Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Where eagles dare

Clint Eastwood and Richard Burton? Yes, please! ^^

6 years ago

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Disturbing movie with an almost unrecognizable Charlize Theron.

6 years ago

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It was an amazing performance, but yes, good luck trying to get that one out of your head.

6 years ago

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Yes and the movie is based on a real serial killer.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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13 Minutes - the little known story of George Elser, the lone resister who tried to blow up Hitler in 1938. By the director of the much better Downfall, it's a by the number biopic with few insights, that is saved somewhat by a good performances.

6 years ago

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Other than being a terrorist, he would have only let the gap get filled with more capable German officers.

6 years ago

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It's all speculation now, of course, and if he had succeeded, it may not have prevented WW2, but it's fairly safe to say that things would have gone quite a bit differently with Hitler out of the picture.

6 years ago

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Tomorrowland - A confusing movie about saving the soon to be doomed Earth from a full blown societal collapse of global warming and nuclear holocaust, with three main characters who act like they are from three different movies. The plot is centered around a idiot savant girl terrorist who has to convince a Liberal Fascist with super advanced technology, to save the dregs of the rest of humanity in two months.
The whole thing is about fixing problems by working together, woo diversity, but too many things keep happening at random and the cast do stupid things to the point of being a parody.

6 years ago

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Swiss Army Man - you can't even imagine what dead man's fart can do! Anyway, good movie with a pinch of depth. For number lovers: 7/10.

6 years ago

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Shichinin no Samurai (7 Samurai)

6 years ago

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi — it had some moments, but overall it has taken the series in a not-so-great direction due to Rey and Kylo deciding to not team up (which didn't make much sense as Kylo doesn't have any motivation to rule the galaxy), meaning that all we get is just a Luke vs Vader parallel which is not that fun the second time round. Also, Kylo and Rey's scene with Snoke was awesome.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Kylo may have toughened up, but every action he performs is still about him craving acknowledgement, and lashing out when he's denied that. I expect that'll be used against him in a big way in Episode 9.

6 years ago

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Project Almanac, pretty decent one 7.5/10, reminded to watch Butterfly Effecrs :)

6 years ago

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Atomic Blonde (2017). It´s good, has nice 80´s tunes during the movie.

6 years ago

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State of Emergency

I really like this movie and it's totally worth watching.

6 years ago

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It's okay, reminded me of 'Shadowrun' games

6 years ago

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Justice League.

My biggest surprise was that it didn't suck! It was actually pretty entertaining. High hopes for the future of the DC universe.

6 years ago

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Remember me ;-( though i have to say goodbye

6 years ago

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Last movie i watched? I can divide this question on two categories. Movie that I decided to find and watch online and movie that I accidentally caught on TV. Last one I watched online was Le Samourai and on TV I caught Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone ^^

6 years ago

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Trailer park of terror

Not so bad as the movie title sounds. ^^

6 years ago

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I was looking at some of the best 2017 horror movies i've seen, and well, there was a hell lot of tween horror this year.
Get Out was one of the best, ofcourse. 8/10
Geralds Game one of the best King adaptations i've seen, and its not an easy one to adapt, and there are some real perv moments, that any other company would pretend it didn't exist. Strong ending, not the greatest final shot.
After that it was all decentish
The Void its as if Clive Barker had directed Prince of Darkness, and for that its not the most original work that year. Its good to see some non CGI monsters these days.
A Dark Song Strong premise, the last 30 min are a mess. essentially a woman trusts a man to perform a dangerous ritual to communicate with her dead son. He immediately controls every aspect of her life.
Then there where some bad movies i truly enjoyed
Jigsaw its like Styx, i'm really happy to have seen it, i have had my fill, ready to not hear or speak of this for another 3 years
Happy Death Day
Almost everything about it is terrible, it's groundhog day meets Jason. It's not even an horror, makes every slasher scene look flat. I just love the characters, the main actress is excellent, i have no idea if this basic bitch stereotype exist in colleges or campus,never actually seen people talk like that, i just know that there is something really funny seeing it from this point of view

6 years ago

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Now the worst horror movies of 2017, that is a long list.
The Bye Bye Man Rings
The Vault im sorry for the person who wrote this, im truly am, this twist was used in parodies for years, i have no idea this got made
We Are the Flesh  Its the worst movie i've seen all my life, and the critic score makes me wonder, where is that fine line that separates The room from art
Amityville: The Awakening
Dark Tower
The Snowman How a promising director, surrounded by great professionals, misfired this badly?
Death Note might as well have changed everything about the original, otherwise it just feels off.
L and Kira where closely matched which made the confrontation all that much better, here Kira is just some teenager, and eventually L had to meet with his level of stupidity. Even though the way he is presented, Kira shouldnt even be an issue for him

6 years ago

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American Made (2017). Better than expected. I really recommend this one If you´re into "based in a true story" movies.

6 years ago

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IT 2017 sadly disappointed me though for me personally decent enough to wanting to see the 2nd chapter inc

6 years ago

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friday 13 IX

6 years ago

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Dunkirk. Technically perfect but very forgettable

6 years ago

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American History X

6 years ago*

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I think you mean American History X. That's a great movie.

6 years ago

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hell yeah, i mistyped it. thanks for the correction. indeed it was American History X

6 years ago

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Are you serious guys? Nobody has seen that masterpiece named Shot Caller?

6 years ago

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I have never heard of it. It doesn't look like a masterpiece at all and looks fairly unrealistic, but it looks like something that may be entertaining and would hold my interest for 1 viewing. I'll add it to my list to watch.

The last prison movie I remember seeing was Felon which I thought was pretty good.

6 years ago

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I will check it.
Yes the trailer makes the movie feel mediocre at best but after watching it you will fall in love with the acting of Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.
I had no expectations about it but in the end it won for me the best movie of 2017 award.

6 years ago

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I just watched it and you are right, it was much better than the trailer made it look. I haven't seen many movies from 2017, so I don't have much to compare it to, but I definitely think it deserves a spot on the best movies of 2017.

6 years ago

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Yes its a masterpiece at least for my standards and its really a shame that its so underated.
Another movie that i can recommend you is "prisoners 2013".

6 years ago

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I saw Prisoners when it was released. I remember it being good, but I don't remember the entire movie. Will have to watch that again someday.

6 years ago

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