Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Unbreakable (2000)

I quite liked this movie, I haven't seen it before. There are some things I didn't like, but it's the usual problems I have with M. Night Shyamalan films (why is everyone whispering all the time dammit lol)

I give it 4 broken glasses out of 5

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage

Gripping war time movie about the final days of a female German anti-nazi activist, who stood up against the nazis.

6 years ago

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Just watched Attack of the Killer Donuts. It falls under the category of 'Its so bad you HAVE to watch it". I saw it on my on demand list (at least it was free) and HAD to see it. I LOVE bad movies. This is one of them.

6 years ago

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Just saw What Happened to Monday. Interesting setting and overall enjoyable movie.

6 years ago

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Trailer Park of Terror

Not a bad horror movie and not a great one either but it's good for a laugh at times.

6 years ago

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deepwater horizon

6 years ago

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The Hitcher (1986) - I thought it was a pretty good movie. I can understand why it did not originally do well because most people probably just thought it was action survival movie about a serial killer, but I do not think it is that simple, I think this movie is a psychological thriller that requires some thought to understand. Plus, Siskel and Ebert really shot it down and said that nobody should see it.

6 years ago

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The Tunnel

Pretty good horror movie about a journalist team that's is doing an investigation in abandoned train tunnels and who are being stalked and hunted by a dreadful thing that's living in those tunnels.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Kelly's Heroes

Great war movie about a gold heist behind nazi lines with a truckload of great actors. ^^

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6 years ago

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Deadpool is a very nice and pleasant movie about a not very nice and unpleasant mutant that kills everyone =3

he also swears a lot and he's an idiot, but the movie was ok

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6 years ago

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The Cloverfield Paradox - Mediocre at best. I didn't like it. I've read that the original script was called "God Particle" but Paramount Pictures bought it and changed it to connect the story to the "Cloverfield series". 👎 4/10

6 years ago

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Gripping movie about Archbishop Oscar Romero who wouldn't shut up before the fascist leaders and death squads that many very poor Latin and South American countries had, in his case those of El Salvador.

Romero was acted by Raul Julia, the main and deeply missed actor who starred as Gomez Addams, head of the creeps in the family Addams movies.

6 years ago

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Veronica on Netflix, a foreign horror movie that might be hard to follow if you don't like subtitles, but for those willing to read It's got an interesting story to it and some parts of the movie feel real, it is semi-based on a true story very similar to the events of the movie, but reading into it, not to the exact extent. On a plus for people who are uncertain whether to watch it, I can assure you that the movie holds no jump-scare moments and is solely just a creepy movie - which makes horror movies completely suitable for all crowds in my opinion.

6 years ago

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Not recent, but I'd recommend It Follows many consider it back to the horror roots, not so much cheap jumpscares like nowadays, but despair and ominiscent opressive ambient(?). To a lesser extend, Unfriended if you want it more social-related AND with younger cast. Both movies I liked.

Not-so-recently watched Blade Runner 2049 (I'll just stick to the original), The Cloverfield Paradox, The Maze 3 and Thor Ragnarok, was ok-ish but it probably acould had been better. Haven't watched Black Panther nor SW VIII but most superhero movies are not what they used to be, heck, most movies in every genre aren't what they used to be.

6 years ago

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Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Pocorn flick, it was pretty bad but the action made it bearable.

6 years ago

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Rings... honestly it wasn't that bad but the first one is still the best

6 years ago

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Cloverfield Paradox - Some good ideas but all the Cloverfield elements were tacked on and forced and all the scenes on Earth were worthless. A pretty subpar Sunshine. Disappointing. 5/10

The Dark Tower - A convoluted mess. As a reader of the books serie, it had little to do with them. For non readers, I can't even imagine what they could get out of this. The action scenes were not even particularly interesting. Avoid. 2/10

Logan Lucky - I quite enjoyed this. The chemistry/relationship between Tatum and Driver was great and Daniel Craig was hilarious. The heist had enough different elements to not feel like all the other thousand heist movies out there. Soderbergh can be hit or miss, but this one's a hit. Recommend. 7.5/10

6 years ago

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just saw The greatest showman, musically enertaining 6/10.

6 years ago

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Wrong Turn

A good horror movie about 6 friends being hunted by hideous disfigured cannibals.

And one of the actors is Eliza Dushku. 😎

6 years ago

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Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
Slowly progressing through the whole Trek for the second time. :)

6 years ago

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Æon Flux
Wow, surprisingly good movie, I know it's based in an anime but I haven't really seen it, but after watching this movie I want to watch the entire series right now. The critics were completely wrong about this one, the movie has flaws but its awesome nonetheless and very much enjoyable!

6 years ago

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well, it's completely different, both are linear, but the live action is much more conventional.
The movie is kinda dumb, every time she does an inpossible jump, they zoom in the camera so you cant tell how stupid that looks.

Aeon had a distinctive visual look, world and characters, but once it grew from shorts to normal cartoon length (22 min), it reached the end of the line rather quickly.
Funny you mentioned it as anime, because it does lend itself to tropes, cliches and structure. Like 90% of anime is just the same crap, over and over, for more than 100episodes. Atleast Aeon ended.

6 years ago*

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It's true what you say about the jumps, which I think also extends to the action sequences. The editing feels very claustrophobic and zoomed in to the point it feels messy; one sometimes doesn't know for sure what just happened. However, I feel the movie has a pretty good production quality and that was very well made, to the point it made the movie watchable, enjoyable and saved it from being another boring generic sci-fi-fantasy cash grab.

I remember not liking the cartoon as a kid because I didn't like the way it was drawn. I grew up with Batman TAS, Superman TAS and Cartoon Network's original shows (Dexter's Lab, Johnny Bravo, Samurai Jack, The Powerpuff Girls), so I was more used to the thick outlines used back then and didn't much like the style of Aeon Flux.

I shouldn't compare it or say it was an anime, that was not accurate of my part but I wasn't sure how else to put it =P

6 years ago

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I haven't seen Aeon Flux since it was released, but I remember feeling the same way about it. It's not a great movie, but I still enjoyed it and don't know why it got such a bad rep.

I also enjoyed Ultraviolet which was released the year after and has an even worse reputation, but I can understand why with this movie. I found it entertaining, but really wish they would have fleshed out the story as it was originally intended instead of just making a brainless action movie.

6 years ago

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I might watch that one too. Thanks for the suggestion.

6 years ago

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It's not as good as Aeon Flux, it's just something I found entertaining to pass the time.

6 years ago

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I got talked into watching Maleficent this morning lol.

6 years ago

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Was it that bad?
Its Ok, which is surprising, Disney was, and i guess still is, doing some awfull live actions for the classic animation. And this atleast tried something

6 years ago

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No it wasn't a bad family movie in my opinion. I just don't normally watch stuff like that. I'm more of the horror / sci fi type of guy.

6 years ago

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