Lootboy may close down! Might be a good time to spend your diamonds and empty your inventory...

For the newest codes and special deals check out the latest comments! ✺◟( • ω • )◞✺

- Link to last page -

Additional hints:

  • You can redeem the codes here: https://www.lootboy.de/redeemCode (If you have trouble redeeming the codes, try disabling adblock or try again later) (Link to main site: https://www.lootboy.de/)
  • Diamonds can be used to purchase the premium lootpacks in the diamond section
  • The names of the lootpacks only describe the exclusive loot for that pack! In most cases you just get something from the general pool for all packs, wich contains Origin/Uplay/GOG/Steam/whatever games. So even if you get the "Supreme Steam" pack, you may not get a steam game!
  • You now get a special golden lootpack after every tenth premium lootpack you open.
  • You can scrap cards that you don't want for 100 coins each (after you revealed the code it's only 10 coins)
  • You get 350 coins for reading the comics (new one each friday)
  • The 2000 coins Lootpacks are mostly useless trash
  • If you get a duplicate key or have some other problem, try contacting their support :) - Here or write a mail to: support@lootboy.de/support@lootboy.com
  • The iOS/Amazon version of the app doesn't have all the stuff, there are no offers on the bonus wall and the redeem-code button is missing.
  • You can purchase packs with amazon coins (more info here)
  • You can find a list of some games that people got here


It seems Lootboy has gotten a lot better when it comes to duplicated keys, but if you still have doubts about a key, you can use the group below for those giveaways :)
Unfortunately it happens far too often that Lootboy is handing out duplicate keys, so a lot of people feel uncomfortable with creating public giveaways with the games from Lootboy. So I just created a little group with some rules to make it less risky for the generous givers.
I hope this helps :)

Steam Group Link
SG Group Link

A huge thanks to all the people who are posting new codes here or answer questions from other users! ٩(◕‿◕)۶

6 years ago*

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What steam groups do I need to be member of in order to see these giveaways?

1 year ago

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check first post of the thread. Lootboy SG group.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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Feel free to drop your game name list - Here

I'll update the list of games 😛

1 year ago

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View attached image.
1 year ago

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uhh yeah but it's outdated and sensualshakti aka Lilly haven't been updating, So obviously there are gonna be new games that are dropping or rarely in bundles

So made a seperate thread for it

1 year ago

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Valid codes:
Redeem here

Code Reward
FUSE 1000🪙 (comic)
LINK 1000🪙 (comic)
Takeoff or npen or kxng Community Lootpack 🧧
Hijoe10 Community Lootpack 🧧
flickzy Community Lootpack 🧧
fray Community Lootpack 🧧
Discord500 500🪙
Welcome500 500🪙
welcomeGG 5💎 2000🪙 (for new accounts)
1 year ago*

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pizza10 - expired

1 year ago

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Thank you! Code was removed

1 year ago

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Tola8 - expired

1 year ago

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Thanks! Table was updated

1 year ago

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Hi all, sorry for the stupid question, but how often do you get an "already activated Steam key" in Supreme packs?

1 year ago

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I've never got one in 100+ packs

1 year ago

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off and on.

Did have a dryspell where I got zero "already activated" in a 25 pack.
The last year+ , I can expect at least 2 in a 25 pack.

That along with at least 3 wins of the same game in the 25 pack. Lootboy says to bad and to give the extra keys away.

1 year ago

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This has happened to me several times before. In recent months, all Steam keys have been activated properly.

1 year ago

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I opened two paks recently, both was a duplicates.

1 year ago

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Maybe 2-3 times in ~3.5 years. There has been a discussion about this and one of the things mentioned was that region might have a significantly effect in it. I reached a personal conclusion, that there might be actually different pools for different countries/regions, because the amount of dupes between certain people naming their countries was too different. Maybe you can find the discussion searching in this thread.

1 year ago

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It has happened to me a few times, but I haven't got any in almost two years. However, it seems that people from RU/CIS region tend to get these quite often.

1 year ago

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Very often. Maybe because of region.

1 year ago

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Все паки,которые ты приобретешь за даймонды будут с использованными кодами.Это длится для региона RU уже второй год.как мне обьяснил один из немцев,имеющих отношение к лутбоевской конторе,это сделано специально,"т.к. в нашем регионе очень много хакеров,читеров и мошенников",поэтому они просто пускают одни и те-же коды по-кругу.
Месяца 2 назад я приобрел на лутбое 10 паков за луттикеты(тоже,что и за деньги) и 10 паков за даймонды.100% кодов,приобретенных за "деньги" сработали,100% кодов за даймонды были уже использованными.Коды на стим кошелек,которые будут выпадать,в Российском регионе тоже не работают.Только если ты предварительно не поменял регион на Казахстан,или Турцию.Короче,выводы делай сам...

1 year ago

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Мой товарищ из России постоянно получает активированные ключи, но через поддержку ему всегда заменяли на рабочие

1 year ago*

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Мне 3 раза подряд меняли ключ.Т.е.взял пак за даймонды,ключ уже активирован,предложили спустя почти неделю ожидания 125 даймондов взамен,ибо другого ключа нет,взял другой пак - ключ активирован,снова в поддержку,снова куча дней ожидания,проверок и фоток активации.Следующие 125 даймондов и новый пак,опять активировано до меня.Опять обращение в поддержку и снова ожидание,и как вишенка на торте - блокировка аккаунта -они тупо посчитали меня мошенником.Еле уговорил разблокировать аккаунт.После этого желание обращаться в поддержку,да и просто брать паки за даймонды без акции(гарантированный стим кредит,или блекмаркет чипсы,за которые можно его приобрести)просто исчезло.Последний раз когда давали гарантированные блекмаркет чипсы,просто тупо менял карты с играми на рандомное количество даймондов обратно,сразу при открытии пака.

1 year ago

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А моему товарищу прямо в инвентарь добавляют паки, и из них уже падают всегда нормальные игры. На самом деле я помню фразу про "хакеров, читеров и мошенников", вроде пару лет назад лутбой просто взял и одним махом все РУ аккаунты заблокал. Печально всё это.

1 year ago

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Везет твоему товарищу.Либо он неотразимо на них действует,либо ..здит тебе по полной программе.

1 year ago

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Зачем ему мне врать?) Одно время ему возвращали алмазы и он постоянно с ними бодался, а с недавнего времени ему просто паки прямо в инвентарь кидают, и оттуда норм игры падают

1 year ago

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Открыл на лутбое за всю историю 15 паков (за гемы), только 1 ключ был активированный. в поддержку писать не стал, ибо лень. Регион RU.

1 year ago

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Я говорил про последний год,а не про все время

1 year ago

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Я начал пользоваться сайтом в прошлом году, а все паки открывал уже в 2023.

1 year ago

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Попробуй купить лотерею,ты очень везучий

1 year ago

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Luficer's Inferno upgrade is active on Diabolic collection so a new card +90 can be obtained!

I'm currently sitting on top 18 of the Diabolic quest with 864 points but I expected a better luck after the upgrade... I had 860 points.
It's very difficult to get better cards now. I guess that's the top I will be on this...

1 year ago

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Well since there probably won't have any other upgrade collection anymore, and the max from regular packs is probably 89.
Maybe I'll just submit since I can't increase my rating anymore...

Same 20 💎 rewards from dungeon.

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Funny, I can't use cards with a denomination higher than 89 in this upgrade, I just had one extra.

1 year ago

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oh my god this is so humiliating :)

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Well at least 20 💎 is ok, unless you were in top 10 and having a new card would let you in more. (If that's the case I'm sorry for what I said)

1 year ago

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571st! 💪💪💪

1 year ago

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Well at least we got many 💎 from the sticker collections. Even if we never win any of those big prizes 😪

1 year ago

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Man, I got a 90 card from one of those dungeons. And from the most recent one, I got pants that are weaker then pants I already git from one of previous dungeons

1 year ago

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Ahh nope 😅 LootBoy restricted only use cards from regular packs.

1 year ago

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i also got 100 pants which is kinda weird because we already received pants from dungeon number 2 or 3 (i think)

1 year ago

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Well the category isn't guaranteed, you can get even 3 same categories with 90+ rating (Such a bad luck, or good luck by getting same item 3 times?)

1 year ago

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I would wait in case there are surprises.
I used in this last upgrade very high cards (+85). I can regret later this if they happen to create a new upgrade with very high cards needed.

You never know with Lootboy!

1 year ago

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Yep, not shredding any cards yet until the last day for submit period.

Btw I thought they'll raise the 💎 amount for completion for this dungeon but they didn't.

1 year ago

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Good thing I shredded all my extra cards yesterday cause I thought they were useless if I own higher ones /:

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Too late Lootboy,
lack of transperancy and cheaters rampant. I cashed my cards in rather than be foolish and think I could win.

1 year ago

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same, lootboy lost all reputation

1 year ago

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UPD: The reply from support I've got: 'Sorry for the late feedback. We have forwarded it to our developers again. In fact, the user has used forbidden methods. Therefore, he has now been banned and excluded from all collections. As a small thank you for your message, we have credited you with 300 diamonds!'

1 year ago*

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Oh my god, I'm so devastated... XD

1 year ago

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We all got a reward and you got an extra one ^_^

1 year ago

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Got the same message just now. I will move from 157th to 156th place, but I will do it with a clear conscience!

1 year ago

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That's good news! Now I have a chance in the collections again! (NOT)

1 year ago

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Whining actually works guys lol. Also, I'm happy that he is banned and all, but I also reported him to Lootboy and I only received this reply haizz: "Thanks for your comment! I'll forward this to our technicians so it can be checked!". I wish I received that 300 diamonds as well.

1 year ago*

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alexx oh alexx, start whining from now on.

1 year ago

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That's great news but he is still 1st place (€250 credit of choice) on the Squad Builder one. If he already got those 250€ I hope he doesn't had enough time to redeem the prize.

1 year ago

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4 days already has passed so he probably got it (which is really sad because it's a high value prize). The saddest part of it is that he probably will create another account. I doubt that Lootboy will ban him by IP or something like this. I just hope that they fix the glitch that Sandstorm used at least.

1 year ago

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Well, judging by their reply, they know for certain about the 'forbidden methods' and they'll probably fix them.

1 year ago

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I always thought that most of the top ten guys are cheating one way or the other… finishing a collection on like day 2 of a month seems to be too much luck most of the time.

1 year ago

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Maybe that "forbidden method" is known by other members but they are not abusing so they are not discovered so easily.

1 year ago

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the 2-3 day mark should have been a red flag for them anyway...also beeing first in several comps is quite unusual and i wonder why they didnt check earlier. its a shame for them

1 year ago

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guess other leaderboards are doing the same stuff

1 year ago

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Hope that

1 year ago

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he probably will create another account.

He already won a drone so Lootboy staff have his address. If he win another physical prize he will be discovered again. Anyway, he could still keep winning other prizes so we will have to be alert.

1 year ago

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Probably he won't enter on promotions that have physical prizes again (i hope so), but yeah, he still can win digital prizes. Hope that they fix the "forbidden methods" anyway.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I know, I already mentioned it here

1 year ago

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Two good news!

1 year ago

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Congrats on those 300 💎 btw!

At least it cleared up many questions about how could one get almost all sets completed in just 2-3 days.

1 year ago

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Hehe, thanks!

1 year ago

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they were in denial, all of us noticed it, they don't really care, while they keep getting the money and ads revenue

1 year ago

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I guess if users make enough noise support is actually willing to kick out the obvious cheaters, a welcomed surprise.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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Got duplicate code for some garbage game from Steam supreme pack.
Lootboy support reacted pretty fast, and next day I got another pack with Age of Wonders: Planetfall key. Hell yeah! Thanks, Lootboy!

1 year ago

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Wow, that's freaking lucky

1 year ago

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I'm trying to log into the PC version and I'm getting this error message :
SignatureDoesNotMatchThe request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided

Anyone else having this issue?

Mobile app seems to work fine

1 year ago

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Fixed now.

1 year ago

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Not sure if it's me only or not, LootBoy Website is dead?

1 year ago

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It is, yeah

1 year ago

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I was worried because some people says they still could access and I wasn't 😱
But mobile app worked fine, but nothing else is working.

1 year ago

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It's back up for me

1 year ago

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Thx, it loaded for me too! 💟

1 year ago

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lootboy,de is dead. lootboy,com is working fine

1 year ago

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Somehow it worked for me 3 hours ago, not sure about now.

1 year ago

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both websites are showing only white page for me

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Open a subpage instead of the front page, e.g. https://www.lootboy.de/loots or https://www.lootboy.com/loots .
You can then click on the "Packs" tab to go to the front page.

1 year ago*

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already fixed, website opens as usual

1 year ago

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Looks like something happening inside, or patching those forbidden methods?

1 year ago

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Using the support link to open the website still seems to work: https://www.lootboy.de/support

1 year ago

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Can confirm this still works, but site is still very sluggish.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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i should've never opened any of the diablo packs in the goddamn web site

i quote "oh my god" in a disappointing tone when i browsed down to the steam games pack section. the packs were shuffling constantly. shuffling like the site is possessed. i've been getting common and blue Diablo cards for the 3 days here. i'm started to think i got screwed because of the site

1 year ago

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bad rng, but i got a shitload of diamond from those 2 promotions
you should have stopped when you got crappy gold cards from dungeons

1 year ago

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yeh i've pretty much given on on tryin to win anything from these promotions. I just do them for the gems now.

1 year ago

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Same here. I accidentely clicked on a Google Play pack and got 1 €. Yay...

1 year ago

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Looks like LootBoy wanted you to invest that $1 into them, like Season Ticket thing 😱 (jk)

1 year ago

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Yeah, I guess just watching ads isn't enogh for them anymore ;)

1 year ago

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Although they seem to not doing their Twitch thing anymore... not sure what happened to Dom (The Streamer) or whatever is going on LootBoy.

Recent changes of Diamond LootPack too... not 1 winner anymore with large amount, but only 10,000 💎 for some winners.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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Code Reward
FUSE 1000 🪙

1 year ago

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Thanks :)

View attached image.
1 year ago

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You're welcome =)

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Code Reward
Tola8 8 💎 1000 🪙

1 year ago

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thank you :)

1 year ago

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you're welcome =)

1 year ago

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Notifications on the app about this is very strange. I just got it right now, after 12 hours of your message.


1 year ago

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Yep, before I was suspecting it's delivering notification per region (Like Germany gets first, then other countries, not sure the order). But not sure if it's same now too.

You're welcome!

1 year ago

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Thank you.

1 year ago

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You're welcome.

1 year ago

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【Friendly reminder】

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1 year ago

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Got my last 10 cards today and now its official: Never got any card above 89 from normal packs.
All my 90+ are from those dungeon quests.
Lots of 89 but still worthless...

1 year ago

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Same here.
90+ cards was only from dungeon quest packs.

1 year ago

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and now I wonder again how lucky the winner with 878 points should be? There were 8 dungeons, that is, even if you were extremely lucky and you got all the different parts there (which is not a fact in the last two), then you can always have one card with a maximum of 89.
98.625 average value! It sounds very convincing...
That is, as soon as you got a card less than 99 in even one of the dungeons, your chances automatically became zero.
And I still very much doubt that at least half of the participants even saw a card with a denomination of 100.

1 year ago

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He was extremely lucky, not only because he did not get repeats from the dungeons but because what you said, an average of almost 99...

In any case, if there was a way to cheat with the dungeons he would have an average of 100. I got two 100 from the dungeons. If you could repeat the dungeons it would be easy to get 8 cards like that.

I got 851 points in total (rank 322).

1 year ago*

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I got 93 three times, so honestly, someone can get three 100, why not. But all the other cards have to be almost maxed out as well, and in the last two dungeons you can't get a copy. Hell, I'd go buy a lottery ticket with that much luck.

1 year ago

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4x100 + 99 + 2x98 + 92 + 88 = 876 for me only finished yesterday and waiting for the rankings to update is killing me.

1 year ago

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you can also try to buy a lottery ticket, I take my hat off to your luck 👍 really awesome.

1 year ago

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I bet you will win a copy, you will be on the top 5 for sure, if not the second on the leaderboard. Congrats!

1 year ago

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Yep seems like that. It's more like who got most non-repetitive (except for weapon) 100 rating cards from dungeon will win this one.

1 year ago

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0 legendries from packs. i got legendaries from star wars and other one. diablo one is pure BS

1 year ago

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Yep... looks like it only drops until 89. The higher ones are dungeons only.

1 year ago

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I have 3 cards with 100 plus one with 99 and 98. And of those I got most in the very first days.
Later on, max I got was 95. I guess someone could have the top 98-99-100 for 8 upgrades and get one 85 or so card.
Weapons can be repeated meaning at least a top card that repeats can be used.
I was unlucky and have repeats on cards with already 100 but if I could use elsewhere I could get higher points.

So in my opinion, it could be just luck (innocent until proved :-) l


1 year ago*

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I was unlucky and have repeats on cards with already 100 but if I could use elsewhere I could get higher points.

I don't get it, on your screenshot I see eight 90+ cards, from 8 dungeons in total, so you were lucky and did not get any repeats.

1 year ago

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I don't remember exactly what cards I got and when but my feelling about unlucky was mainly for getting only 4 additional points on the latest upgrade event, from 860 to 864 points. And that I got cards with more than 88 points (my lowest) for the wrong position.

Compared to other people, of course I was lucky but not enough!! :)
I sincerely thought that I got chances to be on top 5 this time.

1 year ago

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So no new collection after the Diabolic Collection? That's weird...

1 year ago

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"Street Fighter showdown" still active, but card drop is awful in it :/

1 year ago

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Yeah, but recently they were pushing at least 2 collections running at once for us. It's weird that the Diabolic collection is over and they didn't started a new one.

1 year ago

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Last time I said that then just within an hour many Sticker Collections appeared 😅

1 year ago

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My card screen is showing a new squad builder, packs not available yet

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1 year ago

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Ohh thx, sorry just woke up, checking it rn...

1 year ago

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200 diamons they say after submitting the collection.
Perhaps they change it later to 20 :D

10000 diamons for 1st
5000 for the 2nd
2500 for 3rd

Until 20.07.2023 11:59 pm CET

Worth to mention that it seems every card can fill any position... as Zolivv posted before.
Only videos this time, packs can't be obtained buying with coins (at least by the moment). 10 times a day-

1 year ago*

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Wait... they submit since day 1???? That was quick 😱

1 year ago

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Thx, also good news, friend found a way to detect mobile apps only packs, so now we could search more LootPacks without that Mobile Apps restriction.

And yep, first scan through this Sticker Event, it's only Mobile App Sticker Pack with 10 Packs per day. No other related packs.

1 year ago

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Btw just wondering who said 200 💎 for submit, at least I don't see anyone reaching the minimum 1100 to submit 😱
Or LootBoy replied that somewhere else.

1 year ago

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It says under the instructions that it gives 200.

1 year ago

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Rip somehow I missed that, thx for pointing out!

Also LootBoy just posted about it too.

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1 year ago

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June 20th? It seems like they put the starting date instead of the ending one, or it ends in just one day XD

1 year ago

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It's LootBoy 😅 Purposely saved this image just in case they changed again. Since they're known to change things suddenly.

1 year ago

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It says June 20th but on the image we can see 07/20, so it's July.

1 year ago

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Lol, I read June but internally I was thinking on July!

1 year ago

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200 diamonds? Maybe they're trying to apologize everyone for the latest mistakes?

1 year ago

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Maybe, who knows.

1 year ago

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Its alot harder to get 1100 than the previous 800.

1 year ago

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^This, it's gonna take a while to get most positions filled with cards above 100 points.

1 year ago

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Sorry, I didn't read this before and I didn't understand your other message about people having already submitted collection...

1 year ago

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It's fine no worries, it was my fault for not reading clearly the LootPack page, also forgot to add edit to previous message that I found it when someone pointed out.

I thought you got 200 💎 for submit info from people that submitted the collection, then noticed it was in plain sight on Collection page.

1 year ago

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New socccer collection doesn't use position system as previous ones. Hmmm

1 year ago

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Probably an error from LootBoy side that may correct or not.
Either way it seems like still using the same old cards, the only issue is I don't know which one is which one since it isn't categorized.
So could only know there are plenty 125 cards but not sure who is who 😪

1 year ago

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Hi there! :D

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1 year ago

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There's less than 10 days left on the Black Market timer, do you guys think they'll add more time to it again like the last time it was about to run out? Or if they'll at least have another one of those promos before the timer's up where you get a set amount of chips when picking up 10 or 25 premium packs?
I'm currently at 50 chips so I don't have enough for anything, but it'd be cool if they added more time.

1 year ago

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Yes, I have the same question. Will renew it?
I didn't add my latest chips, they remain in inventory.

1 year ago

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I have 59/60 chips, I've been collecting them for probably a year now... and still can't get the lowest reward of 500 diamonds

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1 year ago

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New Squad Builder collection : https://www.lootboy.de/collect/sbc-shape

Loot packs don't seem to be available yet.

1 year ago

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They must be available as there are people with 830 points already.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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They are in the app under play, not packs...

1 year ago

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so I did missed the first day, right? I too didn't find the pack yesterday

1 year ago

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LB being LB miss it too

1 year ago

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Looks like there are no position, you can put your cards anywhere.

1 year ago

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Top 12 and my friend is somewhere around top 10 too

1 year ago

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Thx for the info. Adding to it.

【Megumin's Words】

Probably due to previous "forbidden methods", LootBoy decided to remove PC/Web ver of LootPack to claim for Sticker event.
Now it's all Mobile App Only.

  • Max score|1600 (Unconfirmed, still counting due to there are 260 cards 😱, highest one is 125)
    📋 Sticker Collection   (10 Packs/day for App)             Cost                                   During                            Reward
Squad Builder Shape                🔻.DE.COM                             1 Ad 📢 (App)                       Until Jul 20 22:00 UTC 200 💎            Top 1-3 for 10,000/5,000/2,500 💎

View attached image.
1 year ago*

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Strangely enough, I can't find it on the app anywhere, but on the web page the collection appears in the card section

1 year ago

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It's Mobile App Only, in the Play section, not in the usual Packs section.

1 year ago

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Had to update the app to find it tho.

1 year ago

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Ahh yep, it's only showing after 2.23 or 2.24 I think

1 year ago

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Happy cakeday

1 year ago

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Also happy 🍰day! Sorry forgot to put in the other reply 😪

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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You're welcome

1 year ago

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Happy random cakeday!

1 year ago

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Not sure if making Sticker Collection Gallery again or not... Since it's 260 cards... I just hope they are from past events so ruling most of them out.

1 year ago

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Seems to be all the old cards, so if 260, its just 20 new ones.

1 year ago

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Yep some new 125 rating cards, but idk which one is which one 😪 Since there's no category or different team... and since it's all mixed, idk which belong to which group so it made harder to classify them. Unless LootBoy changes things again, so I'll try to see if anything changed.

1 year ago

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Oh, its now ten videos a day, lol.

1 year ago

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haha now we have to spend more time watching ads. Thanks Sandstorm xD

1 year ago

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Well it got into the daily Video Ads on Mobile 😅
Sticker + 🪙 + 💎 videos... most likely 30+ ads per day just for all things.

1 year ago

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Probably not available in Turkey

1 year ago

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You sure? At least I didn't see any country restriction on it, are you trying on Mobile App?
Also is the app updated?

1 year ago

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Yes, I tried on the app
And app is up to date.

They earn less money from my commercial watches. (Payment is based on countries)
So maybe they decided not to let my country participate

1 year ago

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Have you tried checking the Play section, instead of the Packs section?

It should look something like this.

View attached image.
1 year ago

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I wasn't aware of this.
Thank you

1 year ago

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You're welcome. LootBoy hid the LootPack this time and made many changes 😅

1 year ago

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Placeholder for New Cards in this Sticker Collection.

【Megumin's Words】

Since it's the same as the old one. Linking the old one there. Only putting the new ones here.

Part 1 Link73 - 75
Part 2 Link80 - 89
Part 3 Link96 - 111
TOTS Sticker111 - 122

This will only cover the new ones.

  • Max Points = XXX (❌ Duplicates)/XXX (✅ Duplicates)

📋 Squad Builder Shape Sticker Collection (LBSC)

119 111 115 113 112 113 114 114 116 120
125 115 120 121 117 116 122 125 124 123
- 122 - - - - - - - -
- 124 - - - - - - - -
1 year ago*

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Congrats, thx added to list!

1 year ago

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Thx, added to list too, also congrats!

1 year ago

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122 LB

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Thx added t olist, also congrats!

1 year ago

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Nice one congrats and thx!

1 year ago

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112 CM

View attached image.
1 year ago

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For a second I thought you are boasting with a size of your dick. I need to sleep more...

1 year ago

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Congrats too, looks like lately they increased the chance for higher rating cards? Although I didn't get them...

1 year ago

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Every time the closer to the end, the more good cards come to me. I haven't crossed the 1100 mark yet, but at least more than 90 appear (and one is the same at 114, which can't be used).

1 year ago

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Ahh rip, they don't allow duplicates 😪 If that 114 you got was for different position...

1 year ago

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Congrats on highest card, thx for it!

1 year ago

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Ever since I hit 1100 2 days ago. The drops have changed for me to keep watching ads. Could be random, doubt it.
I now get better cards than the last 2-3 weeks grinding 1100. It feels like the rules have changed once the goal posts were achieved. Still, with RNG, anything is possible and my 1 data point observation from sticker game to sticker game may be off.

125 CB https://cdn.lootboy.app/images/rewards/sbc_shape_player_241/bkum7tv4ercb/en/image.png

1 year ago

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That's really nice, hope everyone who were under 1100 could get enough cards at least to meet the minimum requirement for submit.
Those 200 💎 are really nice to get.

And congrats again!

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I didn't list any numbers like before because this time they aren't shown as position anymore (Just all mixed up, so it makes harder to notice which card is for which position)

Due to that reason I hesitated to make a list, since many people were sending the new cards they're getting, I'm just compilating those cards into this table for that.

And since LootBoy included some lower rating than last time cards (Last time highest was 122) so it was more complicated...

But either way, thx for the card!

1 year ago

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Also, it seems that 74 Kirby now only counts for 1 point!!!! Noticed it when sorting by rating.

1 year ago

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LootBoy messed up with chart this time, since there are no group/position thing, everything got mixed and not sure if score are counting as normal as before or not. Many things are weird...

1 year ago

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Ohh thx adding.

1 year ago

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111 ST

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Why does that face seems familiar, either way congrats!

1 year ago

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120 RW Dealerboy https://cdn.lootboy.app/images/rewards/sbc_shape_player_257/gczgme6rd4ay/en/image.png

Suddenly, I'm only 15 points behind the top spot. Maybe with some luck...

1 year ago

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Curious what your lowest cards are?
Mine are 2 cards at 105.

1 year ago

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108 then 110

1 year ago

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Not sure what to make of that other than my 105's are easier to beat than your 108 and 110.

1 year ago*

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Ohh nice! Sorry for late reply, got busy with some things so couldn't check/update here.
And congrats on that one!

1 year ago

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My man, you gotta stop saying sorry for everything

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Thx for both cards and categorizing them too! Now putting them on respective locations...

1 year ago

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Thx, adding to list.

1 year ago

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113 RM

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Thx, adding, so many nice cards!

1 year ago

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Nice congrats, and thx!

1 year ago

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Nice, thx!

1 year ago

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Now you need an average of 100 points per card...

1 year ago

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Yep... let's hope there are some challenge upgrades just to get higher cards too, expecting too many lower cards 😪

1 year ago

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I really hope they fix this. I didn't got any card over 85 in my first 10 packs, so if it's not lowered by tomorrow I'm out.

1 year ago

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Well it's 30 days of event, so I guess it'll have plenty of challenge upgrade things (Maybe 8 like previous times)

1 year ago

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Says weekly challenges so 4?, yet it also says you can turn in at 800...

1 year ago

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Well that weekly challenge description is like copy paste for them. It always shows like that but doesn't guarantee having a challenge per week.

Also that 800 points submit is copied from the last Sticker Collection
Probably they didn't bother to edit or modify it.

1 year ago

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i got one card valued at 119

1 year ago

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The prize for completing the collection is 200 diamonds, I think it is worth the effort.

1 year ago

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Didn't get any card over 100 in three days, so that's it for me. I really hope that everyone who sits through 10 ads each day will get the 200 dias in the end.

1 year ago

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The drops are pretty bad in general, I agree, I suppose/hope there will be weekly challenges to get 100+ cards

1 year ago

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now the lootpack is available in mobile in Packs section (at least for me)

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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These collection events were fun at first but now they are just a mess. Not fun at all anymore and, in my opinion, still completely unbalanced. Alas...I'll still continue to chug along with them until i just can't take it anymore.

1 year ago

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just complete them for the diamonds, I agree with you

1 year ago

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I don't have coin anymore. I try to complete street fighter 6 then will stop. Last time I got 500k coin, now less than 10k.

1 year ago

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