On Nov. 8th, it will have been one year since I bought my very first bundle! Why is this significant you ask? Well, I didn't collect steam games until I discovered Humble and things have kind of gotten out of control since then XD. I figured I might as well celebrate the day when I first descended into madness :P.

Oddly enough, I first heard about bundles thanks to a Zero Punctation video where Yahtzee mentions after the credits that his book was part of a humble book bundle. If it weren't for that video, I very much doubt I would have discovered bundles and I would have probably went back to playing WoW instead of finding a whole slew of pc games that have pasted me by. Kinda weird when you think about it.

Anyways, here is the train that I promised.

Instead of bumping, please let me know how all of you found out about bundles. Kinda curious what some of the answers will be.

Edit: Forgot to add this, but my first was the Humble Indie Bundle 13.

8 years ago*

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My first humble bundle was the first humble bundle :). I heard about it because back then there weren't many linux games, and the whole bundle had games for linux.

8 years ago

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I found out about bundles from either a post on one of the tech forums that I was following at the time, or slickdeals, and my first one was the awesome THQ Humble Bundle from three years ago.

By the way, I thought your train would never end. It almost felt like this. :P

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I found out about bundles during the first Humble Bundle. I can't really remember where I saw it first. Maybe a deal website.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Aaaand I'm blacklisted.

8 years ago

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Ratio is not the issue but wins are ....
Wanted to send you a private message but you BL4BL before I could.

8 years ago

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I blacklist the moment i see I am blacklisted by someone tbh. What are the wins that caused a problem, if you don't mind me asking?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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True. I received a suspension for that a long time ago and learned my lesson.

8 years ago

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Hmm. I'll think about it, but no promises.

8 years ago

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I've decided to remove you from my blacklist. Do not make me regret my decision please.

8 years ago

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No worries, I think you're safe.

Cool train by the way. super-long. Must have taken a while to set up.

8 years ago

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Happy Bundle Anniversary! :)

I also started with HB (Humble Deep Silver Bundle).

8 years ago

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wow this is was a very long ride, thanks!! ;D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I found out 'bout bundles through my activity feed. I remember someone mentioned something 'bout game bundles, so I Googled it. Can't remember my first bundle though. All I know is that I just missed the first Origin Humble Bundle.

Thanks for the giveaways! <3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sunday Bumpday

8 years ago

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Thanks for the great train Cjcomplex!

8 years ago

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That was quite the train.

I probably read about the first Humble on Giant Bomb or another gaming site's forums, but didn't buy in until Humble Indie Bundle 3 (which luckily included Humble 2 as a BTA).

8 years ago

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Bumped for making it to the end of the mile-long train.

8 years ago

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I don't remember how I first found out about bundles, but I remember it was Humble Indie Bundle 3 that started me off. I probably heard about it through facebook at the time. Didn't really get too involved in other bundle sites until about a month or so after I joined up here at Steam Gifts.

I do remember that facebook was how I found out about a deal years ago on the Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver games on GreenManGaming. That deal + humble + an educational promo offering Portal for free were what first got me into steam.


Great train by the way :-)

8 years ago*

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Who else but Zoidberg?!?!

Welcome to the bundle addiction, mate!

8 years ago

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I found out about bundles from my older brother he directed me to HumbleBundle and IndieGala where he found out about them I'm not sure. My first bundle was 'EyeCandy 2' I think.
Also Happy Cake Day and thank you for the train!!!

8 years ago

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wow, 99 cars of the train!

8 years ago

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Bump! Thanks!

8 years ago

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HiB 3 was my first. Someone I know IRL recommended it. But it was another bundle, Humble Paradox Bundle, that made me join Steam

8 years ago

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My feet are sore from all the walking through the wagons °O°

Bundles are everyone's "ruin" ..I had like 10 games on Steam before discovering the bundles, maybe even less, and now I'm over 500..

8 years ago

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Awesome train. tyvm!

Like a lot of ppl (i guess) i discovered bundles by fb.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the very long train. No idea when I found out about bundles.

8 years ago

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Similar story for me. I think I had 18 games in my Steam library for the longest time and then I found out about Humble Bundle. It was when a friend of mine posted a spare key to a game on Facebook and I activated it and added him as a friend. I saw that he had over 1000 games and I was shocked! I asked him how come he had so many games and he told me about bundles. Then I was doomed! I will soon be approaching the 1k mark myself even though I don't collect and only buy games I want to actually play! (for the most part anyway!)

Thanks for the train also :-)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Cjcomplex.