Just said in one of the comments on there face book page there are giving refunds to people they bought Bethesda collection and borderlands 2 4 pack rather then keys. O well getting my money back can't really complain about that part.

As taken from the face book page (this is not me)


This message is regarding issues with the Bethesda New Year Collection and the Borderlands 2 Four Pack deal.

We´re very sorry but due to technical difficulties we are not able to deliver the product you purchased and have provided a full refund of your purchase. We are currently looking into the possibility of additional compensation for this inconvenience.

GamersGate team

Dear Muhammad Hafiz Mohd Suhaimi,

Gamersgate AB just sent you a full refund of $28.76 USD for your purchase.

If you have any questions about this refund, please contact Gamersgate AB.

The refund will go to the card you paid with.

To see all the transaction details, please log into your PayPal account. It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.

Merchant information
Gamersgate AB
+46 855588420
Note from merchant
Order item(s): 1 x Bethesda New Year Collection
Original transaction details

1 decade ago*

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I bought one copy of Borderlands 2 4 pack, registered my serial immediately on steam. Later I sent a gift to my friend, who couldn't see the serial. Now it seems they sent out the remaining keys because on my shelf it says I have unused serials and my friend also got one for his copy.

10 euros well spent.

Edit: I didn't get any e-mail about refunding my purchase.

1 decade ago

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Some people i know have recently reported that their gifted copy now has a key on it, can someone confirm that?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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yes, one of my friends have the keys now

1 decade ago

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yes ,ihave key now

1 decade ago

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Can confirm either, gifted 2 copies from 4pack to mysef, both have keys.

1 decade ago

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Yes, gifted to copies to my brother and he got keys :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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If we send a gift now will they receive the key? or people is only receiving keys gifted yesterday?

1 decade ago

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I sent my gifts yesterday and now when I login to those accounts it says that they are out of serial keys and they will send them ASAP. Also I redeemed my own key yesterday and they haven't taken anything back from me.

1 decade ago

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Damn, you lucky bastards! :(

1 decade ago

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Oh god, my friend got key and me not have key ....

Nice GG lol

1 decade ago

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Lol my 3 friends got keys but my copy was removed and i didnt got refund

1 decade ago

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cant believe that if you bought just one for yourself you didnt get anything but if you bought more than one you get the shit...

1 decade ago

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GG is really weird. Green Man Gaming FTW!

1 decade ago

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I bought 2 copies of the 4-pack, and they're all gone.

1 decade ago

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ah yeah,i always forget about the BL2,I was talking about the bethesda pack ^^

1 decade ago

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People crying because they are getting refund for abusing GG mistake and exploiting it, amazing.

1 decade ago

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And you're just mad that you missed it, amazing.

1 decade ago

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I dont give F-WORD, game is boring as hell basically same as 1 but more weapons / quests.

Or maybe you were doing it just for a trading / re-selling? That's even more pathetic, in that case i'm even glad they refunded it.

Anyway, try harder.

1 decade ago

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Hahahahahah, "TRY HARDER" ahahahah I love this community

1 decade ago

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Hahah, someone is really mad for a person that doesn't give a fuck ;)

1 decade ago

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lemme correct you :P
He doesnt give a F-WORD!!

1 decade ago

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It's more about the fact that they explicitely said on their Twitter account that we would actually get our games, then they turn around and do the exact opposite. I overlooked some deals because I felt confident that I would get my keys come mid-january.

Plus, some of the keys I managed to get before they ran out were for games I already had out of the pack so I traded those away since I had no use for them myself. If ever they invalidate them I will need to deal with people expecting me to either refund them or buy them the game at full price. I was also planning a giveaway here with one of the key (share the love a bit) but now I have to wait and see how that mess will be sorted out before I don anything else.

I still haven't received any news from GG and the pack wasn't yet removed from my account, but that could just mean that they haven't de-processed my order yet.

1 decade ago

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so still no offciaial word if they plan to remove activated games from bethesda pack from steam?

1 decade ago

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I supposedly got a refund and tried buying BL2's Creature Slaughter Dome from Greenmangaming and can't
which means I haven't got the money on my card, even tho Paypal said the money was sent to my card... weird.

1 decade ago

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Happened to me too, but I got money eventually, it didn't take too long

1 decade ago

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Refunds may go on for the entire week.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yeah, just lol

1 decade ago

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I just opened a PayPal dispute to give them some speed boost.

1 decade ago

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I'll see what they cost, but the way they talk, then I think that will be blue coin or mini-games =))

Sorry my english so bad

1 decade ago

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I LOVE watching everyone scream and rage and throw tantrums because GamersGate removed the EXPLOITED and ERRONEOUS orders, refunding money to everyone. Awww, boohoo, you couldn't cheat GG out of hundreds of Euros ... diddums. Get over it XD

1 decade ago

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How is clicking 'buy' and then 'buying' a product for the listed price EXPLOITING anything? At this point, I don't think most are worried about their unfulfilled orders - it is the people who already redeemed their keys (and/or gifted some or traded off some) that is the concern.

1 decade ago

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Buying something at advertised price, that's definitely exploitation...

The Borderlands 2 deal was more obviously a mistake but the Bethesda pack wasn't quite as out there. How the hell were people supposed to know it was a mistake and not just a really awesome deal? Are people supposed to ignore every amazing deal that ever gets put out there now because it's probably a mistake?

Also, by forcing refunds on people they're breaking British and European law. A lot of people haven't even gotten their money back yet.

You should really get your facts straight before you start saying such stupid things...

1 decade ago

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Oh look, another eLawyer that doesn't have half a sodding clue what they're babbling about. "Breaking EU law" by correcting a pricing error? I suggest you read the Digital Agenda and STFU. You tried to exploit an obvious glitch and it failed, get over it. Have a nice day :)

1 decade ago

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You know, looking at what I wrote I'm pretty sure I didn't say correcting a pricing error was illegal, I said forcing a refund on people was illegal. I don't know what the European laws are called but in the UK it's covered under the Distance Selling Regulations 2000. Read it if you like, seems like you have a lot to learn. It's pretty simple to find. Go go gadget Google.

You just used something I never said as some sort of retort. That kind of fucks up everything you presented in your comment, seeing as it's in response to something that's not there. I suggest you read what people write a little better before throwing your hissy fits.

I never even bought one so you can't say I personally tried to exploit an obvious glitch. As for other people and it being a glitch, I said already (although you obviously didn't read what I wrote too well) that the Borderlands 2 4-pack was definitely more questionable but the Bethesda pack looked a lot more like a legitimately awesome deal. Great deals happen all the time, as long as they're not completely unrealistic (like the Borderlands deal), people have no way of discerning what's a mistake and what's simply a really amazing deal. If people looked at every awesome deal and said "that is/might be an error and I'd better not buy it", sales with all these great deals would be pointless.

So...I'm going to skip right over the patronising "have a nice day" bullshit you seem to like pulling and just flat out tell you to get off your high-horse, learn to read a bit better, do your research before spouting your nonsense, and piss off.

1 decade ago

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Verbum. However, trolls aren't worth getting banned over so you may wish to soften it up a bit at the end (that's what she said). Also, surprised that they automate their deals. It's kind of silly to have a machine do a human's job. ^^

1 decade ago

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Ahh, not only an eLawyer but also an aggressive and offensive twat too. Great combination. Run along, Exploiter.

1 decade ago

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14.—(1) On the cancellation of a contract under regulation 10, the supplier shall reimburse any sum paid by or on behalf of the consumer under or in relation to the contract to the person by whom it was made free of any charge, less any charge made in accordance with paragraph (5).


So if I understand this corretly, the supplier can cancel the contract, as long as he gives the money back.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by TurnUpTheLights.