Do you pirate games?
Dying Light, but after playing like 10 minutes (I wanted to try out how it runs) I realized I don't even want to play with another zombie game, so I deleted. Previously Mad Max to test if it runes (barely) so it was also gone in ~15 minutes. Witcher 3 as well, but it had like 30 minutes because I tried to tweak it + cinematics, but it also barely, baaaarely ran. The last game I downloaded and I want to properly play it is one of the following (don't remember the order) - Silent Hill 1, 2, No One Lives Forever 1, 2. Reason: no digital distribution, and I can't come across a boxed copy of these. Well, maybe NOLF, but I'm not sure about it either. Funny part: still haven't played them. I don't actively torrent AND play (properly play) games since I started buying bundles, as far as I can remember. (2014 january)
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I don't get this complaining that you 'have' to pirate something because you're poor/in a disadvantaged country/you're too young to have your own money. It's a video game. It won't kill you if you don't have it, and with twitch/youtube you can even watch someone else playing it if you're so desperate to experience it. Wait for a sale.
It's like complaining that you just 'have' to have these new expensive shoes because you can't afford them and they're in fashion, so you use that logic to justify shoplifting them. Yes, I know there are some differences between pirating games and pinching shoes, but the same logic applies, and they're both theft (to what degree varies, but 'hurr durr they overprice the game/the companies make millions/I hate their drm' is never an excuse to take stuff).
On topic, the last game I pirated was probably Skyrim. I tried to go through and buy everything I'd ever pirated on steam, since I felt really guilty about it once I grew up a bit and realised it was an asshole move.
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Nah, I don't know. I know videogames are not a human right but when Steam, HB, and GOG weren't a thing 13 years ago you had four options: buy it for roughly a third of the minimal wage, buy it from people who were selling pirated games as a sidejob for 2€ each, have a friend who already bough it to burn it for you if you give him a CD/DVD or not having the game. The only person I knew at the timewho had original games was literally a son of a millionaire, everyone else was shoplifting expensive shoes.
Story time!
The year is ~1998, Christmas time. Huge box under the tree. No idea what it is. Oh god! It's Super Nintendo Entertainment System! Thanks, mom, thanks, dad! Except it isn't, it's a Chinese rip-off from a market and it only plays NES cartridges. Which wasn't a problem at all, since I didn't even know what Nintendo (let alone SNES) is at the time, I think you would have to travel to Germany/Austria to buy one. The cartridges are for 1€ each and can be bought at every Vietnamese market, though more often than not the sticker doesn't match the content, but it's an added thrill.
The year is ~2000 and we got our first computer! It has MS-DOS and is full of games! Thanks, dad! Aladdin, Prehistorik, NHL 94, all the great titles!
The year is ~2002 and we upgraded to Windows 95. Don't remember on what occasion, but we got this awesome adventure, based on a locally popular Russian fairy tale. It was discounted and costed 10€. Other than that I only buy something called "Player's selection" every now and then which has a ton of free-ware/demo/shovel-ware stuff. And also buy stuff from my uncle's colleague for 2€ each. During the same period I also got to play Pokémon Red for the first time, courtesy of my classmate's older brother, who brought an emulator and the rom on a floppy-disk.
The year is 2005 and we got an internet connection, which means I could do what I was already doing for like a half of my short life, but for "free" and without a middle-man.
So recap why some people in some places still pirate software/games:
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Oh, I understand -why- people do it. I just don't get why people think that any of those excuses clear them of blame. I don't think anyone actually pirates games and thinks they're doing something right. And then complain about the lengths studios go to for drm/that small studios go out of business because not enough people bought their games.
It's like getting a job paying in cash so you don't have to pay taxes, then getting mad at the government that your grandma died because there wasn't enough money to pay for good public health services.
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Simple answer: games that either have intrusive DRM, or aren't available on Steam.
Want me to buy it? Stop trying to make me jump through unnecessary hoops, I haven't got time for that nonsense.
...not that I actually have time to pirate games these days, what with hundreds of games already on my Steam playlist. But still. If I would have the time, it'd be games like Dragon Age: Inquisition.
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I think the last (and only in the last 10 years) game I pirated was The Sims 4 for my girlfriend. Not going to pay those ridiculous EA prices ($30 DLC anyone?) for a game I'm not even going to play myself.
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Felt like playing Quake 2 recently , so i torented that .
Aside of that ... havent really pirated anything in quite some time ...
I tried to get Cities Skylines when it came out , but my pc couldnt run it cus it required 64bit Windows , and i had 32 :P
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It was Bioshock Infinite, I pirated it to see if I can run it at a decent FPS. After playing for like 20 minutes I deleted the pirated copy and bought the game plus season pass on steam.
I miss the time of demos, sigh.
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The last game I illegally downloaded was GTA V. About a month later I joined Steam, started buying games, and deleted all the pirated games from my computer except for The Sims 3 - its hundreds of expansions are just too much money.
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Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII for PSP - getting original PSP UMDs in my country nowadays is almost impossible, and I don't really feel like paying more than the cost of new AAA game for UMD and shipping from ebay of 7 years old portable game ;p So yeah - I do quite reguralry pirate PSP titles ;)
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The last time I pirated anything was the uncut section for Quake 4 (2005). In Germany they cut out like 1/4 of the game because of reasons. So I bought the game and dl'ed the uncut patch. Took me a few days IIRC :/
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I really hate bioware points! Why couldn't they just sell the dlcs for actual money!
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Last I recall was Miles Edgeworth: Ace Investigator 2. They never actually made an English version, but they did make a fan translation patch. It was absolutely perfect! The only time I remembered I was playing a fan translation was during the credits.
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don't remember. back in school i had many pirated games, just since nearly all games that can be bought on CD were pirated (and many of them had awful localization, but luckily there always was a chance that English language wasn't modified). i can recall GTA2, where it was only possible to play on the first level, otherwise the game crashed, when you try to promote on another one.
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Man, that must suck when you really badly want to play a new title and then find out your body can't handle it...
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So what was the name of the last game you ever pirated and Why?
I ressntly had to pirate a copy for Mass Effect 3. I bought a key, activated it in Origin, next day the game was gone! Origin support was just painful. They kept me bouncing back and forth from EA help to Accounts Help! After a month I just gave up!
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