Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Push (2009)

American superhero thriller film. It's about people with superhuman abilities who band together to take down a government agency that is using a dangerous drug to enhance their powers in the hope of creating an army of super soldiers. So not very original but it has some fun ideas and cool concepts. Very good cast (Dakota Fanning, Chris Evans, Camilla Belle, Djimon Hounsou, Cliff Curtis, Ming-Na Wen and more) delivering good performances in an entertaining movie with a lot of action. Overall don't expect a masterpiece but this is a fun one. Can recommend.

1 year ago

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The Devil's Advocate (1997)

American supernatural horror film. Rewatched this yesterday and it's still a great movie!

1 year ago

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L'aile ou la cuisse/The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)

French comedy film. First of all, if you're European you've probably heard of Louis de Funès, one of the greatest comedians to ever live. He's one of the most famous French actors of all time and is still well-known across most of the world, even 40 years after he died. He's been in countless great comedies. I feel like it's just the English-speaking world that has to catch up a bit.
So... this movie was one I hadn't seen yet. It's about Charles Duchemin (Louis de Funès), the editor of an internationally known restaurant guide (pretty much a parody of Michelin), for which he still personally performs numerous restaurant tests using different disguises. Now he got wind of the fact that Jacques Tricatel (Julien Guiomar), the owner of a company of mass-produced food is trying to buy out lots of high quality restaurants which had been awarded stars by Duchemin and sell his own low quality food there. Which of course would be bad for Duchemin's reputations, so he wants to stop him. But he also has to go on a tour of France's restaurants to finish up this year's restaurant guide. So yeah, lots of fun in this really good French comedy. Highly recommended, especially if you're from an English-speaking country. Go and watch some Louis de Funès movies!

1 year ago

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Coluche and De Funès in the same movie, now that was a time for French comedy!
As a food professional, it's funny to see what has changed since then... and what hasn't. But I mostly like the film for the meeting of two giants who were both two gifts (and huge losses) to the world of comedy, and for the father-son relationship that's both hilarious and really touching.

1 year ago

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I wasn't familiar with Coluche, but after a bit of googling it seems like he really was a big deal. He was very funny in this movie and played really well off of Louis de Funès, so I'm definitely gonna have to check out more of his work.

1 year ago

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They had very different styles in comedy, which work beautifully together in the movie.
Coluche was more of a standup comedian who made a few comedies "for laughs" but he ended up doing a few dramatic roles that surprised everyone (Tchao Pantin is a great movie in which he gives a beautiful performance).
His standup was excellent, unlike most of his movies, although a lot of it was very contextual within the news and personalities of his time and maybe hard to translate. He skewered racism, politics, and generally the French way of life.
He even ran for president once, just to show how silly the French electoral system could be. He did pretty well but retired from the race when he had made his point: any clown with a following could get elected :D

1 year ago

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Skull Island 2023

Just finished watching the first season of this and it was actually really good. Felt like it was more about being on the island than Kong.
Also, I do believe it is canon. Won't say any more as it might be spoilers.

1 year ago

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Geostorm (2017)

American science-fiction disaster film. It's about a satellite designer who tries to save the world from a storm of epic proportions caused by malfunctioning climate-controlling satellites. Very good cast (Gerard Butler, Abbie Cornish, Jim Sturgess, Ed Harris, Andy García, Alexandra Maria Lara, Eugenio Derbez, Daniel Wu, Robert Sheehan, Zazie Beetz and more) in a good popcorn movie, but that's about it. So if you want to shut off your brain for a bit, this is the movie for you!

1 year ago

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GREAT movie.

1 year ago

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Southbound (2015)

American anthology horror film. I'll write a bit about each segment but because they're relatively short (5 segments in a 90 minute runtime) I can't write too much about each.

The Way Out
It's about two guys, covered in blood, driving down a highway, who are on the run from mysterious floating creatures. Then they decide to clean off the blood in a rundown gas station on the site of the highway. But they shouldn't have.

It's about three young women who are in a band together and while they're traveling, their van's tire goes flat, they are seeing those mysterious floating creatures as well and they are forced to pull over. Then an eccentric couple with a bear trap in the back of their car offer to pick them up and they agree. But they shouldn't have.

The Accident
This is a minor spoiler. It's about the one woman who escapes from those people in the last segment but as soon as she's on the highway a car runs her over. The guy driving the car gets out, calls 911 and the dispatcher tells him to get to the nearest town and perform surgery on her after all else fails. But he shouldn't have.

It's about a guy who walks into a bar with a shotgun, and then demands to know the location of his sister. One of the patrons in the bar, who is revealed to be a demon, attacks our guy but he can escape, taking the bartender hostage. But he shouldn't have.

The Way In
It's about a family who, after having dinner at a restaurant, drive to their vacation house, when they notice three masked men outside the house. They try calling 911 but the men break in. But they shouldn't have.

They are connected way more than just through those creatures. The movie is not really subdivided into parts, they flow into each other. Even beyond the runtime, if you know what I mean. Overall this is very good, really imaginative horror. The monster design is cool, the mysterious elements are very well done, too. So yeah, I can definitely recommend this.

1 year ago

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Hana-bi (1997)

Japanese crime drama. It's about a violent former police detective who goes on a road trip with his dying wife while being pursued by his former colleagues and the yakuza after robbing a bank to pay off his debts and help his friends who were injured or killed in a tragic incident. Written by, directed by and starring the great Takeshi Tikano, so if you know his work you might have an idea what's coming at you if you decide to watch this movie. It's very violent at times but also full of heart and... just go an watch it for yourself. Great movie! Highly recommended!

1 year ago

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Breakin' All the Rules (2004)

American comedy film. It's about a man who writes a best-selling book on how to end relationships, and the complications that arise when he falls in love with his cousin’s ex-girlfriend. Very good cast (Jamie Foxx, Morris Chestnut, Gabrielle Union, Peter MacNicol, Octavia Spencer, Patrick Cranshaw and more). In 2004 Jamie Foxx was in Ray, Collateral and this movie. So, while it definitely wasn't his best movie of the year, it's still good. Nothing special, but fun and entertaining enough to warrant a watch if you have nothing better to do. Recommended.

1 year ago

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Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham 2023

And here I thought Gotham by Gaslight was good. They topped that one here. And it's set 20 years after that one in the same unicerse.

WELL worth the watch. 8/10

1 year ago

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The Hateful Eight (2015)

American Western mystery thriller film. It's about eight strangers who seek refuge from a blizzard in a stagecoach stopover and discover that they may not make it to their destination. I'm usually not a big fan of Westerns, although that has definitely changed since I've played Red Dead Redemption 2. I still wouldn't say I love them, but this one was actually great. The fact that almost the whole movie is set in a single location, namely a lodge, definitely helped, because as some of you might know, I do like single-location movies a lot. This movie also has fascinating characters portrayed masterfully by an excellent cast (Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Kurt Russell, Tim Roth, Walton Goggins, Demián Bichir, Bruce Dern, Michael Madsen, Channing Tatum and more). So yeah, overall I thought this was a great movie. Highly recommended!

1 year ago

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Return to Oz (1985)

American-British dark fantasy film. It's about a young girl who escapes from a mental hospital and returns to a dark and desolate Oz, where she must join forces with new friends to restore its magic and save her old ones from a wicked king and witch. Surprisingly dark. I can definitely see some kids being traumatized by this back when it came out. Lots of scenes that I probably would have nightmares about if I was watching this as a kid. Of course this isn't as good as The Wizard of Oz (1939), to which this one is an unofficial sequel, but it's supposedly closer to the books than the original. I can't say if that's true or not since I haven't read them. But yeah, it's a good movie, very imaginative, with lots of weird creatures that might be a bit too much if you'd watch this with a younger kid, but apart from that I can recommend this.

11 months ago

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Nimona (2023)

Based on the comic book of the same name, it shows a great adaptation and does its own thing as well. The main characters are well voiced and the visuals are amazing! Will definitely recommend!

11 months ago

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The Old Guard (2020)

American fantasy action thriller film. Rewatched it yesterday and it's still good.

11 months ago

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Breaking Away (1979)

American coming of age comedy-drama film. It's about a group of working-class friends living in the college town of Bloomington, Indiana who graduated from high school a year prior and are about to turn 19 now and don't know what to do with their lives. Very good cast, the four guys are played by Dennis Christopher, Dennis Quaid, Daniel Stern and Jackie Earle Haley. All delivering very good performances considering this was very early in their careers. So overall it's a surprisingly good movie that I can definitely recommend.

11 months ago

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The Poughkeepsie Tapes(2007)

A few genuinely creepy scenes(like 4 or 5 of them)but in between them it's a fairly dumb and cheesy fake documentary about a serial killer. If you imitate a shitty true crime format you could have something to say about it or subvert it etc. Just do something with it. By just doing it straight faced tells me they're amateurish enough to hide behind a gimmick framing so people don't realize how piss poor the craft is.

11 months ago

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

You know, I don't know why the hate. I thought it was actually really good. Not perfect, mind you.

A nice ending to the journeys and a nice end to the cinematic career of the great John Williams as this was his final movie composition.


11 months ago

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Calypso Heat Wave (1957)

American drama musical film. It's about a record company that faces a crisis when a greedy partner threatens its success and its star singer leaves for the Caribbean, where he discovers calypso music. Overall nothing that special if it weren't for the fact that the great Alan Arkin had his feature film acting debut in a small, uncredited role in this movie. So yeah, overall it's nothing outstanding but it's a nice little movie about the record business with lots of calypso music. It even has Maya Angelou (who was a calypso singer/performer back then) playing herself. So yeah, while I can't really recommend this to everyone, it's still good.

So, RIP to the great Alan Arkin who was brilliant in everything he was in (probably not this one because his role was so small that they didn't even credit him so he had no room to show off his talent). In his honour I will watch only his movies this week.

11 months ago

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The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1968)

American drama film. It's about a deaf-mute man who befriends various people in a new town who seek his friendship and guidance, while he misses his mentally ill friend who is locked away in an asylum. Very good cast (Alan Arkin, Sondra Locke, Stacy Keach, Cicely Tyson, Percy Rodriguez and more) delivering great performances (especially Alan Arkin (who played the deaf-mute man) and Sondra Locke, both of whom earned Oscar nominations for this movie). Overall a really good drama that I can definitely recommend!

11 months ago

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Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)

American black comedy film. It's about an assassin who returns to his hometown to attend a high school reunion. Great cast (John Cusack, Minnie Driver, Joan Cusack, Dan Aykroyd, Alan Arkin, Jeremy Piven, Ann Cusack, Hank Azaria, K. Todd Freeman, Mitchell Ryan and more). Very good story, too. Overall it's a really good movie. Highly recommended!

(And I just noticed that this is the first movie I watched this week where Alan Arkin actually speaks. In Calypso Heat Wave (1957) his role was too small to have any actual speaking lines (even though he did sing) and in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1968) he played a mute person, so despite playing the lead character he didn't have any lines there either.)

11 months ago

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The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming (1966)

American comedy film. It's about the crew of a Soviet submarine that runs aground on a sandbar near an American island and nine-man landing party is sent to that island to go and look for a boat big enough to pull the sub back into the water but once the people on that island get wind of it (mostly through hearsay) it just blows completely out of proportion. Outstanding cast (Alan Arkin, Carl Reiner, Eva Marie Saint and many more) delivering very good performances (Arkin as the Russian Lieutenant who headed the party, Reiner as a NYC playwright who's on vacation on the island and Saint as his wife). This was Alan Arkin's first major movie after 1957's Calypso Heat Wave (in which he only had a small, uncredited non-speaking role) and a 1963 short film which he wrote and starred in and he was just so good in this movie that he was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor. Alongside actors who were already massive at that time, namely Steve McQueen, Michael Caine, Richard Burton and Paul Scofield (who won it in the end). So yeah, it's a funny little comedy but it's still a really good movie with great performances that I can highly recommend!

11 months ago

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Spenser Confidential (2020)

American action comedy film. It's about an ex-cop who teams up with his roommate to solve a double murder case involving corrupt cops. Not a big fan of Mark Wahlberg but this movie was better than I thought it would be. Good cast (Mark Wahlberg, Winston Duke, Iliza Shlesinger, Alan Arkin, Post Malone, Bokeem Woodbine, Marc Maron and more) in a movie that's sometimes a bit too dark for an action comedy and sometimes a bit too silly for an action comedy. You know I only watched this for Alan Arkin but apart from that it's probably better suited to run in the background while you're doing other stuff. Still, this was Alan Arkin's last non-animated movie released in his lifetime. (He had a voice role in Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022) and there's a movie still set to come out next year.) So yeah, watch it for Alan Arkin like I did or don't watch it, you're not missing out on much.

11 months ago*

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Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

American tragicomedy road film. It's about a dysfunctional family taking the youngest to compete in a child beauty pageant. Amazing cast (Abigail Breslin, Paul Dano, Alan Arkin, Toni Collette, Greg Kinnear, Steve Carell, Bryan Cranston, Dean Norris, Beth Grant and more) delivering great performances. This is the movie Alan Arking won his only Oscar for (he should've won Oscars for so many of his movies but he does deserve one for this as well) but I was also surprised by Paul Dano's performance. Overall I'd say this is a great movie that I can definitely recommend!

11 months ago

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Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
This trilogy is the best thing you will see when It comes to Marvel.
The intro on this one is great but I won't spoiled It.

11 months ago

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Wrath of Man (rewatch)
Hercules (1997 - rewatch)

11 months ago

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Wait Until Dark (1967)

American psychological thriller film. Rewatched this yesterday and it's still great with amazing performances, especially by Audrey Hepburn and Alan Arkin. Highly recommended.

11 months ago

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