How was the 2015 Summer Sale?
I bought around 80€ worth of stuff, mostly CSGO (but not only), for profit (later). My inventory is full of crap, I admit I was kinda bored with the sale. So I'm glad it's almost over.
I can't really compare this sale with the previous ones because I used to buy games from Russian traders so of course it looks more expensive, and not quite a bit.
The monster game was fun but irrelevant to the sale, I feel like Valve didn't know what to do. They just throw you trading cards with no goal.
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A huge amount of historic low prices. It was a good sale.
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I was hoping for GTAV but I don't want to buy any online money.
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I did not like the Monster game. Clickity BS. It was especially disheartening when I never managed to get in with some of my Steam friends who made it into insane levels. I guess I need to become a redditor or something to make sure I have a pool of like-minded individuals to accomplish stuff with. Getting the wormhole badge would have been great. I guess I just didn't want it bad enough.
Some games/DLC I bought because I was sick of waiting for a better price. In contrast, lots of good titles I passed on because they didn't go any lower than (or didn't even match) their historically lowest prices.
That being said, I ultimately didn't get what I wanted, and still spent too much money.
Disappointed that some (not all) other online stores didn't even try to compete. But hey, they know their business better than I do.
Steam introduced new card drop rules, and while it didn't affect me much in regards to the sale, it's still bad news, as it will literally add a month of time needed to idle for my cards. That's not even counting for how often IdleMaster glitches up.
I more than doubled my Steam level... but if I'd planned better, I think I could have done a lot more. On one hand, I think I learned some lessons on how to do future big sales better, but on the other hand... I don't think I really want to do this anymore...
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Those people hitting insane levels were just cheating with auto-click macros. Not that anybody you know was necessarily cheating, just that they happened to end up in a game where somebody or multiple people were doing it. Not that it really mattered, but I kind of wonder if all the milestones would have been achieved every day otherwise.
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I never much liked the community voting. This game had some bugs, but at least it was something to do, and more importantly something the community could work together on as a whole - as opposed to pitting people against each other in that god-awful "team competition" pay-to-win scam from last year. Beyond that, I did pick up a few games, but a lot of the sales were pretty bad - Dying Light at only 25% when it's 50% over on Indiegala, Daily Deal games that weren't actually discounted, the GTA V shenanigans, etc. It's just getting so there's no real point in the big Steam sales, because too many other sites have better prices more often throughout the year.
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I only bought Lotro expansion for my brother and the car mechanic glitch. I am ok with that.
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Actually it was completely normal Sale, discounts were exactly same as in Sales before, only few things changed. Number of games and more discounts (there were hardly any 90% discounts year or two before), so this should be even better than previous Sales. Increasing amount of discounts over year or two on Steam's weekends, Midweek, other discount events, renders this sale in many people's eyes like worst. But it is just there wasn't many ways to get game cheaper before so Summer/Winter Sales were highlight at that point. Now we have more and more piles of bundles for cheap and many other sites having huge discount these years. So as far as this sale was, if people think this is bad sale, I say "Wait for the next one, you'll be disappointed even more."
For me it was just as any Sale before, completely normal.
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With little more than 24 hours to go the 2015 Summer Sale draws to a close. What are your thoughts on this years SS? Did you buy a lot of games? Are Valve's sales getting worse? Was the monster minigame fun?
Personally I only bought a few games but they're real gems, however I feel like this sale was rather weak compared to previous years, Valve seems to be putting less effort every year. The monster minigame was interesting but unreliable, I prefer the good old community voting.
Share your thoughts. (Sorry, no potato in the pool)
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