Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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thor ragnarok is one of the best superhero movies i've watched 😍

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6 years ago

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one of the best shit no??? because this film make look thor and the others super hero as a total garbage whit the IQ of a stone.

the dialogue was a total garbage and one of the best shit i saw in months, no point in any of what's happening during all the film.

how you can say was one of the best movies you saw it....

6 years ago

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thanks for your opinion, but i still like and enjoyed the movie.

6 years ago

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A Serbian Film. 10/10, best romcom I've seen in years.

6 years ago

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No. Just... no.

6 years ago

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I'm glad at least somebody was paying attention, but to be totally honest I figured a lot more people would call out this obvious troll. Enjoy your whitelisting, good sir.

6 years ago

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I couldnt let that slide. Thank you for the whitelisting. Have one back kind sir.

6 years ago

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In This Corner of the World if i remember correctly. I liked it :)

6 years ago

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I rewatched Desperado... I watched it for the first time like 15 years ago. It was good but not as great as I thought of as a kid. And I saw for the first time From Dusk Till Dawn, also from Robert Rodriguez.

6 years ago

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The Boys from Brazil

A very good and classic movie about a student that uncovers in Paraguay, South America, that nazi doctor Josef Mengele has set a plan in motion to reboot the third reich.

6 years ago

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Just watched Geostorm. It's actually a pretty good movie. I like these kinds of movies and this one is a decent take on them.

6 years ago

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The Cloverfield Paradox

It's trash. The attempt to turn it into a Cloverfield movie is lame as well.

2/3 Cloverfields are trash now :(

6 years ago

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That's sad. I have it on my watchlist but I don't know if I should watch it or not ...

6 years ago

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What's the other one for you? The first one was just above average, so that's probably not the one, but 10 Cloverfield Lane was amazingly good for its acting and atmosphere, imo.

Paradox was a pile of arse though.

6 years ago

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Yeah i have idea how people got invested in this franshise in the first place, The best cloverfield movie had nothing to do with Cloverfield
The next cloverfield will have a theater release which made 3 release a bit suspicious

6 years ago

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In reality there's only been 1 Cloverfield movie. For the 2nd and 3rd, JJ Abrams essentially went to the moviemakers after their movies were pretty much done and said "You wanna turn this into a Cloverfield movie? This is the only way you'll make money!". Hopefully the next Cloverfield movie will be an actual Cloverfield movie, so we could have another 6/10 movie.

6 years ago

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Im still not sure what i want from them, the original cloverfield is decent and all and cloverfield Lane was really good.
But they are standing in the middle between what Hellraiser did and what Carpenter wanted to do for Halloween, and the furthest they stay away from Hellraiser the better, they would find random scripts and insert the cenobytes, Lane only connect the 2 near the end, but it still was atrocious to watch, it certainly wasnt on pair with the rest of the movie, it was a huge tonal shift, not to mention the point was not to be sure of what was happening outside

6 years ago

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Nah, I thought Cloverfield was pretty lame as well.

I loved 10 Cloverfield Lane up until the last act.

6 years ago

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Want to know the funny thing? The last act was the only act that was actually about Cloverfield. Just like with The God Particle (Cloverfield Paradox), they made the real movie first and then they rebranded.
The last act for The Cellar (10 Cloverfield Lane) wasn't in the original movie. It was just added because they were offered the deal of being involved in the franchise and so they added it to make it related to Cloverfield.

This just shows that Cloverfield is total trash and their management is even worse. It just ruins movies.

6 years ago

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Good Time

It was actually a decent watch.

6 years ago

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Wonder Woman.
It was ok .. ish.

6 years ago

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I watched The Hobbit Trilogy yesterday. The first one was a nice adventure movie, the second one was boring filler and the third one was a bombastic action movie.

Overall, the movies were fine. The script was above average, the acting ranged from noticeably awful (like Evangeline Lilly in the end of the movie) and the costumes were fine as always.

It's just that the movies were lazy and incredibly inconsistent. Characters changed in the blink of an eye (even though they expanded the 320 page book into three 2.5h movies), the special effects went from incredible to just downright pathetic in a few scenes. At some points there was no blood and no real violence shown, the next moment you had 6 trolls getting decapitated in 3 seconds with them bleeding heavily.

They tried to add humour to battles, which is fine. Weird things happen in real fights. Things like weird fighting or whatever else. But things that are stupid are shit like Bombur bouncing on everyone because he's fat. He also creates a classic fat bounce sound effect whenever he does it. It just breaks the laws of physics and makes the world unbelievable.

First movie - 7/10 (definitely above average because of the good acting, interesting settings and a lot of variety, overall good CGI and the world the movie's in)
Second movie - 5/10 (would be a 3 or a 2 if it wasn't carried by the lore and the acting. The budget was its main savior)
Third movie - 8/10 (I'm a sucker for battles and this movie was full of cool battles. I loved it. Would've been a 9 if it didn't have the boring Thorin's corruption sub-plot and the dragged out ending.)

6 years ago

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Just watched yesterday Black Panther. 8,5/10

6 years ago

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I've watched Justice League and it was not good, what's the point of making a league if everyone but Superman is useless ?

6 years ago*

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Good wartime movie/thriller about a Jew who infiltrates the gestapo in the Netherlands under nazi occupation.

6 years ago

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A perfect timing to scratch my paranoia itch!
Youtube and Yahoo services went down for me while watching The Circle :D

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6 years ago

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A decent political thriller.

6 years ago

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I watched the latest Pirates of the Caribbean. Let's just say that i'm thinking about 15 different better ways i could have spent those two hours.

6 years ago

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Der Untergang

The final 10 days of a mad thing and it's third reich.

6 years ago

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the best spider-man movie ❤️️

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6 years ago

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Have never seen it and I wanted to for a while, it's a good movie...I enjoyed it 8/10

6 years ago

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Total Recall 1990


Have watched this before will watch this again, in the future. ^^

6 years ago

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Time Bandits
Another Terry Gilliam movie. It's not bad, but nowhere near Brazil. And it has a reused face-hugger prop on a villains garments.. xD

6 years ago

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+1 Time Bandits is a classic. With a truly all star cast. Besides, it has Ian Holm AKA Bilbo Baggins (as 99% of the people might remember him as) in it. It can't be that bad.

6 years ago

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Great horror movie about bugs. ^^

6 years ago

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Naked (1993)

One of the best movie from Mike Leigh.

6 years ago

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Shape of Water just saw over the weekend. Would highly recommend. Fantasy drama by Guillermo del Toro with bits of humor thrown in

6 years ago

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Before I Wake - Really nice horror movie, maybe too many jumpscares for my taste!^^

6 years ago

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Now that's a really good scary movie there! ^^

6 years ago

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