
Cart #2056
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The carts are bugged! This is the correct reference number for the following one. Thanks to JohnWickTheQuick and canis39 for pointing it out.

If you go back to e.g. 2050, you can see yourself the carts are consecutively numbered, without any extra or missing cart number. So, this should be 2055 and no other carts need to be fixed.

5 days ago*

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Cart 2036 has been repeated two times

5 days ago

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I didn't go back so far, and there weren't any warnings, so I thought everything was fine or already fixed. My excuses.

5 days ago

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It is ok, JMM72. If I had not read JohnWickTheQuick's comment, and then of canis39, I probably would not have noticed this either.
But we all make mistakes, including myself. Just yesterday I made a fool of myself with our dear super moderator Eiion with a ticket :P

5 days ago*

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Always look at the bright side of life... I mean, you survived, you're still alive.

5 days ago

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You are right. After all, we are still here. I think I have chosen a nice username. A little too explicit, though :P

5 days ago

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No, you did not.

5 days ago

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I know, you have been very kind. But, in my mind, I think I have learnt something :)

4 days ago

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5 days ago

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I didn't go back so far, and there weren't any warnings, so I thought everything was fine or already fixed. My excuses.

5 days ago

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5 days ago

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5 days ago

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