this trip being the last moment to reconcile.
Being the terrible and inconsiderate people they are, it becomes doomed from the start.
Its a masked psychological horror/character study that analizes their disfunctional relashionship, and grabs those roles both take in life and in marriage and depicts it, with destrcutive acts agaisnt nature and consequnetly the given response from it.

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

7 years ago

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Transformers: The Last Knight.

Rating: 2/10
It's as bad as Revenge of the Fallen. And that's only because Sir Anthony Hopkins pulls his character through in entertaining ways, otherwise it would have been worse.

I mean, it's 2.5 hours of movie, and it's still so full of filler that there's not enough time to explain the key plot points properly. (Or at all. Like how Megatron is back in a new body, as Megatron instead of Galvatron. That, and most of the filler is a lot of talk and little action. That's not how you pad out an action flick.
Add to that that most of the recurring cast are now written in a way that makes most of them really one-dimensional. (except for Seymour Simmons, who in his bit parts is hard at work pulling himself back into relevance). It's the kind of writing that makes most actors look worse than they really are.
There's also heavy foreshadowing on a next film, maybe that one will be a bit better again.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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Zoolander - 1 day ago

7 years ago

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The Young Offenders (2016) - Very funny and relaxing Irish comedy. I was pleasantly surprised. 8/10

Redbelt (2008) - Decent movie about martial arts but nothing really special. 6/10

The Fluffy Movie: Unity Through Laughter (2014) - Briliant stand-up, need to watch the rest of his work cause Fluffy is an amazing performer. 8/10

Finding Nemo (2003) - Classic animated movie at this point, very pleasant. 8/10

Finding Dory (2016) - Worthy sequel. 8/10

Gold (2016) - Saw it in the cinema. Very good movie starring Matthew McConaughey with some great plot twists along the way and great acting. 8/10

Ghost In The Shell (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. I expected something worse. It turned out to be a very good action movie with some great visuals, nice acting (Kitano!) and great American-Japanese atmosphere (pretty neat mix). 8/10

Prometheus (2012) - Very good sf movie, a lot better than I expected. 8/10

Alien: Covenant (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Critics appreciated it while the rest of the people didn't. Weird. Thought it would be the other way around. I loved it as an action/sf movie. It was predictable plus it's no horror at all. Still, very fun to watch. 8/10

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. It's as great as the first one. Fun, fun, fun and fun once again. 10/10

Get Out (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. I absolutely loved it. I wish the second part of the movie was more similar to the first one though but still it's a great picture overall. 9/10

King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Critics are crazy to rate it so low. It's basically Guy Ritchie in medieval times. Amazing montage, magnificent music, great photographs, good humor. Insanely fun movie. 9/10

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Inferno. My cat watched it too for some reason.

7 years ago

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It was alright, though the special effects really made it feel dated.

7 years ago

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Shawshank Redemption

7 years ago

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