I stay in a boarding house full of total dicks. A bunch of cretins who enjoy insulting, aggravating and pushing people around for their own amusement. Sometimes it happens quite often, other times only rarely. They typically go way too far and then apologize afterwords like it was nothing / blame it on each other (those two faced, manipulative bastards). They all seem to have a split personality where one minute they're friendly and the next all they want to do is torment you.

The worst part is that most teachers, pupils, even some of my friends, think they are friendly.

My response to all this for the most part is to put up with it. I don't like admitting to myself or anyone else that I get bullied. I'd rather not think about it. I've told them to stop countless times, insulted them back, even punched one of them in the face (that felt good). But it just makes things worse. Nothing ever changes the fact that they are bullies and they bully me.

I've lost a lot of faith in people and human nature in general because these people have shown me how devious and two faced people can really be. It's sad i know. But here comes the really crazy part. I actually have dreams of brutally hurting them, even killing them.

in summary: I'm not very popular, not very tall or strong, i can't outwit them, can't move boarding house, can't change school, can't get away from them at all. And don't tell me to turn to someone because I don't see anyone giving these people what they truly deserve.


10 years ago*

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Where do you live?

10 years ago

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I moved to the USA, but originally im from the netherlands

10 years ago

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Arnold Schwarzenegger used to get bullied so he started working out, and now he runs shit over with a tank. Basically if you go to the gym and get buff, one day you'll get a tank, and THEN you can get your revenge.

10 years ago

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Going to a gym will not help. Getting buffed is same as adding larger engine in a car, without upgrading steering and breaking systems at same time.

10 years ago

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Cant agree with full on this... Once you get strenght you can do crazy shit.

10 years ago

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I'm guessing you haven't been in many fights...
But yes, in general pure power may help against inexperienced opponents, but in this case takes too long.

10 years ago

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I can tell you always choose the dex class in RPGs.

10 years ago

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Jimmy Carr had excellent advice for those being bullied:
Find someone weaker than you, and turn them against him.

10 years ago

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I have to agree with violence responses on this one.
But you follow this procedure so you can legally cover you arss.

  1. Tell your parents, if they are not aware of this situation they cant protect you or back you your story!
  2. Ignore bullies, and I mean literally, they are non existing for you... if this doesn't work go to step 2
  3. Report them first to a homeroom teacher, if teacher doesn't respond climb the ladder till you reach head-master... if this doesn't work go to step 3
  4. Fight back, but not with words, because you just used all non violence means. You said that you are not physically a match for them, so use tools, rocks, even a stick will do it, and make sure that they are in pain, because only reason that they persist is because they haven't got hurt, yet. But to clarify, make them hurt, not died or permanently injured. As someone already said, this is the only language they will understand.

This is from personal experience, I had to fend of bullies in elementary and in high school, because I was small and easy target. But thanks to puberty punch to a face will solve most of those attempts in its roots now days. And went through university without a problems of that kind.

10 years ago

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first off boarding house. use google to figure out what that is. . . I think you missed a lot from OP. I only say because advice #3 is truly dangerous advice.

10 years ago

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I didn't miss anything, and I don't know what system you use in that house, because there are schools who have there own houses, while some houses cater to whole universities, just trying to refer to someone of authority. Even police will do the job.

3rd advice is there for a reason, because you are still looking as bullies as kid's pranks, but moment that I wish to to avoid is that bullies start harming others, and believe me, bruises and few nail marks, or idiotic nickname are nothing what those cowards can do.

I don't know where did you go to school and what was your time there, but kids can be and are ruthless, and I truly wish that your kids never see how much.

10 years ago

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yes, kids are ruthless but Parents aren't a factor in a boarding school. Also if someone expresses that they have thoughts of killing others. . . egging that on isn't a good idea. Just saying. Violence solves nothing in a backed in a corner scenario like this one. Trust me I know how bad kids are I grew up in a time before bullying was a bad thing.

10 years ago

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Parents are factor, they are paying for education, if not, they are legal guardians of that child, yes, parents are factor even in boarding school.
His comment on killing them is overboard, but I can take in mind that as part of frustration and just as general thought and not a legitimate threat, but I could be wrong. Visiting specialist would be recommended.
For the violence solves nothing I just cant agree, there is a saying "Power doesn't plied with God!". I used it and it solved it in a blink of an eye. But as I said, its last resort, and I'm against of miss-use, like those bullies are doing.
Just imagine scenario... bunch of bullies are kicking and punching you, and they won't stop, because there is no one to stop them... how long will you take it till you start fighting back, or you will just wait to pass out, or maybe hope that they will get bored or tired? And don't tell me that its unlikely to happen or its just one scenario, because its not unlikely and all bulling will end up there, just give it a time.

I'm just glad that there wasn't internet bulling in my time, because it would take too much time in "sorting out an issues".

10 years ago

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Dude, just focus on making yourself better. We all suffered our own bullies, even the bullies themselves. :P

Here's a shitty game for y'all.

10 years ago

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Missed it by a minute lol. Thanks anyways

10 years ago

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Well, depending upon how far the bullying goes, you may be able to get the police involved.

10 years ago

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There is only one thing we say to bullies: "Not today"

But in all seriousness, resorting to violence is only going to make things worse for you. You do not want to escalate things with people you live with. The brief satisfaction is not worth all the shit you'll have to worry about after. I strongly suggest talking to a trained counsellor, not random people online who wouldn't know any better than you in these situations. I hope things will improve for you soon!

10 years ago

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Personally, I lived through all hell growing up. I understand the stress and pain you must be going through. I'm 32 and long out of school now but I had Teachers and Students at my neck all the time. I grew up going through School with high functioning Autism during a time where there was no support for people like me. My teachers hated me when I'd always correct them. The kids would make all hell for me when I wasn't in class and both kept using the systems to get my abusive father to keep reaming on me for getting in trouble. I can only suggest that you do what I did. . . Find a hobby or some form of art to get you through, that's what I did. I mean school is only so long and then you get to make your own way. Take this as an opportunity to focus on what you want to do with your life and hone a skill. I left school became a social worker and also used to work in the gaming industry. Sadly, I still have my autism which gets me into odd issues still but I have the skills to keep ,myself afloat.

10 years ago

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Well, as Hatebreed say: "facing what consumes you is the only way to be free". I don't like those "can'ts" at the end of your post. Btw. you are not strong? So change it. It's easy and very usefull.

10 years ago

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go here: http://www.reddit.com/r/bullying/

Your more likely going to get better help there than from this place.

I've been bullied a lot in my early years of life. I never finished high school, or did much post high school education as a result. I moved a lot, and got bullied at every new school I went to. It was never my fault, it just happened. The fact of the matter is, there is no easy answer. What works for some, won't work for others. It will be a struggle. That doesn't mean there isn't hope. No matter what you do, I suggest you focus on yourself. Don't let them take away what is good in you, or special in you. Don't stoop to their level. Don't fill yourself with anger and hate. It's normal to feel anger and hate, and even violent fantasies. It's your brains way of surviving, of defending itself. This tears you apart, so your brain fights back because you have trouble fighting back yourself. Don't let it in. Not an easy thing to do, I know. It's easy to want to reject things like that. One thing is absolutely true, you have control over yourself, even if you don't have it in any other way. Be who you are in your mind, don't let them sap your will. Focus your mind on what you can control. On what you CAN do. Don't let them win, don't let them take your will and hope. Again it's easy to say, and these things can always be different based on the situation. Find advice from those that have gone through it, and not somewhere where people will antagonize, or talk to you from the sidelines like it's just so easy, when they have no idea what it's like truly.

Be safe. Be well. Good Luck.

10 years ago

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"in summary: I'm not very popular, not very tall or strong, i can't outwit them, can't move boarding house, can't change school, can't get away from them at all. And don't tell me to turn to someone because I don't see anyone giving these people what they truly deserve."

you dont have to be either of things oyu mentioned. What you have to do is not being the weakest link in ur school, and as soon as you show even some relatively minor signs of resistance (aka start fighting back) they will simply look for someone else to bully.

10 years ago

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I don't have much experience with bullying but I do remember people trying to bully me when I was a junior in highschool. They were trying to make fun of me for not being a virgin of all things. I really just didn't care about it so they quickly lost interest. Just goes to show you that people will fabricate reasons to pick on people purely because they want someone to pick on. Just be a boring target and they will realize they don't want to pick on you.

10 years ago

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I was bullied too,but all it took was 1 action,to stand up for myself.The problem was by standing up I meant taking a pipe and fighting 3 junkie douchebags back in highschool

10 years ago

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A lot of these posts are victim blaming you, it's absolutely pathetic. OP don't ever ask for serious advice like this on a forum like this. I'm sure there are websites dedicated to bullying where you will get much more intelligent advice.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I know exactly how you feel. I was bullied pretty much all the way through from 5 to 15, even when I was in a children's home at the age of 12, but you don't say anything in those places, trust me. But I got to 15, I'm not a big guy, I'm like 5 foot 8 now and back then I was much shorter. Anyways, I got to 15, got expelled from school, (I had to vent my frustrations somehow), that that was the accumulation of much drug taking and lots of arrests for a veritable cornucopia of offenses.

So, I got expelled from school, and even when I wasn't at school, in the streets, I was bullied...and bullied...and bullied...and then I snapped. I totally beat the crap out of this one kids face, it felt SOOOOO good making his nose and mouth a tiwtching heap of blood and snot, and then I realised, he wasn't so big and tough on his own, which led to the realisation that there was a good chance that the other bullies weren't that big and tough on their own. So I went round, most of them, not all, and I started getting them on their own one by one. One of the lads actually offered me his Commodore Amiga if I left him alone, (yes, I'm THAT old!), but I didn't, I had a Commodore 64 I was generally happy with so had no real need for an Amiga, apart from the original Populous game.

I'm digressing, I apologise, so yeah, I went round and most of them, I pounded, 1 or 2 of them were as big and tough on their own and beat me in singles confrontation, I'm not too proud to admit it, but most of them never even looked at me again, even when they were all together.

I hate it when people say stuff like, "Man up and grow a pair". You can pretty much guarantee that the people that say that don't really know what desperation and desolation you feel being a constant target, for no real reason other than you're too small, or a bit too fat, or (back then) you wore glasses, or any other absolutely ridiculous rationalisation that you can think of.

You will have to really confront them at some point. If they're together at that point, pick up a weapon, my personal choice of weapon in the children's home was a wooden chair, and open a can of whoopass on any of the idiots that are too stupid to move out the way. I realise this scenario is a LOT easier said than done, but it CAN be done, I did it. If I managed to get through it, so can you

10 years ago

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"not very tall or strong" -> aim for the nuts :P

Jokes aside, unfortunatly, there's not that much to do ... in general bullies are really fucking assholes. Stand up, they'll laugh at you and keep bullying. Fight them, they'll outnumber you because they are fucking pussies and can't fight alone. Telling someone won't change anything either. You'd really have to find a weakness that'd prevent them to do anything to you ( not necessarily by violence OF COURSE, try to avoid that by all means ), otherwise you're gonna have to be strong and patient until you're out of there and far from them. Focus on your studies, you wouldn't want to have extra time in this stupid school because you fail to grade or exams, etc ... Why there's always one or a group of assholes who need to be asses to people, i don't know, it's sad and pathetic :/

10 years ago

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you get bullied because you're the weak guy
[18+ NSFW video probably] get big, get buff

10 years ago

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Lots of stock terrible advice here.

Oh yeah, the smaller weaker kid will surely be able to beat the crap out of the much larger big group of kids. Real smart guys.

10 years ago

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Who ever said to fight them all at once, and fair?

10 years ago

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Well if he doesnt they will come back in strength and kick his teeth in.

If you just hit them and run away to fight one of the others each and every one would take you down.

Its not a tournament.

Trying to fight in this situation would get his ass kicked. Bullies dont back down just because you fight back. Especially not when there is a large group of them.

10 years ago

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True, that's why you beat crap out of each of them, and next time... well it won't be a next time, if does, you come back and then beat them some more, but now break a bone or two.

10 years ago

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An entire group vs 1 smaller and weaker person and you expect that to make a difference?

Even if he could break some bones it wouldnt change anything. You cannot convince a group that easily.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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karma will act dont worry xD

10 years ago

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Think like the enemy. Put their toothbrushes into the toilet. If anyone finds out, apologize and say you were being friendly.

10 years ago

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You gotta fight man, take up Krav Maga or another martial art, work out and get stronger, whatever it takes, and fuck up their biggest guy. Once you've managed to beat up their leader/big guy or whatever, the rest will back off.

10 years ago

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Will it help if I tell you that when you will reach university it will stop ?
yeaa...probably not.

How old are you by the way ?

10 years ago

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If you want to do really big damage, hack their accounts, magnetize their HDDs, chip cards, smuggle some stuff into their room and get them busted, etc... Well, crime jokes apart... But really, just be sure to keep away the neodymium from your own stuff and use proxies when issuing illegal net trafficking. :D I personally wouldn't do any of the above, except if there was no other way. And it could lead to more bullying, so I wouldn't recommend doing anything bad. It's totally wrong.
If you want to play nice, report them to the school, which mostly isn't very effective, but it did help ME when I had this problem. Long story short, my teacher talked to them, then I was included in the best events with no effort at all (I deserved it tho, they were just jealous and stuff).
If it's not enough, get proof, sue them and use it as evidence.
If it goes too far, call the police. I don't know how far they went.
If you'd like someone to talk to, add me and I can soothe your nerves, but I can't do miracles (though I am kinda a wizard). I've been through a lot of psych terror, but thankfully I've never been physically tormented. If I had been, I would've included the police for sure.
Bullying is damn wrong and it's nauseating how disgusting some people are.

10 years ago

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It's like allergies. If you don't like the symptoms, then by all means, reduce exposure to the allergens.

10 years ago

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walk around with a bucket of urine and if they attack you throw it at them it worked like a charm for me.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by poepstinktvies.