Azu Manga Daioh
Chrno Crusade
Daphne in the Brilliant Blue
Witch Hunter Robin
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I don't think Chrono Crusade is the type of anime he is looking for. But damn, Chrono Crusade is one hell of a great anime!
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Rosette is a main character, so thought I'd mention it. Now, if her looklike Bridget was the main character, there might be a problem.
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I like every kind of Anime, just want something with girls in in :3
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Girls und Panzer
Edit: oh wait, english dubbed? May I ask why?
Edit2: oh should be able to watch it here
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Some of us prefer voices we understand over reading subtitles. I know I do. I can deal with subs, but really dislike them during action scenes as I can't seem to focus on both action and text.
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Honestly as much as I love subs I do watch dubs once in a while, I need to rest my eyes sometimes...
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I might be in the minority, but I prefer Azumanga's dub to the original. It, Clannad, Pokemon, Samurai Pizza Cats and Digimon Adventure are the only anime that I feel have English actors that completely outdo the original cast (though all three had great original VAs too, it's just my opinion). I do feel quite a few great dubs that rival their original cast are taken for granted (and that's coming from a guy that watches mostly subbed stuff).
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Sorry ... did you just say El-Hazard OVA? Please ... BE MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER. This is my favorite anime series of all time. The TV series and sequels didn't live up to its high standards, sadly.
EDIT: Just saw that you said the dub is superior. I rescind my offer of life long friendship. The dubbing sucks. And no one can back the original Jinai's maniacal laugh.
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FLCL Has a good eng dub, i still prefer subtitles tho.
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There's also Black Lagoon. Not sure if it's your type, but Revy is fucking awesome.
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I always look it with russian dub and it's very good :S I hate sub
there is also one woman who dub even the Opening or endings, she also made a russian version of Still Alive song, I saw dubed anime in English and after sometime it started to getting me nervous, but these russian dubs have very nice and very good quality voices
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Japan dubs are better obviously but this group of dubs, are improving every year, they're dubbing for free, they have their own sites with more than 1000 dubbed anime or even more if taking all dub groups but not all are the best obviously, they're not "official" dubbers, but all anime that were "officialy" dubbed (that can appear on TV and can be sold) are just a little amount hopefully because official dub suck imo, they do a lot of stupid voices to characters, they omit bad language, they make a lot of errors because they dub everything not only anime, they don't know a lot or nothing about japanese culture that appear in anime, etc
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Cowboy Bebop dub was great. Faye is a pretty big character.
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Movies? I thought there was only one?
Probably my favourite anime series.
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If you had the guts to watch more anime made by Kyoto Animation (KyoAni): Clannad ( both series and movie ), Kannon (both series and movie ), The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Air ( series and movie ).
Also, i can heartly recommend Ef: A Tale of Melodies and Ef: A tale of memories, Skip Beat.
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Dubbed anime = fail.
Seriously, with translations, most of the puns and other mimics are missed.
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Though with subtitles a fair chunk of the visual effort is obscured. You can read fast, but absorbing everything with full comprehension in a busy/quick moving scene is a different matter. Like Excel Saga, with the main lead talking at the speed of light all the time :P
Dubbed/subbed anime = fail.
Becoming fluent in the spoken home language = superior
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Some of us have a hard time following what is going on on screen with subs :(
I would love to be able to.. but I just can't. I'm sure there is a medical diagnosis or w/e for it but is shitty :(
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I'm missing voices I don't understand anyway. How does that make it better? Some people I know like to claim that the English dubs are emotionless crap and that the Japanese did it much better, but I know one thing about each of those people, they don't understand a word of the language. The Japanese original voice track can still be crap, just most people watching don't know anything about the language to understand that.
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I watch both and the only reason I see subbed anime as better is that there is so much more of it because some never get dubbed.
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Now, that is a fair reason to watch it. Stuff that isn't currently / is never going to be dubbed. I won't complain of people suggesting subbed titles for that reason, just that I won't accept the 'its better!' reason.
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Ah, I thought you were another of those obnoxious idiots like the ones you can find by scrolling in either direction.
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Eh. If you take a look at a series like Legend of the Galactic Heroes that ran for decades with an enormous cast of dozens and dozens of named characters and the Japanese dub having an all star voice cast with only like one VA doing more than one role, and only one character getting recast. An english dub of the same magnitude and quality is pretty much impossible, the entire alliance side would be dubbed by Yuri Lowenthal and the entire imperial side would be dubbed by JYB lol.
There's nothing wrong with english dubs, but there just simply isn't even enough talent to go around.
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Claiming that something is better when you don't understand it makes no sense. It is simply being a snobbish idiot. I detest those people.
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It's idiotic to pretend that understanding it is relevant. The subtitles provide you with free understanding. Voice acting is about emotion, tonality, etc., not about the words. You're completely missing the point. Claiming that something is better when you don't understand it makes no sense.
Also, when anime is dubbed, it's almost always incorrectly translated. Subbed anime is usually translated at least somewhat accurately. (This is done intentionally to make the audio length fit the length of time that character's mouths are moving.)
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340 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by RePlayBe
I recently watched the Anime Lucky Star and I liked it, Now I'm looking for English Dubbed anime with girls as the main characters.
Can also be only 1 girl as a main character like Squid Girl :3
Edit : So what if I want to watch dubs? I want to enjoy the show, if I want to read I'll grab a book or something.
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