Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Christiane F - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo

A disturbing movie about what drugs can do to an underage girl and her family.

6 years ago

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Blade Runner 2049. It's really good!

6 years ago

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Suicide squad. just a week ago

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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the mummy - ok
the maginifcent seven - boring
silverado - boring
maverick - awesome

yes, that was a remakes and westerns run ^^

6 years ago

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The Deep

A nice movie with plenty of suspense and action. And nice scenery! :3

6 years ago

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Blade Runner, the original one. Again. And it was fantastic. Again.)))

6 years ago

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I'm sad the new one is not doing great in box office. I enjoyed it at Imax (not 3D).

6 years ago

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Killer Joe
For the second time. It makes exorcist look PG 13. Friedkin changes the most after each failure. This is really dark, there is not a single relatable character. They all succumb to a negative side, In this hillbilly crime noir. As a result some scenes are incredibly effective while others are borderline ridiculous and humorous. Intentionally or unintentionally so?
The Pledge
Feels that there is less to it than the 2 hours made me believe. The effects of the tragic crime are soon forgotten, and it becomes all about the main character, portrayed by Jack Nicholson. It's fine, just longer than it needs to be. Expected a similar ending to other sean penn movies. So i wasnt really surprised by it
Dracula Untold
This shit is a nightmare, you might as well accept the concept or give up on it. Everything that builds character or keeps the plot moving, are just tropes and recycled crap. Nothing original here.
One thing that really bothers me. Vlad didn't actually do anything wrong. Yet the town immediately sees him as a monster even after having save them from certain death. Vampires do have particular powers and needs, it would be more dramatic and comprehensible if Vlad was trying to resist to his dark side. In fact Vlad keeps looking and acting human, even after being turned into a vampire.
some members of Vlad's army are conveniently left alive, just so he can transform them into vampires. of course that compliments the chaotic evil trope, and the very expected ending.

6 years ago

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transformers 5... just when i thought things couldn't get any worse. 😔

6 years ago

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I think i will wait a few more entries, the inevitable Malcolm McDowell Transformers is near, i can feel it

6 years ago

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Overlord 2: Shikkoku no Eiyuu
Pretty good for a compilation movie. Can't wait for new season.

6 years ago

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Death Race
How do you remake a movie that was essentially one long episode of wacky races? You ground it in reality?
Death Race 2000 was...well a social commentary, but also something that embraces its ridiculousness. PWSA Death race is a typical Prison film, even Statham had a similar movie by now. You either want carsploitation or you dont. The race itself that was a huge influence on carmageddon now takes influence from recent games. its a different event, and a different universe from the original.
The setup seems unpractical at most. . Arresting good drivers to play the role of Frankenstein, So what? so they live for 5 races? most of them dont even survive one.
One thing that should be said about the entire series, is that women have a really tough time in this universe. they are chosen to be co drivers by the size of their titties. then again everyone is a criminal, and some ladies are even serial killers. but being good looking is a death sentence, that's depressing. They don't get names in the billboard, they don't control the car, if they die, it won't appear on camera. They are a piece of meat. i would otherwise say it was not so subtle social commentary, but cmon its PWSA!
It's the best in PWSA trilogy, but it's not the funnest

Death Race 2
now this is goddamn hilarious indie trash exploitation. With some not so fun serious issues.
First of all we went back before the Death Race, into the origins of the new Frankenstein. The problem with that can be noticed in a scene where Lauren Cohan comes up with Death Race, and Ving Rhames is overly enthusiastic about it. she is just describing the previous movie, this is a prequel to things we know. The most it can come as a surprise, are continuity errors.
But i kinda like this. It's unbelievably bad in all of the right ways. the hilarious sfx sounds, the awful choreography, some of the worse lines in this movie were given to Sean Pean. And in the end, we get around 20 min of actual car carnage, which is more than enough. Most importantly i love how unbelievably homoerotic this movie is. I think that was a strike of genius.

Death Race 3: Inferno
Death race becomes a reality TV sold for each country. Most importantly Africa, because its cheaper to shoot.
It's terrible, it's something that George Miller managed to do with Mad Max. An all action film
Except this one is terribly shot. Not just that, the budget wasn't entirely well spent. For something this big, they couldn't use the same vehicles, no more BMW, DODGE, Porsche, and so on. But just getting generic junkyard vehicles aint the best either.
you can afford Ving Rhames that does nothing for both sequels. Yet clearly no choreographer. And of course the Studio response to that is fast editing, the movie making magic of not letting your brain process how dumb a certain scene looks. this one is impossible to enjoy. though the African prison powered by guys on a Hamster wheel and the homing missile sequence that looks like it came out of Cartoon Network...that shit was funny. Sad that the rest of the movie is so umberable.

Death Race 2050
I had high hopes for this homage and sequel to Death Race 2000. It doesn't live up to the original, in ways that i didn't expect from a Roger Corman movie. To speak of this in good light, i would have to compare it to a good YT homage to Death Race 2000. That's what it is, its on youtube for 4€.
As a movie it's always clinging over the original. There is no continuity to the jokes. it doesnt bring anything new either. Which would be fine with me. if not fot the shit CGI it's jarring to see the difference, because there are real cars and sets in this movie. It's just not nearly enough. The Fire effects at the very least should be humillianting for anyone that calls himself a filmaker. Granted the original did use the green screen way too often, though it surely was more practical when it came to effects.

6 years ago*

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Blade Runner 2049. Great movie but not as good as the original.

6 years ago

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You can't go wrong watching a slasher classic.

6 years ago

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Under The Skin

I liked it a lot

6 years ago

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1922, which was really good. Good acting for the most parts, decent directing and some beautiful shots of the scenery. It is slow paced don't expect a whole lot to happen but the movie focuses on the protagonist's will to protect his land/home and on his "transformation" to someone else.
It reminded me of Dostoevsky's crime and punishment.

6 years ago

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It's very very very bad, it's a failure as a movie and as a concept.

6 years ago

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I missed Jigsaw, to watch the new Thor, of all things. But i did get myself a cheap Saw collection.
smartly done movie with a small budget and barely a script to work with. most of what it does soon turned into shoving those tropes in every single movie..
serial killer vigilante, with some messed up ideals, not relatable at all, but in his own moral realm, he does get something out of it. get ready for the main character to get butchered. Also remember in comparison to later movies, when jigsaw tries to force the detectives to do a puzzle to save a civilian, they simple shot the contraption, something that is simply quick thinking.
Saw II
If you think of Saw as a series this is the one that redefined the genre. The more variables added, the more unpleasable it gets.
an entire generation was introduced to gore porn. I hate every single character, the journey the main victim has to go through. The drug addict girl is a psychopath now, definitely not the same character anymore. jigzaw tests her value for human life with actual real inocent people, sending me mixed messages.There is ofcourse gratuitous deaths in the beginning but don't worry they got that covered with a Twist! one that will change half the traps in this franchise. filler for the sake of identical structures. under all that crap, we have other victims who where part of the main´s character drastic event, either directly or indirectly so. which didnt make the "will you let this person live?" trope any less pointless, since they can die at any time
Ever wondered why the writers wrote the series into a corner? because designing traps under a killer´s morality code, is a nuisance.
involving the real jigsaw, the game remains the same, except with detective Rigg. convincing him to be part of the game, which following the events of the third movie, to take the role. Everything else related to the new jigsaw is complete trash, so i wont even bring that up.
Small note, on how everyone follows puzzles, here Rigg could have cut a woman´s air to separate her from a death machine, yet he doesn't
remind yourself there is a new jigsaw, everytime you think traps are unfair. It's an excuse to go full on with it. also, remember that in the timeline, they are all 1 or 2 months apart from each other.
i should like this one more, it's similar to II. box trap was incredibly effective, and probably the one good example of something you could expect from the new killer. but cartoonish look of real people, makes it a tad boring. Bell also has the flashback everyone wanted to see, but they go nowhere with it. Nor is it understandable when you think of the people who went through his tests.
It's traps, it's all it is
Saw VI
Welcome to Ginî piggu japan horror. mixed with a very simplistic view of corporations and some preaching over value of human life. everyone should watch this crap, because it offers a solution for the health care system, from someone who doesn't realize the full economy of their country. its a B-movie. With a small wink over past entries, it's enjoyable. Btw this is the lowest grossing movie in the SAW franchise
Turns out the new jigsaw is a magician, traps are in open areas, how does one mount a death machine and traps victims in a public are is beyond me. Still that opening is a goddamn riot, i love it.
jigsaw last wish was to get rid of the copy cat, and while multiple people work for him, his wife should be the one to kill him. Why? well, because that woman is married to the fucking producer. We also have added puzzles, filling an already thin plot, all that works against it. we actually have dream sequence puzzles. at least Chester Bennington is in one unrelated to the plot puzzle.both movies go with movies if a copycat does the job, its not required for him to come with excuses why the victim is there. or why you would kill people on purpose.
main plot involves a jigsaw survival group, i didn't even knew they where alive.
The main victim is given a scenario where he fails saving the people he claims to protect. unfair towards the test subjects. One of them is completely innocent. i don't understand why the new Jigsaw is doing the work of the old jigsaw if he wants him dead.
If anything the fake support group gives the idea of rehabilitation of which he never even tried.
the highlight was a puzzle, where the main victim tells a temporality blind man "i'm gonna throw you the key" as he stands on a wood board well above ground.
this movie is also part slasher, as hoffman goes around killing spree

6 years ago*

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Yea ! I was searching for the cinema schedule just a hour ago , was looking for Jigsaw and Thor

6 years ago

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Ghost House
It was meh...

6 years ago

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the last movie I didn't SAW yet , currently in cinema

6 years ago

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Jigsaw. It was much much much better than VII but definitely not as good as I, II and V.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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So many terrible movies, Good luck with that, the good news is that their all unrelated scripts attached to the hellraiser franchise, so at least you wont be watching the same movie over and over again

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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The first 3 Hellraisers are good, the others not so much. The next boxed series I'll watch is the Nightmare on Elm Street Ultimate Collection, all 7 of them. :-)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I guess either Freddy is more scary and pinhead is more fashionable. :-)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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The budget drops consistently but i still think 6 was better written than 5, those 2 are very similar

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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The dark tower.

Simple and boring

6 years ago

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Sherlock Holmes, the last one that's relesed.

6 years ago

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The Revenant

A very nice and enjoyable survival movie.

6 years ago

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Really liked this one :)

6 years ago

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Me too, I had some flashbacks about Grizzly Adams but his bear was much nicer. :-)

6 years ago

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The Colony

A good survival movie. :-)

6 years ago

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