Interesting how a majority of the hate comes from folks with shoddy ratios. Coincidence?
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For the record, I think it's a great idea. It's a minuscule amount of effort for a game you truly want to win
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does not asgreeing with something = you must hate it? I don't agree with having even optional captchas - does it mean I'm poor-ratio-leecher-hater? ;p I simply see captchas while security against the bots also punishing a lot more of fair users in the process. Simple as that.
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no no no no no ....... I'm dyslexic and those things drive me nuts please no captuas
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I'm not, and yet some type of captchas are just killing me, getting it for the 3-4th time... traditional ones are terrible. Indiegala-like seems okayish, it was easy to read, though I don't know how useful and effective it would be. Or google's one that's really comfy, but as every google stuff, blocked in China. :\
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Yeah, I don't have a problem with this (even though I often enter from my tablet and I could see it being a pain). It would solve the bot issue, and I think that would make a lot of people happy.
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Just to rain on your parade about bots: Bots can defeat captchas. They aren't perfect at it and it's surely harder to implement than just the auto join and/or additional button alone, but it is very much possible to add a captcha solver to your bot. There are other ways to identify and deal with bots and I'd rather have those discussed than adding captchas (which are really annoying) to every giveaway. It is not a simple matter of more effort, but it can be very frustrating to get them right depending on which one you use (and the easier ones are more likely to be 'cracked' by bots...).
Why isn't there a poll? I think it would be interesting to see a percentage of people who would prefer this.
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First, nobody suggested every giveaway would have them. Given the mixed responses here, I'm imagining some would add them and others would not.
Second, yeah, you're right: many captchas can be machine solved. But there are so many tasks one can set a bot that would require difficult custom coding to solve that I still think it could stop most of the bots. There's a big difference between SteamGifts and Google or (the late) Rapidshare--SG is not going to have the same kind of resources brought to bear on overcoming its captchas.
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Sorry about that. I missed the 'option' part in the opening post. My bad and I agree that having an option for a captcha is a very valid request.
The problem now (for the OP) seems to be that people (and bots) can enter giveaways too easily (with or without additional scripts) and don't have to read the description. I still doubt that a) a captcha will really help specifically with that problem and b) that the most used automatic bot won't get an update to support whatever idea will be implemented. I have no idea how many different bots are out there, but even if most won't add an option for this new feature, the one that does will gain a huge chunk of the 'market share' from those people that really want to use a bot.
Anyway, I agree that having an option to add a captcha for people that really want to is an idea to consider, but it might not be a good way to eliminate the use of bots :)
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So what did you have in mind for other ways of dealing with bots, as mentioned in your first reply?
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Behaviour related things are one way. Active for more than 24 hours without inactivity for more than 2 hours for example. Bots always have a pattern (which can also be close to a human doing the same things, but not that repetitive) that you can try to identify.
Another much easier and better way is a user generated question that needs to be answered to enter the giveaway. Like 'puzzle light'. Something that most people either know or can search for or, if the user wants, be a very specific question. Bots would have a much harder time dealing with that than just a captcha based on identifying random characters.
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On that latter point, we may be closer to one another than it first seemed: when I spoke of "tasks" questions of that sort were one thing I had in mind. And there are all sorts of similar variants that take almost no human effort but are almost impossible to come up with a general algorithmic solution for.
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Indeed the main point is that it should be easy for a human and hard for a machine. I guess the word 'captcha' just triggered my 'oh please god, no' reflex ;) I wouldn't mind the option to put a specific task in a giveaway at all.
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everybody loves solving puzzles and captchars are easy versions of puzzles so everybody loves captchas.
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Better yet, don't use a conventional captcha: instead use some kind of easily coded puzzle. This would keep people from using existing code for solving captchas to solve these, and make the site more fun than it would be if it required normal parse-the-text captchas. Perhaps some variant of sliding block puzzles (if you let people provide their own image they'd really get into it):
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CAPTCHAs are pointless because they have been cracked and broken long ago and it would be easy enough for the people who make these scripts to auto enter stuff to add in the CAPTCHA stuff.
Heck just look what happened with Valve, they had CAPTCHAs in a whole week before they removed them again because bots were bypassing them and humans were being tripped up by them.
Only humans hate CAPTCHAs as bots don't even notice them. The only thing CAPTCHAs would do is drive people away from this site.
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a) it's pointless
b) it's punishing 99.5% of fair users in the name of dealing with 0.5% of bots, which mostly will bypass it anyway
c) everyone hates captchas
d) it would greatly slow down the process of entering GAs. Imagine - you log in, see GA for your wishlisted game ending in just 20 seconds - and instead of last-seconds-entry you waste 25s on stupid captcha and come to GA 5 secs too late
e) have no more ideas, but I'm sure there are more I didn't think of
f) just because I like letter F :>
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It's not pointless and bots aren't the only ones mass entering giveaways. Other people have their neat, little auto-join scripts and just ignore everything else to enter as many giveaways as possible. Sure, I'm not exactly excited about captchas, but meh, you gotta do what you have to do.
And if I see a giveaway ending in 20 seconds I wouldn't care if I wasn't able to enter, what harm will it do if I won't enter or won't win? Oh noes.
You won 1000 games, do you want a thousand more? Then sure, you would hate the shit outta captchas. :>
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Sure I want 1000 more :D: or 2000 more! :D:
But what was the point of this argument? Other than throwing a low personal punch that has nothing to do with the topic? I enter as many GAs as most other users - only difference is that I usually have higher win chances. But me entering 1000 GAs with 1000 captchas and 5% win chance is the same number of captc has as another user entrering 1000 GAs with 1000 Captchas and 0.1% win chance ;p We both have to fill 1000 captchas - why would it only be me hating this? If anything all other users should hate it even more, cause for me at least I got 50 games from 1000 captchas while they got just 1 ;p
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That was no low personal punch, just stating the obvious here. It's clearly a subjective argument whether or not captchas are useful so I'm just trying to understand your standpoint here.
I still diagree with your arguments and related mindset tho.
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well it really IS personal thing though, and i personally hate annoying things. And i find captchas very, very annoying :P
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yeah i mean seriously, who doesnt love captchas. Im one of those people who really believe how if there were more captchas this world would be much nicer place to live.
hell no 12 thousands times no.
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to expand on my useless previous reply, i'd rather have an unlimited blacklist slots than a captcha on giveaways. :3
with an unlimited blacklist people can filter out as many users as they want without having a 1000 limit, which is extremely low when you make lv0-1 GAs (there are gta5 GAs with more than 10k entries)...
plus, captchas are SUPER annoying, and a bot will probably bypass or solve them.
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inb4 exploiting CV via unlimited BlackLists ;p It can be done already but on much smaller scale - let's say I want to boost CV on my multiaccount - let's BL all lvl 10 users except zelghadis and then trade games to myself this way aining full CV. or make PL restricted lvl 10 GA. Now imagine it doable with lvls 9,8, maybe 7 as well - and good luck spotting it then ;p
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Unlimited blacklist is unlimited. I don't really need it but perhaps it could be helpful if it were bumped up to say 5000. The problem is that there are toooo many users. If everyone had a blacklist of 800K users (an exaggeration) it would not be good for the health of the site.
What would be useful is a per giveaway whitelist. Add in a request to join button and you are good to go.
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"It is better for 10 guilty people to escape punishment than for one innocent to be unjustly punished".
It is better to let a few people collect games with bots than to constantly bother the entirety of SG's actual userbase with captchas.
Edited: Corrected dangerous grammatical mistake :ninja:
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I only see it as an option if it was used every 25 or so entries. I honestly don't mind the bots, as most of the good games are on threads anyway. If you are going to force Captchas on private giveaways though, No.
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I hate Captcha so much I would probably stop using steamgifts.
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Aw hell no!
I get enough ridiculous captchas just resetting passwords.
Select the helicopter from the photo (in a photo of a forest).
Type the following text: *&yYGTghftyguhvHVF%RRDdrchFYrt575tfdtfrydGHHi867tf
Cure cancer using the following list of formulas. (in under 10 seconds).
Where's Waldo?
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They are working on "intelligent captcha" that will judge if you're a bot on mouse movement or smth.
But pls no "select all shop windows / car / sign / road". I fail them like half of the time.I preferred the one with words, as it was enough to write only one of two to pass xD
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They are working on "intelligent captcha" that will judge if you're a bot on mouse movement or smth.
It is already out for a long time :)
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I think I can waste a valuable second of my life to click a confirmation. Or click the space cat box instead of the spacedog like you get on some anime streaming websites!
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No. I'm a human, and half of the time I fail them, these stuff are just too ambiguous.
If we have learn something, it's that each time bots are detected, the creators of the bot fix it.
Too many GA entered in a sec ? Put a random cool down between each entering !
Too many request to check if there are new GAs ? Add a other cool down and hop, you're not doing too many request anymore !
Captcha ? They are going to be cracked, and in the end, bot will continue to enter while the humans grow tired. Yipyip for the bot \o/
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Please at least add option to have a Captcha for entering giveaway. I think this would be nice option to have.
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