Pull up a chair and stay awhile friend.

And here we are two years later! Specifically, 2 years, 5 months, 10 days later. It's been a ride Steamgifts. It truly has. You have to understand when I first joined this site I had never before that point participated in any online forum ever! And now, here on my day off, I cannot for the life of me remember why or even how I found this site. The memory of a Goldfish, I swear! I'm sure it was something stupid like trying to find free games. I do remember the giveaway that brought into the forums though. It took me approximately forever to find it in my entered giveaways.. I was like Fortixember? What is this nonsense?? Turned out to be one amazing event. Who knew forums hosted those? Not this guy. I just realized too that my first Fortix event was also Jbond's. Good stuff! :D

Looking back at that Fortix thread now really shows how much times have changed. Goodness, remember when blacklists were on Pastebin files? Ewww. It took a certain amount of dedication to keep up with those. I got mine approved and forgot about it like a week later. I just found it. Bahahaha. I CRACK MYSELF UP! And with that, I thank you Delta for such amazing threads that led me to the forums to experience the awesomeness therein! For bringing me to a place where I can actually say I've met online friends. It's truly amazing. Let me bring this into perspective, I've actually learned life lessons from an online giveaway site! Amazing!

Well, it's about time to get into the "meat and potatoes" discussion of this thread, huh? You're probably wondering why I've gathered you all here. The short of it is I've decided to leave Steamgifts and I figured this was the best way to do it. I thought about just leaving and not saying anything, but I needed closure. ;.; Friends I've made on here made the suggestion that I slowly start limiting my time on here and then gradually leave, but my mind doesn't work like that. It's like telling a cocaine addict to ween of his addiction by not taking as much. All it takes is just a little to fall back into the spiral. :D Yes, you people are my cocaine. Mostly Khalaq and his random nuggets of gold advice on life. Really, there's been quite a few times I've read your posts and reevaluated my life. You are a gentleman and a scholar, sir. And I thank you for it.

So, here we are. Saying goodbye this way seemed to be the best option in my arsenal. If you're wondering why, I'll say the full story of how I got here seems long and depressing. I would rather focus on the positive things and go from here. One reason though, is that I will be focusing on doing more activities with my family and traveling. Time in this world is limited and I've been reminded of that too many times this year. I'm a huge picture taker though so the things I will be doing will be documented kind of like Jatan did when He went to Japan. That was really awesome and I want to copy that :P So I will stop in occasionally and share those with you! I will also be taking the rest of my free time and playing through each of my wins. At least to the point of installing and giving each one a try. I owe that to each of the creators. :D

Also, I just reached level 8. So, consider this a celebration of that, all the wins I've won so far, all the games I've given away so far, the age of my account on Steam and any other achievements I've achieved during my time here that I forgot to celebrate! That's right Steamgifts, I'm turning my departure into a celebration! So just go with it! :D

Without further ado! Giveaways!
And shortcut to the end! :D


Edit: Well I've been working on this thread a few days now and have had time to think of a better way to do this. I'll be honest, the thought of leaving forever makes me sad and it feels wrong. So, there's another approach I haven't thought of that I think I'll take if I don't change my mind again in a couple of days. I'll just take a break! Just like DKNY :D He's a genius and I'm stealing his idea. I will take a break until Spring or Summer of 2016. That will give me time to rebuild relationships and be social and explore the wilderness of East Tennessee. Eww being social >.< I didn't want to go back and rework my thread cause I'm feeling lazy. Lazy. Lazy. THIS IS THE LAZY SONG


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8 years ago*

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Enjoy your break Fyan :)

8 years ago

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Happy New Year, stay awesome, Fyantastic!

8 years ago

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Such a magnificent thread :)

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I have some much to say about this thread right now.

First of all, that I actually felt very, very sad reading it because you mentioned leaving, and that is one thing that would truly sadden me. Everyone on Steamgifts seem to be moving on lately, and it somewhat feels like watching friends who didn't know we were friends leaving. I can't quite put it any other way. :P

On a brighter note however, this thread was an amazing read. You are a good storyteller, no kidding. It's late and I'm tired, and I didn't TL;DR.
I'm also happy to hear that you've had a great experience on Steamgifts, and that you are willing to explore what else the world has for you to discover, unlike hem some of us who would rather stay inside sitting in front of a computer screen for hours and yelling "OH MY GOD UGH NO, THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE" whenever someone asks if you want to go out. Hem.

With that said, a break never hurts. You can take months of break, as long as you come back and drop by from time to time, it's not really leaving completely, is it? :D

Anyways, you are an awesome person and I do wish you the very best, regardless of what you decide to do. I won't forget one of the nicest person I've met when I first registered on Steamgifts a few years ago, you can count on that. Cheers!

8 years ago

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OH JBOND! I'm gonna miss you man. People like you will be the reason I'd have to come back. I will make the sadness only temporary! :D
And I'm wishing you all the best too my friend! Until my coming back thread and of course message me if you ever need anything brother! :D

8 years ago

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Bump is a feeling

8 years ago

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everyone leaves before i can leech them, so unfair :O

hope you enjoy your break :3

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Have a bump :)

8 years ago

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What do I even say to one Mr. Fyan? I'm so happy to read you're making it a break and not a complete goodbye. I always enjoy seeing you around the forums and listening to the tunes you post. You also provide great insight regarding cats and wives. Who else has such knowledge?

Truly enjoy your time with family, friends and traveling. Those are memories and experiences which will last forever so don't cut yourself short. I hope to see you around at some point and stay in touch. :)

8 years ago

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YES! The best insight regarding cats and wives! In that order too most of the time bahahaha

I'm getting a new cat soon too! I will take all the precious baby kitten photos and make sure to share them as well! Take it easy guppy!

8 years ago

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nice tldr xD

8 years ago

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Right? I was trying to think of a clever one when I came across that gif. Then I thought to myself: PERFECT!

8 years ago

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thanks and hope things go well.

8 years ago

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Damn, I've been to too many of these "farewell" threads lately.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Damn you deleted comment! :P

8 years ago

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I wish you well for your endeavor.
Hope to see you here again and soon.
Sorry to hear about your Grandma, please accept my condolences.

8 years ago

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Thank you my friend! It's a part of life we must all go though, unfortunately. :/

8 years ago

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That's what makes us value life the most

8 years ago

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Bump and meow. Enjoy your break, but know you will be missed. Thank you for your generosity! Enjoy doing something else for a change :-)

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8 years ago

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Right? I feel like I have to reteach myself to be social outside of the house now. I'm rusty!

8 years ago

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I wish you all the best during your break but I hope we see you again here =)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Nice games in there. Bumpidy bump.

8 years ago

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Live long and prosper until you return.

8 years ago

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whats that?
A cake!

8 years ago

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More to come around 13:30 CET, watch out.

8 years ago

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Happy belated Cake Day! :D

8 years ago

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Thank you :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Bahaha I know you won't man! :P

And yeah, that simsgive event was the last one on my checklist so to speak. I was like, THIS IS IT! I HAVE REACHED ASCENSION! I HAVE EVOLVED INTO A CHARIZARD! I HAVE BROKEN THE 4TH WALL!

8 years ago

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See you soon /bump :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for the train!

8 years ago

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Aww Fyan... I'll miss you :/ So many good people are leaving the site, browsing the Discussion wouldn't feel the same again. With that said, I think all of us respect your decision to back out and spend more time with your family, doing personal stuff. I have to admit I've sinked in a lot of my free time on the site and with my finals coming up at the end of the year, I'm definitely gonna leave the site or at least stay away from it for a bit.

Good luck and enjoy whatever's coming your way in the future! We SteamGifters will always welcome your return at any time. Cheers and thank you for the parting gifts :)

8 years ago

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Thank you Justin! I'll be wishing you the best of luck on your finals too man! KEEP THOSE GRADES UP! :D

Until we meet again my friend! :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Fyantastic.