Valve is expanding trust factor to the entirety of Steam ! So cheaters will never enjoy any game witch is related to trust factor !

6 years ago

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I don't really understand. So will we be able to play for example TF2 with only trusted people (high level, attached phone number)?

6 years ago

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No, from what I know, it’s based on games with matchmaking, so if someone gets banned in any of the games that include the trust system, your overall trust in all of those games will lower.

6 years ago

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Is this trust system going to include all mp games on steam? I'm still a dedicated battlefield bad company 2 player. I've been banned there so many times for untrue reasons and was wondering if those would be factored in

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I do not want to calm your happiness but considering that many do not cheat with their Main Accounts but have like instead a bunch of seperate Accounts where they will cheat around with it won't matter at all if Valve will now link their Trust System at all in the background.

Those that cheat won't suddenly go away if they are being linked to cheating over a bunch of Games.

6 years ago

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It's a technique called fingerprinting. The more data you collect, the more accurate you can be.

  • phone
  • bank
  • location
  • browsers used (including plugins)
  • OS used
  • mailaddresses
  • HWID
  • persona (name, birthdate, etc.)
  • schedule (playing times, offline times)
  • friends and secondary accounts of friends
  • ingame names
  • custom URL's
  • games you look at in the store
  • games on wishlists
  • config files
  • installation location of games
  • Internet provider
  • Internet speed

There are 100s (if not 1000s) of possible things to track

A very simple example is location + date of birth

How many people with your exact ZIP code, exactly the same ISP and internet speed, with the same date of birth as yourself do you know?
Steam is a massive datacollector, on everything you do on this platform.

6 years ago*

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That's nice to know. Bad for the cheaters, good for all the users

6 years ago

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why would a cheater use the same date of birth on his fake account ?

it is true that steam collect all this data, but I think most of them are useless for trust factor

Anyway steam will never say what information they use for it

6 years ago

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the question is.... who the hell use his real birth date on internet??? i bet 95% of people use a random number with 20++ years old....
anyone who use his real birth date in steam it's just.... "insert insult here"......

6 years ago

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fake birth date ? you look like cheater to me

6 years ago

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I find this insulting!
I (like 95% of the internet) was born on 01/01 of some year. I just can't recall which one...

6 years ago

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Why does it even matter, are you using it as password or something? Everyone is born on some day and there isn't anything you can do just by knowing that. You could harvest tons more dates from Facebook etc social media.

6 years ago

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Vincent Adultman uses his real birthday

6 years ago

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This guy machine learns ^


6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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I'm fine with making cheaters miserable but I'm less fine with all the data collection.
That being said, if we could implement a similar system all across the web and general media, that would make the world a better place.
Imagine this: all the trolls on twitter being only able to tweet to other trolls. All the politicians caught in a lie, silenced forever. Happy place.

6 years ago*

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Sounds good! Please let it replace VAC

6 years ago

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Trust Factor is nice in theory. When I play cs go alone it works well enough most of the time. But I have this friend that I always play cs go with, that basically has an account in the same conditions as mine - plenty of games, 2k+ hours in cs go, 500+ wins and all that jazz. About two weeks ago, when we went to play together, I started getting a message saying his trust factor was "much lower than mine". Obviously our matches since then have been awful. But it makes no sense. He doesn't troll, doesn't cheat, and didn't even have a great performance recently that could make people report him. And I know there are plenty of other people just like him out there, and many don't even know they have low trust because they don't have anyone to tell them that (you can't see your own trust factor). I'm sure some will just dismiss what I said and assume my friend deserved the low trust, but the trust factor system is far from perfect, and it can unjustly condemn people to its depths.

Edit: we sent an email to valve telling them to please take a closer look on his case. No response so far (and his trust is still bad).

6 years ago

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Maybe your friend is so bad at the game that people are like: "Whoa, no one can be THIS terrible. This guy is up to something shady!" ;D

6 years ago

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Yeah. Maybe "trust factor" stands for "trust in this guy's skills to play good".

Edit: we're both LEM. Just to illustrate the problem a little more.

6 years ago

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This is my big problem with this. Never mind the creepy data collection behind your back, you're basically judged by court you can't see, don't know what evidence is gathered against you or if any of it is valid at all, can't hear sentence or appeal it in any way, and you can be put in virtual 'prison' without ever learning of it.

I despise cheaters and would like a system banning all sock puppeteers, but current valve isn't a company I'd trust with the above. If anything, I expect them to turn it into a revenue stream somehow, like 'pay to have clean trust' service or cheaters being able to dodge the system with extra purchases in some way, given the direction steam went in last 2-3 years...

6 years ago

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That sounds like bad news for cheaters and great news for anyone who doesn't :)

6 years ago

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How do you see Trust Factor?

6 years ago

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You can't see it directly (at least not that I know of) but if you're playing csgo with friends, you can get a notification saying some of your friends have a lower trust factor than you do. Hopefully there will be an easier way to check your trust factor in the future.

6 years ago

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Thank you. All my matches must have been with trusty players. :)

6 years ago

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I really hope amateur devs won't have write access to users trust factor... with Valve, I don't have any issues, but some noname indie developer might just ban people left and right for overlays or posts on forum, and it's his game so he has rights for it, right? But one thing is getting banned from some 10$ game you just played for 20 minutes to check out, and another is having it permanently affect your matchmaking in all games. I know chances are low, but I'd feel safer if it was split into two levels for developers: anyone can read trust factor, but only approved devs can affect it.

6 years ago

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Its not only amateur devs you have to worry about. There was a tiny shitstorm just last week when Tripwire (the devs behind Killing Floor) banned a bunch of people for no good reason (the bans thankfully go removed in the end, but still).

6 years ago

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From the article OP linked:
"Steam Trust: The technology behind Trusted Matchmaking on CS:GO is getting an upgrade and will become a full Steam feature that will be available to all games. This means you'll have more information that you can use to help determine how likely a player is a cheater or not."

Which sounds like Valve will just provide read access for the devs to implement it in their matchmaking, to not reinvent the wheel + have information if the player is cheater or not from the get-go

6 years ago

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I'd say from this description it's still unclear. If it's just read access, that's cool.

6 years ago

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i wonder how much that even complies with the new gdpr. that sounds like alot of trouble in that regards. depending on what sort of information they share.
edit: not that i personally care, since i give a fuck about multiplayer games.

6 years ago*

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GDPR cares about personal information, which is information which allows to uniquely identify a person by it. I'm pretty sure probability of user being a cheater is not personal information.

6 years ago

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Does it get more personal than cheating?

6 years ago

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as i said depending on the sort of information they share. linked email? linked phone number? names? brith dates? and other things. everything personal information.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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pfft, no one will bat an eye as nothing changes for regular user

6 years ago

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Nah, that's not gonna happen ;) As much as other companies are trying, Steam still has very little to no competition and making things that little bit more difficult for cheaters is certainly no reason to look for greener pastures.

6 years ago

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yep and I believe out of all the "launchers" and markets GoG was the most promising but it seems like it cant win steam

6 years ago

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Indeed, GOG is the only one (in my opinion) that comes anywhere close to being a good, somewhat convenient launcher. Epic Store looked like it could be something for a brief moment, but I don't think it'll rise above all the other generic launchers.

6 years ago

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Well we all be getting the freebies from Epic but they wont keep doing that forever. Dont underestimate Kongegrate or however that thing is spelled, it offers tokens with xp leveling and rewards and stuff, people might wanna do that (play n win type). GoG is the best in my opinion, DRM-free games, nough said!

6 years ago

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i think its a bad idea but i supose time will tell.

whatever happened to games with voting system?

6 years ago

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It's a bad idea to be honest if it's not implemented correctly. I don't play MMO type games anymore, and I've never cheated or been accused of it, BUT... I do recall a time when a friend of mine was banned from a game simply for having a really high score. The guy is just good, really good at certain types of games. They couldn't even provide any proof of his alleged cheating. When something like that happens, I do call into question the accuracy of this type of system. They didn't unban him either despite many appeals.

People who do cheat to feel good about themselves on the internet deserve everything that happens to them, but the innocent people that get caught in the web don't deserve to have this carried across all games that they played. I just hope that they take many factors into account before accusing someone of cheating and bringing that record across multiple games. :)

6 years ago*

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Oh yeah, wait till Sergey and Ivan of your favourite asset flip start getting access to that data, modify it to mark your account as a cheater, and blow up the rest of the Steam just how they did with fake Steam items, gambling the market or distributing malware disguised as games.

Truly everybody will enjoy it, just how they enjoyed the death of greenlight. What could possibly go wrong?

Personally I'm already sick in regards to the amount of abuse that steamworks developers can do, with putting a huge game ban visible on your profile at their own discretion being enough as it is. I can only hope that Valve has learnt something from the amount of steamworks bans they handled and will not allow another crap to blow up.

6 years ago

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show me a system and ill show you how to exploit it.

6 years ago

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This is some kind you prevent people from cheating ... so you can try it !

6 years ago

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um what? i dont understand what you said but let me take a crack at it.
that is a saying from an 80's movie(max headroom, i think) about how all programs can be exploited in 1 manner or another. in short. it means some1 will always find a way to be a dick.
i in no way shape or form condone cheating. but i know for a fact that someday this trust will backfire and screw over a person who is innocent via hacker, dev, steam incompetence, moron admin, ect. as others have stated b4 me.
but here's hoping it will stop the hackers. my clan lost a server in ark (4k hrs, almost 2 years held) to hackers and the devs did nothing after many of us submitted video's of them hacking. i just quit atlas a few days ago after seeing hackers on official servers.

6 years ago

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I am agree with you ! But still they trying to do something to get better experience on gaming ! in multiplayer

6 years ago*

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