Do you have a girlfriend that is into video games?
I suppose there's the portal games. Maybe saints row IV since it's a crazy and whacky sandbox kind of game. Perhaps Bastion. Also Dust: An Elysian Tail is pretty good too.
I hate Tomb Raider (reboot), but I mean, lots of other people like it. So maybe Tomb Raider (the reboot) (It has a gorey scene or two in it by the way. You'd have to let her know about that. Also some death can be pretty graphic, you can see this stuff online.)
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The Walking Dead is nice. Basically a story she might enjoy with barely any interaction in the gameplay
I started watching youtube (so watching people play)around 3 years ago, then got an Xbox to play FPSs etc... Then after a while built my PC and ended up loving gaming so much that I'm playing a wide range of games. I now play with my bf and others! Although I did play games as a child, but I just stopped until like a year or two ago :)
Just tell her to watch youtube and whatever she finds interesting she can play. Let her find her way around a little :3
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Damn... I missed that part... I really should read facepalm
If not... Then... I would say try Portal. That was one of the first games I played on PC :3
Or Stardew Valley! Been playing that and its super fun :3
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yea I have to admit I'm a little pussy and I was not able to play The Walking Dead alone :3 Thinking back and knowing what happened, it would not have been a huge deal but I was in constant fear of the unexpected so that game is better played in company if she doesn't like dark/scary games haha
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To The Moon.
Most TellTale games have a great story, but some are "dark/scary/bloody", though in a story-appropriate fashion. They aren't grisly for the sake of being edgy.
Grim Fandango, Monkey Island, or any other Lucasarts-style adventure game (no deaths [outside of what's called for by the plot], so it's definitely easier for beginners).
Papers, Please.
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if i had a girlfriend why would i play video games with her?
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Transformice, just make sure you master wall jumping first before she does.
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My girlfriend watched me play The Binding of Isaac. As soon as I asked "you want to try?" She was hooked. This was about 3 years ago, since then we/she have/has played: Don't starve, Far Cry 3 and 4, both Amnesias, Outlast and more. I even got her to play some DiRT Rally with me, and go figure, she was better than first. AND SHE DOESN'T LIKE RACING GAMES AT ALL. Anyway, fast forward to today, she is playing FarCry 4 next to me on the PC I built for her on her birthday, while I write this comment.
But for "newbie" gamers I can suggest Telltale games and maybe Trine 1 2 and 3.
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video games are like krptonite to alot of females. I'm 35 years old, have dated close to 30 females, only had one of them mildly interested in video games, and those games were just some facebook games. Normally the reactions were.. ugh, you're playing games again. Like isn't 20 minutes once a week good enough ... well no it's not.. when I have games that take upwards of 100+ hours, not even getting into the whole MMO games I played like 5 - 6 years ago.
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wow, 30 "females" don't like video games. such a large sample.
Truth is, many women like video games. Probably half of my female friends on facebook have sent me candycrush requests. Plenty more that I know who do play games.
But not everyone is into games that are a huge time-suck. Hell, for most of the past decade I didn't start any game that wasn't one I could pick up and play for 5 minutes, and then put down.
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well I don't consider Candy Crush a game, nor do I consider any of those garbage facebook or mobile games games..
Also I'm only going off my personal experience, I know many females game, but if a female is a gamer you won't have to "get her into" gaming because she'll already be there.
You aren't going to "get a female" into gaming if she isn't already a pretty big fan of gaming. Like I said the candy crush/facebook games don't count as gaming.
My own personal experience shows that if a female isn't into gaming no matter what happens you're relationship with them will suffer if you don't totally abandon your gaming habit. I suspect for a female gamer dating a male who isn't into gaming it's probably a likewise difficult situation.
My opinion is, if your partner isn't into gaming, you make sure to
a) never move in with them, that is when the real troubles will start
b) never have kids with them... you might as well just burn your games
c) give up gaming immediately.
I can't even count how many times females I've dated have put forth the ultimatum it's either them or video games.. Well needless to say my video games are still around, and those females are just facebook friends I haven't talked to in years :-D ... even my wife hates video games, but meh, I have something else she loves more than she hates my games
Also I said females I've dated, a girl you're dating is much different than a friend, most of your female friends will just hang around while you play or go do other stuff unless they game themselves, in which case you wouldn't need to know what types of games they want or like to play.
Dating is a tricky situation when one person is a gamer and the other isn't.. The gamer is often times left with the choice of give up games or give up the relationship..
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1) saying candy crush isn't a game is extremely arrogant, and pretty much sums up a big problem in the gaming community. So what if it's a casual game, it's still a game.
People don't realize, but women actually make up about half of the gaming population.
And, the vast majority of people who play games play casually.
2) you don't need to share every interest (even serious ones) to have a successful relationship. I game, my partner watches reality TV. I have zero interest in reality TV, and would rather gauge out my eyes. I'm sure my gaming elicits a similar response. We've been happily married for 7 years now.
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well no, candy crush isn't a real game, it's a casual time killer.. Candy Crush is something you do while you're dropping some kids off at the pool, or riding the bus. All those casual games aren't real games, they are thrown together cash cows that get unhappy middle aged house wives and pre-teens playing them, throwing away money to kill off the time restraints.
I understand how relationships work, I'm in a 10 year marriage myself, I also understand about reality tv, hate those shows, but for some reason (being a good hubby) I find myself sitting right there watching her American Idols and Hells kitchens.. Heck I even watch General Hospital with her.
I don't think two people need to mirror each other's interest, but gaming is one of those hobbies which requires so much time it can interfere with other things. relationships where two people live together can be difficult with one gamer and one non gamer.. All people are different and I'm only speaking from my own personal experiences with dating females over the years. I started with my wife when I was 25, so could be all the other anti gamer females were young and too obsessed.
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correction "hardcore gaming"
I don't see what's so different between candy crush and any other game, except for the fact that you could play it in one minute intervals. Care to explain your position?
Nor is it limited to just bored middle-aged housewives and pre-teens. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and I guarantee I'm neither a middle-aged housewife or a pre-teen.
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everyone is entitled to their opinion.. I'm not saying you're is wrong, for 2 or 3 years I got really into Famly Guy Quest for stuff, and the WWE Immortals game, I would play the crap out of them. I even played Candy Crush a little bit. Nothing wrong with playing those games, it's just they aren't really games. They are designed to funnel money from people, these games have the least part game in them and more part.. find new ways to fleece money.
South Park did an episode on it a few years back. really put into perspective the problem with these F2P mobile and facebook games. If you enjoy the game more power to you, if you consider it a game, even better. Me personally when I think game, that last place my mind wanders if F2P mobile or Facebook games.. nothing personal, glad to hear you enjoy Candy Crush
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well, who gets to determine what is and what isn't a game? and why are we marginalizing people who play games that we do not consider to be a game?
It's the difference between an inclusive community and an exclusive community. Instead of welcoming a broader base, we are closing the community off to anyone who dares to be different.
It's this kind of thinking that causes things like GamerGate, that leads to the marginalization of bunches of gamers. Frankly, considering how gaming used to be looked down upon, we should welcome a broadening of the base.
Especially, because it will result in innovation and more variety among games, if developers cater to a wider audience. The current era of gaming is fantastic because of the sheer variety of types of games. This is a huge turnaround from the nineties, when all games followed the trend, and the vast majority of games were either doom clones, diablo clones or dune clones.
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Everyone gets to decide for themselves, fair enough? I'm not marginalizing people, are you?
How is someone playing eg WoW and not considering candy crush being a real game not being inclusive? How does this affect the people playing candy crush in any way?
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Well, it kinda depends on her playstyle too, she may be not into games like Witcher but instead preferred something in different setting or purpose... Nevertheless, my list:
Also, she could take look at "Gamer recommender engine" - after a quick test it may find some new games for her that were not mentioned here :)
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My gf plays mostly hogs nowadays.
But she loves Age of Empires II and even EuroTruck Simulator 2 xD Her profile has more money than mine ¬¬
We used to play racing games too, like Mario Kart and Sonic All Star Racing Transformed too. And F-Zero GX.
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Why hasn't anyone posted the obvious answer? Just pick up the latest Barbie game, whatever it is. Girls are different than boys and need image-oriented games because their hand-eye coordination isn't as good as boys.
/s because there's always someone who doesn't recognize sarcasm.
The best way to figure out what games your girlfriend--or anyone--likes, is to have a conversation with them, and engage in a little experimentation--not ask the internet for the secrets to the magic pixie dust that makes their girl brain explode like fireworks.
I apologize if I sound like a snarky asshole. I've been dealing with a snarky asshole in another thread. Also, I once had a girlfriend that played games and please wait a minute while I go punch a wall.
Also, The Walking Dead adventure game, S1 and then S2.
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Various Genres:
Plants vs. Zombies Has Free Demo
Bejeweled Twist Has Free Demo
Peggle Has Free Demo
Zuma Has Free Demo
World Of Goo Has Free Demo
Braid Has Free Demo
Toki Tori Has Free Demo
Dear Esther
The Stanley Parable Has Free Demo
Kentucky Route Zero
Winter Voices Has Free Demo
The Longest Journey Has Free Demo
Limbo Has Free Demo
Zenbound 2
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Girls playing games lol. People need to stop spreading such crazy myths.
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It all depends on her taste in things. My fiancee tends to prefer violent competitive online games... whereas I lean more towards a laid back single player or cooperative experiences. Has she played portal? That's a nice fairly universal gem. We both liked Don't starve and Don't starve together. Though I had to do a custom world gen the first few times to make the game slightly less "horrifyingly difficult". Fallout 4 is another one that appeals to a broad spectrum of people, I tend to spend far too much time poking around building the town, she tends to go on killing spree's out in the wilds, we both like the game but do dramatically different things in it.
Oh! and on the witcher subject, one odd thing I've found out from having conversations with her. She HATES medieval theme'd stuff or "high fantasy" but she likes the stories in some games like those, so she wouldn't touch the witcher but she'd be interested in peeking over my shoulder every so often to see what's going on story wise but beyond that mostly doing her own thing while I play. This mostly came up because I was trying to figure out why she played fallout 4 a lot, but barely got 3 days into skyrim before she never touched it again.
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Your thread made me realize that I've never had a boyfriend who was into gaming. nor metal music or weird Asian movies, for that matter :o/
To answer your question, I'm not sure... a fun platformer might do the trick, I think. Ori and the Blind Forest as others have suggested... or Super Panda Adventures (it's cheap, even at regular price and is totally awesome)? A beat 'em up game in coop mode like Double Dragon: Neon could be nice, too.
Good luck?
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My girlfriend has recently stuck her feet into the pool of gaming so to speak, and is splashing around a bit. She started off by watching me play Witcher 3 and was really into that but when I offered to let her play for a bit (to walk around Novigrad and talk to people for example) she declined and said she liked to watch me play it more.
I did some research for local co-op games we could both play together and game across Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Trine 1 and 2 etc she very much enjoyed those
But now I would like suggestions for good offline singleplayer games for her to play on her own on her laptop. Games that have a good singleplayer experience, and ones that aren't hard or confusing for players new to video games. Also preferably ones that aren't dark/scary/bloody
So far I've come across as likely candidates
Stardew Valley
Slime Rancher
Rayman Legends
Oceanhorn Monster of Uncharted Seas
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition
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