If you want it on Steam, today is the last day you'll be able to pre-order it there.
EDIT: Apparently it will return to Steam on Feb 14 2020 for those that are fine with waiting a year instead of pre-ordering.
EDIT2: Physical copies of the game will come with a Steam key.
EDIT3: Correction, it looks like retail keys will activate on the Epic store.
EDIT4: The game is now no longer available for pre-order on Steam.

5 years ago*

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Epic creates decent games and want to do their own thing with a independent distribution platform.

VALVe has had long enough a monopoly, i'm almost sure that the amount of competition Epic can create in such a short amount of time won't reach anywhere as near as VALVe's and it will take a good amount of time until there is a proper userbase and trust that's been built up.

I don't like platform exclusives, they don't make me magically switch but what can you do at the end, i never ever bought a game from EA's Origin, Blizzard's or Ubisoft's Uplay and lately Microsoft's Windows 10 (store), that's simply not how i roll and that will never change, even if it means that i'll miss out on games in the long run.

I can wait for Metro Exodus coming back to Steam, maybe with a nice discount or even in a Redux Edition already.

5 years ago

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I never understand people who say Steam is a monopoly.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

5 years ago

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If another store want to try competitive with Valve at least considering the price outside US (i think)

5 years ago

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I read somewhere they do add different currencies. Whether it's cheaper or not I can't say.

Generally in IDR the price is 60%+ off than actual US price. I use this as a benchmark when purchasing a game.

5 years ago

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I don't mind games being platform exclusives. I do mind them being STORE exclusives.

5 years ago

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Guess what Windows 10 is then, it's both, a platform and a store (Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Microsoft Windows 10 App Store).

5 years ago

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guess they did an... exodus from steam

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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I see what epic is trying to do, and why it is doing it in such a manner. But It just doesn't make me want to use epic store any more, in fact it drives me further away from buying anything on said store.

Exodus is a game I was, and am quite excited for, but now with this whole ordeal, it makes it slightly tricky. I kind of want my steam overlay, and achievments that are on steam, all tied to one place, but by making the game 'epic exclusive' even though for only a year, that means the release date is practically set 1 year later, (not counting the pre-order).

There is another game which I feel has done it right though, being released tomorrow; Subnautica BZ. I feel like that is what all games should do, allowing people to choose what platform to purchase the game from. Unknown Worlds is releasing Subnautica Below Zero on steam, epic, and even discord, all for the same exact price: 19.99USD, this is what I would have loved to see, as then I'm not 'pressured' into switching to the epic games store.

I understand without this 'pressure' more people would just look away from epic and not bother switching, 'why switch if the game is avaliable everywhere else?'. But the way epic should have done it is just by offering more games for free, or have fantastic sales on games, for a cheaper price, to pull the customer into their store, not pressure them to buy something from their store.

That's just my couple of cents to the matter. I may preorder metro on steam just so I have it there all in the same place as 2033 and last light.

5 years ago

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I kind of want my steam overlay, and achievements that are on steam, all tied to one place

and screenshots :3

5 years ago

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dont forget mods and forum where all epic store purchasers will ask their questions too....

5 years ago

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maybe epic will give valve a 1% cut for using their forums. 🤔

5 years ago

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so, deep silver takes the game to a store without reviews....


  1. game isnt finished, full with bugs so they want to release it on a platform without reviews and they can finish the game in the extra one year before it hit the platform with review
  2. they close the sales 15-16 days before players could play the game, refund period 14 days while with this announcement they still did a lot of sales on steam

time will tell if it was just a speculation or just the way what unfinished and hyped products will follow.

5 years ago

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If I'm not wrong you can refund before 2hrs of playtime. And Steam refund period starts AFTER release of the game.
IMHO both of your speculations are wrong. Deep Silver just got $ for 1 year exclusive.

5 years ago

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Just refund it if it's broken. Epic has the same if not better refund mechanism than Steam.

5 years ago

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epic ask personal information if ur want refund

5 years ago

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Like that one? Seems reasonable for verification. You get your refund, you walk away.

5 years ago

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But taking it down from steam wont restrict negative reviews if its not finished..
Everyone will still talk about it.. Just because there wont be negative reviews on steam, dont mean they wouldnt be on internet..
If anything they would have even bigger backlash.. I mean, even if people cant review the game on Epic doesnt make it invisible to others who dont buy it

5 years ago

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is there any option to refund on EPIC store :D? I think the game will be garbage at start, no refunds mean 'oh wait u bought it play it or wait till patched' xD

There is a refund process. Look what they want from you when your from EU: by the law u can give back item bought thru internet within 14 days, but they force me to resign from this option when i buy a game xD HAHAHAHA

5 years ago*

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Any game is cheap and easy to purchase if you simply wait long enough. )

Thanks for Skyrim!

5 years ago

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heh, i can wait though. not like my pc can handle it right now
still, i doubt it's because of their "low" fees for developer, more like their "strategy" of the so called, "exclusive"

5 years ago

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Meh, didn't plan on playing it anytime soon anyways.

5 years ago

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Everywhere I look 99% of people either claim they will not buy games from the Epic Store and pirate them or wait for them to be on Steam.It would be interesting to see if those games tank hard and are forced to release their future titles on Steam.

I wonder if anyone has a legit reason for supporting the Epic Store.Literally 0 functions,scummy practices already like forcing exclusives and no progress whatsoever.This kind of ''competition'' will not go anywhere.How do you guys expect Steam to ''up their game''?By providing 1 free game every two weeks?The only thing they can do is lower the percentage cut,and even if they do that,the prices will stay the same and only the devs will win not us the users,just like in the case of Epic.We are not getting anything out of it.Steam can justify that cut by having tons of features and being a reliable partner for years.Epic are just looking to bribe their way into the market.And with statements like : ''we won't introduce user reviews'' can we trust them to update their ''store''?

It will go downhill from here if people buy into this.GoG,Discord Store,Humble don't bother me because I can choose between them and Steam.And they have good relations with Steam and even communicate.Epic is just a bully at this point.

People that support Epic are maybe even worse than people who pre-order unfinished games,buy 5 dollar dots on screens,pay for microtransactions in horrible games thus encouraging dev laziness and so on.Activision and EA are proving that gamers as a whole are stupid enough to buy the same thing over and over.Why wouldn't Epic think they can trick PC gamers by offering a literal shell of a store when compared to Steam?

There is absolutely no reason to support those practices,just go pirate the games or wait for their Steam release.

5 years ago

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cause it's so EPIC


5 years ago

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Wishlisted and waited game, so sorry it had to go. Not sorry enough to throw money at Epic Games tho. :P Will just purchase if it really comes back to steam in 2020.

5 years ago

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There'd need to be an Epic Games store exclusive game that I'd be interested in for me to consider using their client. Until that happens one game client is enough for me. When I can get 99.9% of all PC games on one client what's the need for the handful of other clients?

5 years ago

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I take that back, I forgot World War Z was exclusive to the Epic Games store. Can't pass up on a zombie co-op game.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

5 years ago

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competition? a launcher that barely have a friend list and a chat....

5 years ago

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Steam was garbage when it launched. Then it improved. Now it's been getting steadily worse. Steam has peaked, time for others to take over. The current ecosystem is not healthy.

5 years ago

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Yeah, in 10 years time Epic launcher might actually be good :) fingers crossed eh

5 years ago

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yay, uplay and origin same, many years but didnt improve...not big fanbase? Same will be with EL. Not gonna improve in any way

5 years ago

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I can wait ¯_(ツ)_/¯

5 years ago

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At least draw the arm properly man. 😆

5 years ago

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Well, i dont mind to wait another year.

5 years ago

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this is good for competition and customers... diversity!
One client more or less on the hard drive who cares... i only would miss the whole Steam services, like Community Hub, Achievements, Overlay etc.

5 years ago

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I dont see how exclusives are good for competition.

5 years ago

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Too bad.
I'm not a huge fan of the Metro franchise so I dont really miss this one. Can miss The Division 2 as well.

Origin has Battlefield, uPlay has Assassins Creed, Epic has nothing interesting yet. For me at least.
Atm the only game that will definately pull me to Epic could be Cyberpunk 2077. I'm pretty sure they reached out to CD Projekt.
Hopefully they stick to GOG and Steam. We'll see.

5 years ago

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CDP, CDP Red and GoG are one family and I don't belive that they will make such a move. Even from day one W3 was drm-free on GoG and was available on Steam. IMO quite nasty move on Epic/Deep Silver side.

5 years ago

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A lot of the comments about this indicate that people will not buy the game, but rather get a pirate version. This 'bribing' by Epic can lead to everybody losing. The exclusivity deals on PC only leads to people going back/discovering piracy as an option. We'll have to wait and see how this turns out, but I can't see that this is anything to be happy about...

5 years ago

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by the way for EU people it might be more expensive than on steam because on epic store there is a "payment processor fee"

found this picture on reddit, don't know if its true

View attached image.
5 years ago

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How is this even legal...

5 years ago

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Not sure if that is allowed, isn't there a rule that says the price should be clear from the start and not afterwards? Though I could be wrong on that but that sucks, EVERYONE here expects the price to be the price you see, in the Steam price the VAT is included into the store price, not afterwards

5 years ago

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hmm why not put games on both stores and let the customer decide where to buy ?! no way after a year steam users pay $60 for it, everyone will expect it with %50 discount at least by then.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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yeah this is where money talks and everyone is greedy!

5 years ago

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Very ugly move from publisher to start selling at steam - they had to generate keys from steam for preorders and now just making decision to screw steam. I like competition but not with such dirty moves.

5 years ago

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Deep Silver Exodus

5 years ago

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I think this will be bigga fail. Pll don't want to use Epic Launcher only cause of Metro:Exodus. Sales will be lower, the biggest mistake from that company.

I'm not gonna buy it until it will be available on Steam :)

5 years ago

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Do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate! ☠️

5 years ago

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Back in the 90s and early 2000s companies would apparently put hidden messages and such in games if the game detected it was pirated. There was this one game on Dreamcast called Ooga Booga which I saw a pirated copy of when I was in college, and when you booted it up you would see this (no audio unfortunately, but says typical pirate things like 'Shiver me timbers!'):

Just a fun bit of trivia that came to mind. :)
(I actually really liked the game and already owned 2 copies by the time I saw the pirated one, would definitely buy a 3rd time if it ever comes to steam)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by jiggakills.