If you want it on Steam, today is the last day you'll be able to pre-order it there.
EDIT: Apparently it will return to Steam on Feb 14 2020 for those that are fine with waiting a year instead of pre-ordering.
EDIT2: Physical copies of the game will come with a Steam key.
EDIT3: Correction, it looks like retail keys will activate on the Epic store.
EDIT4: The game is now no longer available for pre-order on Steam.

5 years ago*

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As people are completely naive, I have to clear some things.

  • This is a dick move. In other words: monopoly. As You are unable to buy keys outside Epic Games' Store.
  • Steam never monopolized anything, cause all the games are buyable outsite their store and also most of the games are buyable for different platforms. You can buy Assassin's Creed for Uplay or Steam. You have a choice. This is what competition means.
  • This is completely anti-customer move, cause they changed mind because of bribery
  • Yes, this is what we call a bribery - someone giving money to other subject to force him change his behavior - Epic Games bribed Metro: Exodus' creators and their eyes lit up when they saw the shiny money, so they insolently delisted game from ANYWHERE but Epic Store.
  • This won't make anything better. This make either anything as it was (if people are not that stupid) or make things way worse (if people are). This can make era of monopoly comes true, as it will encourage devs/pubs to take a money more often for platform exclusive with no price competition for the game.
  • With no price competition, the price of the game will remain high. It will lower later, when it will get its Steam release, but for a year I wouldn't hope for anything more than 20% off.
  • More platforms = worse. Period.
  • Steam is the best competitive platform, that's why it's popular. And people hating Steam just because of that are pathetic. And they also use false arguments which are often opposite to the facts. Like "Steam is a monopoly platform", which is a lie. Steam is the best competition on the market. Lower prices and even higher standards.
5 years ago

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"Steam never monopolized anything, cause all the games are buyable outsite their store and also most of the games are buyable for different platforms. You can buy Assassin's Creed for Uplay or Steam. You have a choice. This is what competition means."

"More platforms = worse. Period"

Error: Hypocrisy detected.
Also, windows has no monopoly now since about 100million stores sell it. That how it works now? Steam is "popular" since its the only one much (monopoly). Just how windows is "popular" since for gaming you pretty much have to. How many people complain about w10 again? Steam too. But hey, where CAN you go? That's the crux.

5 years ago*

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How are those two statements hypocritical ?
EyrieTheEagle is saying that steam hasnt monopolized anything as you have possibility to buy on different clients, but he thinks that having more of these clients is worse..
They are in no way contradictory, just two statements.. The fact that he states having many clients is bad, doesnt change the fact that you can buy the same game on most of the clients..

And, monopoly is when theres only one huge player in the industry not allowing small guys the get a foothold. I have never understood this comparison. You still have Origin, Uplay, now Epic. And all the key resellers that sell keys for Steam. Yes, the steam is supplier of probably some 90% if not more game keys. But resellers and partners put what price they want on it and go on about their business..
I just think "monopoly" is really not used in the right place.

Also - you have possibility to use Apple or Linux.. As for clients - GOG, Origin, UPlay,, Epic, Microsoft store... Yes, undoubtedly steam has the most of the games available on their platform. But that isnt really forced, devs can go and use other DRMs ..Not like Epic is doing now - not allowing to go to other DRMs.

5 years ago*

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In one statement Steam is good because it allows "many platforms" then later on, without context "more platforms is bad"
That's contradictive. While it might be using the wrong words and these are totally different, as is platform is used in both and both cannot be true since one excludes the other.
Currently it reads Epic is bad cause 1 platform, Steam is good for many platforms, but many platforms = bad. That's what I call under hypocrisy, but it could have been just lost in translation. Of course if you just drop "More platforms = worse. Period" and don't bother adding any context what-so-ever it can be hard to determine that. Same as you using clients, but seem to reference both storefronts and the actual client.

Different stores selling the same client (Steam) is still a monopoly, as is 100 million stores selling Windows doesn't suddenly make Windows a small-time player compared to all those stores. That every one of these stores sells Steam-client-keys exclusively should be a fairly large clue that monopoly is achieved.

"small guys"
"Origin, Uplay, now Epic"
Yeah, I'm not really going to buy the 4 biggest publishers out there (EA, Ubisoft, Epic and Bethesda) being "small guys". Or Microsoft itself with it's W10 store (which failed). GOG is small-fries compared to Steam and offers different product (altough old games now seep into Steam and new games into GOG). Key resellers are still Steam-clientele so that's not exactly competition, just more stores that sell windows. Monopoly doesn't require 100% dominance (never ever does monopoly then exist), 90% is basically People defending Steam being a monopoly usually pull out that 10% (probably less) as "not a monopoly", seemingly intend that 100% is required to speak of it, but that has never been the case and 100% will never be achieved ever. You can see plenty of news of mergers being investigated if they wont fall under monopoly and most of these are around 70% share if completed for example, if not less.

Apple and Linux combined are about, what, 5% marketshare. That leaves 95% windows. According to the 100% required monopolyrules Microsoft would be free as a bird. But they're not.

5 years ago

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Nicely said what I basically wanted to say.

5 years ago

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No, there is no hypocrisy here. You are just mad that I said truth You cannot admit and You now talk bullshit?

Also I would like to understand what You are trying to say with Windows and Steam later on Your butthurted comment. Could You translate it to english?
What has Windows to do with monopoly. Cause completely Windows isn't monopolyzing anything. If You think Windows is a monopoly cause it's main OS, You are really pathetic. Cause You still have a choice between Linux and many other free systems. Yet You claim stupid things.
Steam is popular cause it's good. Deal with it Just because You are mad about the truth, doesn't mean truth become false. Steam has no monopoly, cause, as I said, every game sold on Steam is also sold anywhere else. For Steam or other platform. You can buy Assassin's Creed on Steam, on Humble Store, on Uplay and many other places. You just can't buy Valve products outside Steam but that's obvious.

Also I don't care how many trolls complain about Windows 10. It's the best Windows ever. Also people who complain about Steam are mainly ragers who complain that they don't own the game, cause it's a license and other kind of bullshit. DRM-free fanboys.
And where can they go? Easy. Windows hater can use Linux for example. Steam haters can use Origin, Uplay, GOG and billions of other sites. So don't make a problem out of nothing.

5 years ago

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Perhaps you should consider being less belligerent toward others, and you'll be taken more seriously.
Stating opinion as fact all the time doesn't help your case, either.

Sad thing is, you make some decent points, but they're buried so far beneath your overt anger and blatant insults that no one is going to take notice.

5 years ago

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And yet again, wild troll appears.
Stop replying to my comments. I don't care what You think. Especially that You can't respond with anything than my non existent anger. Are You stalking me? Cause that's what biased people do. Seek people who they hate to hate them more. Go away.

5 years ago

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Yes, it's all on me because I'm an angry, stalking troll. I don't know why I expected any other sort of reply from you, but I'll remain optimistic that you'll change your ways.

Have a nice day.

5 years ago

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Don't wish me a nice day if You don't have the slightest respect towards me, cause that's the worst offense You could possible give.
And yes, You are spying what I write and trying to provoke me. I don't even care about what You comment in this site, yet, You replied asap when I just made here a comment.
I just don't have intention to talk with You. Cause You don't intend to talk with me. You just intend to hate me. Not that I care, but I just have better things to do than some internet quarrels.

5 years ago

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Have a nice day. :3

5 years ago

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Have a nice day too!

5 years ago

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Dude (or dudette) what's your problem?

5 years ago

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My? I see You got a problem, replying to comment written 4 days ago, not addressed to You but the trolling guy, who stalks me and hate every time I write something, who nitpicks cause he want to be a Internet badass or something.

5 years ago

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After Rebel Galaxy Outlaw being one-year-exclusive to the Epic store, I knew it was just a matter of time for a triple-A game to follow.

5 years ago

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Welp, considering the installer for their client tries to install to my DVD drive and won't let me change it, the seas I shall be sailing.

5 years ago

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Welp, fuck Deep Silver, then.

piratebay it is!

5 years ago

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The question is now, how many have pre-ordered the game now compared to before?

5 years ago

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They've confirmed that physical copies will contain an Epic key
Though given how they originally said otherwise they may have to provide a Steam key or face legal consequences. Who knows what the future holds.

5 years ago

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I don't really like Epic Store, they just thinking about money, what is the situation from hate Valve?
Epic Store, just stop thinking it, Steam really best way to buying a game

5 years ago

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I really love competition as a customer. I am so glad AMD is going up so Intel has to be more creative. The same goes for anything. I don't mind other stores like Uplay and GOG. But EPIC store really has to step up their game.

What EPIC store showed us so far?
1) One game every two weeks is free - This might bring new customers. Personally I don't much like the idea of mass giving away games, because it reduces their value tremendously on the market and it doesn't look great in the eye of customer who already payed not negligible price for it. On the other hand games they have given away so far are looking really great and I wanted to try them in some point of my life.
2) Exclusivities - This is actually a competition killer and there is no advantage to customer. This is something I would not forgive to steam and I am not going to make an exception here.
3) Smaller cut on sales - We will have to wait to see if it makes any change. Steam takes a huge chunk of sale. I am definitely in favour of giving more to developers. In my personal opinion that money bump will go straight to publisher's pocket, who after all made the decision to move their game to EPIC. Also I don't think prices will be lower. Just publisher's smile might be wider.
4) New client - I have tried both client and website. They are pretty much the same, pretty much the same awful. There is no filtering (by genre, age restriction, release date), there are no reviews, no ratings, no discussions about games and there is very few games to choose from (this is my smallest complain). On top of that there is no search field. It is 2019 and there is no way to search (In browser CTRL+F works).

If they are the bringer of competition, then please go ahead. Bring it on. So far there is no reason why I would believe this is what we, as customers, want. There is plenty of features steam is missing, but there is also a few great features which steam already has. I don't see any reason why I would want to loose those now.

TLDR: We need competition. EPIC makes none.

5 years ago

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Very well said!

5 years ago

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LOL ... no problem for me ... BUT the publisher sucks that much. USD price is going down 10 bucks, but €uro price doesn't. Hope, there is a 0 day crack so they lose as much money as possible.

5 years ago

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I was just taking a look at the Metro Exodus twitter page - apparently Steam pre-purchases are being honoured, but Steam pre-purchasers will either have to buy the game again on Epic or wait until the game has a Steam store page in 2020 to buy any DLC...

5 years ago

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Are there any differences in content between the version on the Epic Games store and the version on Steam?
No, they have the same pre-order bonuses and in-game content. All future title updates, patches, and free and premium DLC will be released simultaneously across both versions.

5 years ago

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Not the first piece of conflicting information about this mess, much like the Steam keys with physical copies somebody just seems to be making this up as they go along.

5 years ago*

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Well the Steam keys with physical copies was a tweet prior to the announcement. They've stated on Twitter that the content would come to Steam at the same time as Epic. These replies are repeated many times:
I think there may have been some confusion in regards to one of the wordings, unless there is a conflicting tweet (but I couldn't find it):
"if you own the Standard Edition on Steam, you will be able to purchase the Expansion Pass or standalone DLC on Steam when it releases in the future."
They aren't referring to the base game, but to when the Expansion Pass or standalone DLC releases in the future. As I recall, there are no launch day DLCs.

5 years ago

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Well I started off by reading the tweet about the physical copies now shipping with Epic keys and then couldn't help but start to read through the many entertaining replies - including many people posting screenshots of promotional material that seemed to suggest that really wasn't what people were led to believe. That lead me on to the DLC drama.

I may well have read too much into exchanges about how the promised DLC sales were actually going to be fulfilled. In fact I'm now sure that is the case - everything else has clearly gone exactly to plan so far...

5 years ago

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lol, yeah they really shot themselves in the foot. There is so much back and forth its hard to keep it straight, hopefully we can trust was they currently say but who knows. I fear we haven't heard the last of it and perhaps due to protection laws their physical copies will in fact contain a Steam copy as that is what was originally advertised. I wouldn't believe they are allowed to change the product after its been paid for. Perhaps though the pre-ordered physical copies all contain Steam keys and only later releases will contain an Epic key.

I really hope the game is good, both for the consumers and the developers. And I hope the developers get their appropriate due regardless of what the publisher has done. On the other hand I hope the publishers crash and burn over this fiasco. It would have sucked if the game was launched as an Epic exclusive, but I would've understood and felt they were justified with their decision. Them changing what I would consider mid launch, let's face it they've already sold copies, that is where I have a problem. It just adds unnecessary confusion and goes against what they previously agreed on.

5 years ago

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I'm really curious about the Steam key thing. I remain sure that Steam wouldn't be happy about Steam keys that they don't profit from being generated for physical copies while digital distribution is taken elsewhere - it can't be a precedent they would want set for the future. I can't imagine Epic wanting to deal with keys and all the hassle that comes with them such as third party sellers, would they really want customers badly enough to want to take on the retail keys?

I feels like a fairly sudden change brought about by goings on behind the scenes that I'd love to know more about. I think the publishers have taken a bag of cash to go to Epic mid-launch without fully thinking through the consequences and a lot of unexpected things might happen whatever is promised.

5 years ago

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There had to be an epic sized bag of cash involved somehow. I wonder if it was because they did not have faith in the game, they had an immediate need, or perhaps someone(s) directly involved walked away very happy. I cannot fathom how much was offered to overcome the ill will that was generated with their decision, but time will tell if it paid off for them. It will be interesting to see how many people vote with their wallet and if the vocal community is the majority or the minority.

5 years ago

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Our biggest retail shop has confirmed that the game will be activated on Epic. So even those who have pre-ordered long time ago will receive Epic key. I am not sure how is that even possible as the boxes would likely contain keys with Steam label. @_@

5 years ago

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They could just generate identical keys for the Epic Store.

5 years ago

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Well I meant like there would be in the box paper with the key number and instructions on Steam activation. ;)
Or how soon they ship / prepare / make those retail boxes before start of sale?

5 years ago

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Well, fck Epic and now fck Deep Silver too. I can already hear them crying a few months from now "Oioioi, so few people bought our game which was so expensive in development..."

5 years ago

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Steam users are review-bombing Metro series in protest of Exodus’ Epic Store exclusivity :

5 years ago

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Strategies for competing with Steam:

  • GoG is DRM-free.
  • Humble gives to charity.
  • Itch is open-ended.
  • Epic takes hostages.
5 years ago

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haha - well said

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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While i do not agree with review bombing a game that has nothing to do with the game in question is a good thing.

I see it more like the people cultivated themself with steam given them a place to exchange.
The so called toxicity is made by the consumers so nice move with insulting them even more.
Of course we can go back to the year before internet was a thing and you only got gaming magazines to be informed.
That developers are in contact with consumers more then they where back then is simply because of the advanced technology.

Following this argument would also mean that you have to blame every social media plattform for cybermobbing of minors instead of the minors who do it.
The technologies advances, so persons who are toxic adopt and uses this technologies.
To avoid that you either have to change humanity or stop technologie to advance.

5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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2033 and Last Light have outlived their usefulness. The honest reviews are there, bombing these games right now will have absolutely no effect.

5 years ago

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In other words, according to Kotaku "consumers shouldn't be allowed to complain on Steam when companies screw them over"?

In this specific matter Valve is probably extremely happy to allow a pervasive player-vs-developer atmosphere to develop. The backlash will definitely make sure no one makes any such stunts in future (announcing a platform-specific title is OK if done from start or due to unforeseen circumstances, pulling it out of a store two weeks before launch is definitely a no-no).

5 years ago

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Apparently, preorders that were made on Humble Bundle or Razer will also get a Steam key.

I pre-ordered Metro Exodus through Humble Bundle, Razer or similar key seller – what happens to my order?
Only Humble Bundle and Razer are authorised Steam Key sellers. If you ordered Metro Exodus from either of these stores your pre-order will be honored and you will receive a Steam Key in time for release on February 15th 2019.

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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I have a qoute from a famous dead rapper :)
Well, this is how we gonna do this: fuck Metro! Fuck Deep Silver!
Fuck Epic Games as a staff, publishing label and as a motherfuckin' crew!
And if you wanna be down with Epic Games, then fuck you too!

5 years ago

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Look, look at it and laugh

5 years ago

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Yeah, if I was Glukhovsky, I'd sue them for damaging my brand on purpose like little kids who play business. I've just removed Last Light from my wishlist.

5 years ago*

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Love the bit about 'those aren't our customers anyway'. I bet that there is actually a fair amount of people that would have bought the game on Steam (at least during 2019), but won't buy it on the Epic store and rather pirate it. But yeah, let's just pretend that it's all the customers fault and it has nothing to do with the 'bait and switch' move...

5 years ago

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Tbh. I think more than 75% than scream about now not buying it because of epic would not bought the game anyways. It's the same with all the Denuvo stuff. If a game removes denuvo they still don't buy it and come up with some other stuff: they "will wait for a goty", want to play as a "man, girl, animal", think the price is to high or playtime to low or they watched a youtube video already or their fav. streamer talked bad about the game or something different.

I'm still sure there are some people that wanted to buy the game on steam and don't do it now.
And I'm sure there were people that wanted to buy the game but don't do it because of denuvo.
And I'm sure there will still be people that will buy the game.

And yes, the storechanging so close to release is kinda strange and should have handled differently.

But all this hate and rage is just... typical for pc-community tbh.
When people say "vote with your wallet" it does not mean: insult the devs and publishers, scream as loud as you can and attack everyone who is not with you.

5 years ago

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Can't be bothered to reply to the point (?) you try to make, but I just watched this and it pretty much sums up what I think about the whole trainwreck.

5 years ago

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Pff, it's just a noname dev talking who is not the studio's, nor the publisher's decisionmaker. Why did he even talked to any press? As you said, this guy does nothing just makes people angry / damages the brand -.-

5 years ago

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Haha yeah, having a personal opiniom these days can be very dangerous ^_^

5 years ago

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Especially if someone shares their opinion/thoughts presented as facts from a higher decisionmaking, essentially making false news statements. It's just too,much drama at this point

5 years ago

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4A Games developer: If Metro Exodus does not sell on the PC, the next Metro will not come out for it

This is getting better and better

5 years ago*

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I'm just going to post this meme

I mean, that reply was childish, but... can't blame him tbh, I can understand how he feels about this

View attached image.
5 years ago

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thankfully they can make an exclusivity deal with any of those consoles.

5 years ago

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LoL good one. 9gag user too?

5 years ago

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No, somewhere on Reddit

5 years ago

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They didn't hear about emulators, I guess. There is always the way.

5 years ago

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Yeah, seeing how there's still no stable player-made emylator of X360 or PS3, I wouldn't hope to see PS5/XB2 emulator before 2030.
Abd by that time people will be playing Mero Exodusiest on PS6/XB3...

5 years ago

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side note you mean XB4 and XB5, since it went: original, 360, One. I know naming conventions suck when you have two consoles named one.

5 years ago

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Yeah, next one probably will be 720 and then First, just mess with out heads a bit more :D

5 years ago

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lol, they are free to do whatever they want with their stupid games. but they shouldn't cry when they go bankrupt like useless telltale or thq. it isn't their customers' fault.

it's not the first time a developer/publisher ruins a franchise for me because they didn't continue it on pc. already happened with fable 2 and gears of war 2... i'm not gonna buy a console just to play them.

screw them, 1000 times.

5 years ago

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Companies are always trying to maximise profit,sometimes by taking bad decisions that have the opposite result. The only thing we can do is vote with our wallet.

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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Haha, one more great and into the point meme

5 years ago

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Just to be clear, it's only one single developer talking there. Not the studio. And what he said was this:

"However, the developer went one step further and stated that if all PC gamers boycott Metro Exodus then the next Metro game (if there is one mind you) will not come out on the PC."

All PC gamers. This statement is true for every game on the planet. ^^ No need to worry. The game will probably still sell enough. And even if it doesn't. If the next Metro game will be hyped as much as this one, the demand on PC will be there regardless of how this one goes. So they would do it anyway in that case.

5 years ago

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true its just one careless developer but remember the "EA on the Battlefield V Backlash: ‘Accept It or Don’t Buy the Game’" that didn't end well for EA.

5 years ago

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There is no proof that this statement actually resulted in lower sales. And honestly, I think it's unlikely even. Most of the potential customers who ended up not buying the game probably never even read that statement. And they probably had different reasons for their decision. The most obvious one would be the significantly lower review scores. Not every gamer is as active on the internet as we are. As invested in this hobby as we are. Most people don't spend their time reading forum threads and discussing gaming related topics. I know the media likes to make connections like that. They said something bad, and now sales are lower than the last game - so one must be the reason for the other! But the bad review scores really seem the more obvious reason for the rather bad sales figures.

5 years ago

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It makes me feel nice and warm inside by thinking that bad developers-publishers behavior like this is punished by the gamers, But its probably true, that game bad sales are due to the lack of quality in the game and bad reviews.

5 years ago

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haha they didn't expect PC gamers react like this, and now they are making it worse :) eventually they will come back to PC and steam.

5 years ago

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NO! now i have to sell my PC and buy one those cans called consoles just to be able to play Metro games :)

5 years ago

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or wait a year, the game may suck anyway

5 years ago

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yeah definitely will wait for that :) in the meantime since i don't like Epic launcher, i might pirate it :) and will buy it later on steam to support if the game was good.

5 years ago

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What about the people who bought the game as steam key from Sites like g2a, gamivo and HRK?

5 years ago

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no official reseller...
they buy Physical copies in countries where they are much cheaper and then give you the key. when physical copies have epic keys, you will get epic keys I'm sure.

5 years ago

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Alright thanks for the info mate!

5 years ago

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4A Games Deep Silver addresses the recent comments by one of their devs:

The recent decision to move Metro Exodus from Steam to the Epic Game Store was made by Koch Media / Deep Silver alone.

The recent comments made by a member of the 4A Games development team do not reflect Deep Silver’s or 4A Games’ view on the future of the franchise. They do reflect the hurt and disappointment of a passionate individual who has seen what was previously nothing but positive goodwill towards his work turn to controversy due to a business decision he had no control over. We respectfully ask that any and all valid feedback over this decision is directed at Koch Media / Deep Silver, and not the developers at 4A Games.

The future release strategy of the Metro series lies with Koch Media / Deep Silver. Our decision to partner with Epic Games was based on the goal of investing in the future of the series and our development partner at 4A Games. We have every intention of continuing this franchise, and a PC version will always be at the heart of our plans.

5 years ago*

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We have every intention of continuing this franchise, and a PC version will always be at the heart of our plans.

PR steps in to save the day!

5 years ago

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The recent decision to move Metro Exodus from Steam to the Epic Game Store was made by Koch Media / Deep Silver alone.

deep silver's choice

Our decision to partner with Epic Games was based on the goal of investing in the future of the series and our development partner at 4A Games.

and now it's their decision, weird.

unless he first talks like he belongs to 4a, and in the last paragraph he's part of deep silver?
it makes no sense.

5 years ago

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I don't think that this account is from 4A Games.
Normally a publisher handle the PR and not the developer.

5 years ago

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You're right. I found out the statement was made by Deep Silver afterall.

5 years ago

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They can rot imo. Theres no way the money epic gives them will make up for the sales Steam would have gave them. Even if it did the damage to their reputation isn't worth it. I'm not buying anything on Epics launcher and most the kids with fortnite wont either.

5 years ago

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They definitely have metrics of Steam sales and compare it with the money Epic offered for timed exclusivity. I'm sure they know for the short term profit the offer is better.

If I were the decision maker I would have done the same thing. The next Metro would probably be on Steam and gamers will conveniently forget this rage storm because they have the memory of goldfish.

5 years ago

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There's no way you know that better than the people who are actually doing the business. ^^

You can be pretty sure it's worth it for them. Else they wouldn't have done it.

5 years ago

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maybe i sould buy it for steam since i had the opportunity... but, they posted System Requirement recently, and it made me thing game isn't really well optimized or even more problems coming as it happens too often with AAA games in the past year
and i made decision to wait until release then see tests-benchmarks and maybe buy after all
buuuuuuut... now screw the plans and thanks to the publisher for saved money, it's too shady to trust em since now

// easy to dodge the game for me cuz i didn't played the series yet, but feels the sort of pain for friend who really waited for so long

5 years ago

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Lovely. This is kind of free advertising for them.

PS. I'm not a fan of Metro series so not a big loss for me. But an example to those who say "it's just another platform", I love Sims, I have all the DLCs from Sims 3 on Steam, but I haven't bought Sims 4 just because it's not in the library where I keep all my games. It's not practical to have bunch of different resource-consuming programs running in the background just so you can play one game. I've chosen Steam.

Now, I haven't bought The Sims 4, but I have downloaded it (pirated). So I wish Metro marketing team a good luck.

5 years ago

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What people say about bad publicity is still publicity, is just wrong.
Look at Battlefield 5 or SW Battlefront nearly killed those games of "beloved" franchises.
It can be utilized but not when they keep messing it up further.

5 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by jiggakills.