11 years ago*

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Poor console plebeians jealous that they can't be graced with master race-exclusive games and think that they can get even by reducing the amount of ports we receive.

11 years ago

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And yet the console version is already pirated and available for download all over the web, is their head that far up there own arse they cant see it.

11 years ago

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Some people would rather play it on PC, and some prefer it on console. It seems stupid to not just make it available on both, don't they want more money?

11 years ago

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yea ik i would

11 years ago

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dear console players,
good luck modding GTA-V. also have fun tweaking the game in terms of performance and visuals.

sincerely, a PC-User.

11 years ago

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Yes how dare they get money from PC gamers?Why would they want our money pssh

11 years ago

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fanboy or what?

11 years ago

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Select few PC gamers illegally download games. Solution? Punish all PC gamers. Brilliant!

...Wait, what?

11 years ago

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I've been reading the petition comments and can feel my brian cels dropin 1 bai 1


11 years ago

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God so many butt hurt console fan boys. PC was first and it will probably be the last. Deal with it! Why anyone would prefer a console to a PC is beyond me.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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So this is all just an elaborate ruse, right? R-Right?

11 years ago

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Console gamers, the plague of the game industry. Your opinion is of no value.

11 years ago

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And the top Xbox torrent is GTA V, PC guys are so evil Q~Q.

11 years ago

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Sorry, but when you have guys that really means that GTA V (or other games in that matter) should not hit PC cause PC sucks or no reason at all, them Im always feeling quite glad that you have the idiots and the majority of the kids on consols and me on PC! And please stay there, CONSOLES ROCKS

TO OP, sorry I havent read the thread!

IF you really think that PC gamers should NOT get GTA V for the reason that a small minority pirats it! then you also saying that xbox shouldnt get it to right?


11 years ago

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1.Release on PC -> more sales than on consoles

  1. Few Pirates
  2. ???
  3. Profit!

No, tbh wasn't it like you could also download console cracks from games?

11 years ago

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This is such a dumb post..
It is obviously some try hard fanboy.

If you get off your arse and build your own PC you might only need to buy the CPU, GPU and MOBO. This is only just over the price of a console (talking mid, to high end parts) the whole point of building your own pc is that you can suit it to your needs. Want to play games that require good hardware? Opt out parts that chop down the price tag. (Storage, case, ram, accessories.) want to chop out even more? Look around for scrap parts and save yourself a shitload of money, there is not set price tag unless you are stupid enough to buy a pre-build PC. (That's not saying all pre-builds are bad) most games are CPU intensive, mid range GPU's can handle most games released at this moment quite well. Consoles limit you so much in performance, that's not saying they destroy the experience, but PC is and always will be the better hand, because a PC Is not capped on performance for the whole community, unlike PC, you will be able to play the game like everyone else (unless you have either outdated or your parts aren't capable of playing the game). You always have that option to either upgrade to get more performance or tweak to max out your current parts performance.

There is two points to argue under the yes or no of this topic. Community and Performance, they are both ticked by PC gaming. At least the kids on the PC community know how to talk about other things than mothers..

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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you will be able to play the game like everyone else

I guess you haven't fully grasped the concept of consoles yet.

10 years ago

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You necro'd a 7 month old thread just for this rant?

10 years ago

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Why would you post this here? Also why are butthurt console fanboys trying to prevent a release?

10 years ago

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"No, this is my toy! No sharing! Tell them, Rockstar!" - console gamers on this petition.

10 years ago

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Successful so far. I hope it continues. Get Saints Row IV.

10 years ago

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The opposite says:
Rockstar: Release GTA V on PC with 716,980 supporters...comparing to only 12,381 supporters....shows how much gamers we have on both sides.

10 years ago

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That's not right. I'm mostly a console gamer, but I'm not an idiot.

10 years ago

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Maybe I didn't post the correct idea, liked to show how much ppl like this game to come to PC(this is not even 1/10 really), but yes some of this fanboys from "Not release GTA V to PC" are saying "i hate when good games get ruined due to pirating, support the industry you love." is complete bullshit, seems some ppl just post there as a joke, or just to bring attention form others of their stupid ideas.

10 years ago

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“So PC gamers learn their lesson and stop stealing games.”

Over generalization bullshit here. This is kinda insulting. And to post it here of all place.

10 years ago

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nearly every opinion is generalising.

10 years ago

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Yes. And "nearly" provide ample room for me to say that my opinions are just and always spot on. :p

10 years ago

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ugh posts that havent been used in over a month should just be autolocked to prevent this bs

10 years ago

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who cares

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Maybe they are trying to use reverse psychology

10 years ago

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So it will stay on dying consoles only? I have PS3 but not going to ruin the experience for myself by playing PS3 version.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Deleted-4999631.