What is that?
Question... it may be ilegeal but when you registered you had to accept the terms and conditions... amybe in them there was something about this...
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A company's term and conditions do not override the law of a country.
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Laws are different in different countries, ILLEGAL means ILLEGAL, consumer protection laws are there to protect us and differ according to countries and merchants agree to each and every one of them when they agree to sell online/in another country/in EU...
In Croatia no one gets to ask you for your ID except the police and when buying age-restricted merchandise (cigarettes, alcohol).
I wouldn't send them my ID under any circumstances.
Just contact their customer service and ask them if they really sent that email and, if they did, warn them that they're violating your rights, as well as all other citizens' of EU when they send such a request.
EDIT: Edited because I used harsh language when first writing this because I was hungry and upset over some parts of this discussion. I ate an apple dipped in melted chocolate and sprinkled with almonds, hazelnuts and raisins and am now back to my usual self xD
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Duh. Thanks, this should be no-brainer. But then some people would have to have a brain to start with. I'm know SJWs and CRWs (Conservative Racist/Reactionnaries Warriors) by heart, by I still have trouble wrapping my head around neo-skeptics who might be even worse, those people who try hard to force people into re-believe or absolutely accepting any bullshit governments, traditional medias, banks or corporation spit out.
Companies/Banks are governed by the ideology of neo-liberalism, if they could kill you to harvest your organs and make money of off it they would, not right now, not if an authority or law impeaches then, but eventually if regulations, laws and governments disappears you bet they would.
The fact that people would defend them is mystery as to their mind's functions.
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I don't even know what to say about this thread. I'm having trouble believing that a company asked for some kind of ID in this instance. There are verification procedures for various forms of payment that do not require that, but besides that, you'd have to be insane to provide any sort of personal ID document for an online purchase, unless it was something like providing a school ID so that you could get educational discounts on software. On top of that, the small cost of this SE bundle doesn't justify these kinds of security measures. Fraud prevention is usually triggered when making purchases of a much higher amount and/or there are purchase limits in place to prevent you from purchasing over a certain amount.
Nothing about this story makes sense.
Are you sure your computer hasn't been hacked? Is there some additional info you haven't told us, that might explain why such a thing might happen, like your card's billing address is in one country, but you're now living in some other country, or you're trying to purchase multiple bundles, or something unusual other than you wanted to buy one bundle, and they went crazy?
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I will call my bank on monday to verify, most importantly to ask about this.
But yeah, this is crazy, that's what triggered me, and now their support is not replying me further (fortunately I have a read mail checker), so I might have to sue them just to know why or what organism that is illegally sharing false (since I have no and never had any transaction or bank problem) private informations.
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Of course nothing about this thread makes sense except for the crying for attention on the internet.
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I never heard of square enix asking for ID, even when I wanted to get my account back, r u sure it was them? There r lots of sites that ask for your ID card thought
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Out of curiosity and since you're really hammering the point home, that it's illegal in your country: Do you have a concrete article of a law which states that this is illegal or are you just talking based on your opinion? I would honestly be interested in the wording of such a law (I'm not a lawyer myself, but for my job I work a lot with statutory and contractual issues so I'm somewhat sensitive to this).
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My French is a bit rusty but doesn't point 4 of this national ID article you've provided state something like:
"4 - Can a body save a copy of an identity document?
A simple presentation of the identity document and visually check enough to ensure the identity of a person. The preservation of a copy of the document does not appear, in general, justified. "
So based on this your national law actually allows them(Squenix) to verify your ID, it's just forbidden to store this information. I see where you're coming from, since sending a copy of your ID e.g. as an e-Mail attachment would mean that your information is stored on their servers. Though I wouldn't bet on you having success in case you would consider a lawsuit against them. Best of luck anyways!
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Da hab ich noch nie was von gehört... Hast du denn wie OP einen konkreten Gesetzestext (der am Ende genau das Gegenteil beweist, siehe oben) oder bist du auch nur so ein "Meinungsanwalt"?
TL;DR: Please provide an appropriate law article
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PAuswG §1
"(1) Deutsche im Sinne des Artikels 116 Abs. 1 des Grundgesetzes sind verpflichtet, einen Ausweis zu besitzen, sobald sie 16 Jahre alt sind und der allgemeinen Meldepflicht unterliegen oder, ohne ihr zu unterliegen, sich überwiegend in Deutschland aufhalten. Sie müssen ihn auf Verlangen einer zur Feststellung der Identität berechtigten Behörde vorlegen. Vom Ausweisinhaber darf nicht verlangt werden, den Personalausweis zu hinterlegen oder in sonstiger Weise den Gewahrsam aufzugeben. Dies gilt nicht für zur Identitätsfeststellung berechtigte Behörden sowie in den Fällen der Einziehung und Sicherstellung."
Zusätzlich die Regierungserklärung zum neuen Personalausweis:
"Die Erhebung und Verwendung personenbezogener Daten aus oder mithilfe des Ausweises darf künftig nur über die dafür vorgesehenen Wege erfolgen. (…) Weitere Verfahren z.B. über die optoelektronische Erfassung („scannen“) von Ausweisdaten oder dem maschinenlesbaren Bereich sollen ausdrücklich ausgeschlossen werden."
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Okay, dann hab ich nichts gesagt, das trifft tatsächlich zu.
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This sounds an awful lot like phishing, when someone poses as a trusted third party to try to convince others to turn over information that can be used in financial fraud/identity theft. Might want to try to confirm this is actually them. For instance, if the e-mail provides any links, mouse over them. Do they actually go to Square-Enix's website? If you've already confirmed all this, just ignore me.
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Well, this thread escalated quickly . But at least it was an interesting read :P
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I mean, it's sketchy, and you're probably not legally obligated to do it, but that doesn't mean it's illegal to ask. Now, if they held the service (not a pending transaction, but a transaction for which you were charged without verification but delivery depends upon verification) it's not illegal, per se, especially if it's included in their ToS. It's legal for me to go and ask for people's credit card numbers. It's not ethically sound, usually, and there is no compulsion for someone to give it to me, but even though it would be a perceived breach of privacy since it's a question asked in the context of an interaction which does not violate the law there is no legal culpability there. On the other hand, if the issue is about sending the document by mail specifically, and there are laws against that, then yes, that is illegal, but the request for verification itself is not... technically. If it's illegal to mail the documents, it could be illegal because it's incitement to a crime, but I don't know all the legal contexts.
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It's both common sense and law. It baffles me all those people who don't have this basic common sense (mainly murican' tards), so again and again: NO it's illegal. If you ask someone for credit card number, if they sue you, the basic fact of having asked them for their credit card number automatically means you are guilty, period. It doesn't mean you can't or won't ask, like some companies do, but it is illegal.
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Fortunately, I live in a country where nothing you say matters. :D
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It is literally not illegal to ask for a credit card number. If I presented myself as a business or charity fraudulently, it would be illegal, but it's not illegal to ask. I could ask someone for their credit card information if I was selling them something. Not illegal. I could even ask someone for their credit card information to use their card. That would not be illegal (but the use of their card would be, since that's technically fraud). Your argument is straight up factually wrong.
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My main account at Square Enix is blocked for buying stuff. I can login and so on, but I can't buy anything. The support says my computer is blocked for security reasons, but thats not true. It even doesn't work at other computers with that account and it works with another account at the "blocked" computer. They have a strange security behavior. Support says, the cann't give me more information to hold the security of accounts secure.
Some facts are clearly not true the write in the support mail, but they are not willing to help or unblock, they prefer that a customer better not buy their products anymore.
I don't know why this happend, I bought years with the main account and since last December it's blocked for buying.
They never wanted personal documents from me.
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It's weird that they wouldn't even try to verify invadingly your personal documents.
Moral of the story: NEVER buy anything from Square-Enix. Their practices are anti-customer as possible, more than Steam, shady or even at the limit of legality. It's crazy.
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One German company once asked me to do the same. I am not a stupid fool in order to scan my passport and send it by unsecured mail. So I simply said what they ask is absolutely unacceptable to me and asked for a refund. They sent a refund and the story finished. The fact is even if a reputable company starts asking for scans of your ID, in order to protect them from theft, they have completely flawed, if not even illegal policy and YOU SHOULD NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM . Period. I will never ever do business with a company, which is not happy with a classical credit check, based on checking with my credit card provider. My credit card provider knows everything about me, since I charge almost all my costs on this card and I've been paying my bills orderly for the last 15 years. So, I should have some credit for paying my bills and having a good credit rating and I DO NOT WISH TO BE TREATED AS A SCUM BY ANYONE ! This is what I wrote to this company's support (and, yes, they sell Steam games online) and they never bothered to answer - just sent me the refund. If Square Enix has this completely absurd policy of insulting their customers, I would be more than happy to stop buying from them ! Please report on what happened and spread the word about this
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Thanks for smart people. I'm sorry I'm going to to go all the way but damn are Europeans, and probably Easter Europeans/Asians who have similar policies way smarter than american lobotomised cunt.
Read the comment above yours, his story is even more crazy.
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It's an intelligent plot to provoke but also identify these people lying about what's written in hard ink in the law AND the fact that of course a company would have bordering illegal practices. You the kind of scum who are working against people to support those in power fucking us over, insert godwin point here, you guessed what kind of people I'm referring to. It works, just look at foe's comment or yours.
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If this is is the most fucked up thing you've seen in your life, I can only compliment the quality of the cushions surrounding your existence.
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Not sure if you mean it or not, but you're welcome anyway. :]
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They should only ask when you are asking to resolve an issue related to identity theft, or in other words, you are accusing someone to steal your account. In this case you are presenting evidence that you have been robbed of something (your account).
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This topic made me buy the bundle. When I signed in, I was reminded that I had previously registered with completely fake info (except email, obviously), processed the order anyway, Paypal mentioned it didn't match my registered info, went through anyway. shrug
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Youu... well played, well played :D
There are just so many words in English, it's insane x)
Also, if you ask me what it means in like two weeks or whatever - I probably will have forgotten again.
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OP is correct.
SQENIX just wanna make sure all 6 euro bundle buyer are actually from EU, which protects EU consumer for refunding after bundle is revealed. (US and other countries' consumer can't refund after bundle are revealed.)
But it IS illegal. I support OP!
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I did as well - until he started insulting everyone who wasn't on his side.
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3/5's of a person is what they used to call black people in the States to deny them their basic human rights. Juusssst saying.
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Did you do that on purpose? I mean I'm indifferent to your issue but I have been sort of lurking.
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I'm not trolling, I'm informing you that something you said has a historical context and I wondered if you had any actual idea of what you were spewing in your attempt to insult other people. Like calling someone 3/5ths of a person is horrible given the context, and it's fine if you had no idea but if you did and used it anyone it says more about you then the other person.
I didn't comment on your situation because I know nothing about French Law or EU Law, I was merely watching with some popcorn until something caught my eye. Which happened to be you calling someone 3/5 of a person. Educate yourself. As for your situation given the current state of how the EU views privacy laws and the various filings against Google show that some people don't actually understand how the internet works. If you don't want to be found on google or anywhere else, don't use the internet. Stay away from anyone with a smartphone, and quite frankly live your life as a hermit.
Because if you think that the government can't track you, at the very least the US government can't track you should they choose to then you're an idiot. Square Enix getting your information, which I think is weird, but that's besides the point is not what should concern people about privacy issues. If you don't want to send them your information then don't and get your money back. That being said this issue screams first world problem to me and not even a particularly interesting first world problem.
Btw you can add me to your blacklist or your list of scum or whatever.
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What. The fuck. Are you rambling about. As mentioned 3 or 5 persons, as for government tracking, yes, and yet they can't ask or don't have a copy of your most importantly personal document which Square-Enix or rather a third company that manages their transaction, still asked for illegally.
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Ah, cute. I didn't expect your answer to be any different.
It's funny because you don't even know me and yet you call me a "hypocritical coward". 10/10 behaviour, and not in the slightest childish.
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The only thing I know and I need to know for the purpose of this topic, is that you are ready to wipe away the whole point and content of the issue AND change your belated opinion, based on a few insults. In that you are similar to the only other 2 people who "coincidentally" use the word childish...
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Listen. Yes, I agree with you and the whole debate thing that's going on. Yes, it's illegal and I'd never scan and send my ID or anything confidential to any company online - since it is illegal. But what I do not agree with is how you went around insulting people; and I figure that's the reason why you were suspended for a few hours. So yes, I agree that it's inappropriate to ask for that kind of stuff but I will not support you bashing other people like that simply because they didn't quite understand the situation or are of another opinion than yours. It's as simple as that.
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It IS simple as that, and saying that things are complicated, when they are only complexe, is adding to the hypocrisy and mediocrity that leads us downward. So excuse me if me using insults of no value or importance to express the violence of the stupidity and gravity of the arguments from people I was targeting is, again, more important than the actual implications of said arguments and people holding them.
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No, you're not excused. Like I said earlier, I agree with you regarding your issue with Square Enix but that's where it stops. I simply do not want to support that kind of behaviour - especially since there's absolutely no need for insults in this discussion - that's why I added you to my scum list as you call yours.
I'm done "arguing" with you. Bye, bye.
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Notabene you are right, a company you purchase games for has no legal grounds to ask you for your id. Did they perhaps think you were doing some other transaction with them? Like some work partnership of some sort? Because if you were only ordering a product from them. They do not need any personal documents from you past anything related to the payment. As for all the people flipping out and writing all these negative comments, Notabene knows his rights as a private individual, and that's great, everyone needs to know their rights. The thing about the police for example, even they cannot ask you for your id unless there is a suspicion of a crime, or wrong doing, or you are behind the wheel of a motorised vehicle and you were stopped by a traffic cop in which case if they think there's a violation they have the right to ask you for a licence etc. So, good on you Notabene, I suggest you keep up with your efforts to figure this out, and not give them any information they are not legally entitled to.
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Except, he's not just going to the store and buying a product. He's a member of the Square Enix's userbase, which means he had to create an account with Square Enix on their website (in reference to legislative terms it can be referred to as a "partnership") and in doing so agreed to their End User License Agreement and is subject to their terms of service. Notabene just wants internet attention, and everyone is delivering. :)
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Quoting for posterity:
"Oh don't worry, I knew from the get go my rights, I wanted to see reactions on this thread to trap some (surprisingly fewer than I expected) scum people I will mention in an update soon. Thanks for your message."
The classic "haha, fooled you I was trolling" retreat.
Sure, sure.
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Okay this is the f'd up thing I've seen in my life: After registering for an account, even linking my Steam account I never had problem with, and ordering this bundle, Square-Enix asked me to enter my number to get confirmation code. Okay...
Then, by an email they asked me...to provide personal and private identity document by mail (which is illegal in my country) to validate the order which I've never seen in my life.
Did that happen to anybody else? WTF?
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