What game Steam has not and you OHMYGODWANTWANTWANT to see there? Games like Mass Effect 3 doesn't count, name something less known. Games simply not available for your region doesn't count as well.

For me, it is Vagrant Story. I doubt a lot of you heard what this underrated game is. Instead of writing an essay (google, if you're interested), I'll put it short. If I see this game on Steam and with achievements, expect me to stop answering PMs, visit forum and chats, enter giveaway and sleep. I'll be playing it untill my hands are dried out. Will play it lengthwise and crosswise and then again. Second playthrough offers you a lot of new things.
/dream mode off
I love Vagrant Story.

12 years ago*

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Blood Wake, Crimson Skies, Red-Dead Redemption, Non-emulated and HD capable versions of a lot of N64 games. Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario Kart, Jet Force Gemini, Star Fox, etc.

And despite what the OP said - Battlefield 3. Damn you Origin shakes fist

12 years ago

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Tribes 1, 2 and vengeance

12 years ago

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I'm dying to see Dear Lina on Steam.

Though in all seriousness, KotOR II, because my god, that was amazing.
12 years ago

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◕ ‿ ◕

12 years ago

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Total Overdose

12 years ago

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Older Rayman titles, Red dead Redemption, Silent Hill 2.. and probably Uncharted, Baldur's Gate or Dark Souls ?

12 years ago

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My Maze :)

12 years ago

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Skies of Arcadia, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Minecraft, Tribes Ascend, Soul Calibur 4, Soul Calibur 5, Age of Empires 2, Lego Racers, Lego Battles, Dragon Quest VII, Dragon Quest X, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Etrian Odyssey 4, Pokémon something, Half-Life 2: Survivor (Arcade)

12 years ago

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The good old schoold games with compatibility would be great. Carmageddon, Jazz Jackrabbit, Duke Nukem... just to name a few. Also it would be great to see the NOLF series, those titles are instant buy for me :P

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Condemned: Criminal Origins 1 and 2 :o

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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lsd dream emulator

12 years ago

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(xarabas, where are you?)

12 years ago

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He's probably afk.

12 years ago

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Fifa series

12 years ago

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SWKOTOR 2 HL3 and others

12 years ago

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Battle city! :D

12 years ago

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Black Mesa, Episode Three, TrackMania2, and Super Mario 64.

12 years ago

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Zelda series and God of War 3 (As i simply can't afford a PS3)

12 years ago

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  • Day of the Tentacle
  • Sam & Max Hit the Road
  • The Neverhood
  • Simon the Sorcerer
  • other great old school quests
  • Transport Tycoon
  • The Settlers 1, 2
  • Mortal Kombat 1, 2, 3
  • Duke Nukem 1, 2, 3D
  • Diablo series
  • FIFA
12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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No idea. I gave it away, but never had it for my own.

12 years ago

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I've wasted my money on 2 copies of that lazy shitty port.

12 years ago

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  • The Lost Vikings,
  • Dune 2,
  • Sam & Max - hit the road
12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Battlefield 3...

12 years ago

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Day Of The Tentacle, Grim Fandango, and Full Throttle!!!!

Also Sam & Max: Hit The Road would be awesome.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Half-Life 2 : Episode 3 / Half-Life 3

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Sorry to disappoint you but I heard it will be Origin exclusive.

12 years ago

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Grim Fandango, KotOR II, Red Dead Redemption are the top 3 I'd love to see on Steam someday.

Also an old favorite of mine would be Captain Claw which I'd like to see get some more attention. Loved that game back in the day.

12 years ago

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Kings Field 2..

12 years ago

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the Spyro games<3

12 years ago

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True. The game is fantastic. It is long, but I never got tired of it. completed Spyro 2 twice.

12 years ago

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spyro 2 was my fav:) great game

12 years ago

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SWAT 4, Red Dead Redemption (doubt it though), Indigo Prophecy, Brutal Legend (I wish), Trails HD/Evolution (My one friend wants Evolution, but he only plays PC games now), Gears of War (just the first one or the entire trilogy), Diablo series, Sacred 2 (saw coupons during the Christmas sale but it wasn't avaliable for purchase), a few WWE games would be nice (WWE WrestleFest coming this summer), Condemned series, Fable and Fable II, and the first Saints Row (will never happen)

12 years ago

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Battlefield 3, Red Dead Redemption, Trials Evolution, Happy Wheels :P

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Hichigo.