On Nov. 8th, it will have been one year since I bought my very first bundle! Why is this significant you ask? Well, I didn't collect steam games until I discovered Humble and things have kind of gotten out of control since then XD. I figured I might as well celebrate the day when I first descended into madness :P.

Oddly enough, I first heard about bundles thanks to a Zero Punctation video where Yahtzee mentions after the credits that his book was part of a humble book bundle. If it weren't for that video, I very much doubt I would have discovered bundles and I would have probably went back to playing WoW instead of finding a whole slew of pc games that have pasted me by. Kinda weird when you think about it.

Anyways, here is the train that I promised.

Instead of bumping, please let me know how all of you found out about bundles. Kinda curious what some of the answers will be.

Edit: Forgot to add this, but my first was the Humble Indie Bundle 13.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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I was following the linux news, so heard of the first humble indie bundle as back then it required all games to be available DRM free and support for Win, Mac, Linux so was pretty big news (many games got ported so they could be included in the bundles).

Though I didn't get too interested in buying them till much later

Oh and thanks for train!

8 years ago

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Can't really remember, probably through some news site

8 years ago

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Thanks, it was quite epic indeed :)

8 years ago

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When humble bundles first started, a friend told me about them, but I couldn't get any at the time. I really discovered bundles here on SG.

8 years ago

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Found out my first bundle through some forum or another giveaway site probably, can't really remember.

8 years ago

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Really nice train, thank you!

8 years ago

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I actually found it because of SteamGifts. I think it was the 3rd Humble Bundle and I was wondering where everyone was getting the same games to giveaway and saw it on the forums XD. Humble Bundle really helped me get some nice games ;3 !


8 years ago

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why u blacklisted me?

8 years ago

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Poor ratio, sorry.

8 years ago

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blacklisted because of poor ratio? what?

8 years ago

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It means the ratio between receiving and sending gifts. Having a low ratio means that person has won usually much more than given. Some people prefer to prevent entries from such cases.

8 years ago

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Thank you for that :D

8 years ago

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What tuber ware has said. I'll just add that my cut off is ~0.8 (so 8 given per 10 won). You are around the 0.4 mark so you have a bit of work to do. Once you have corrected your ratio, feel free to message me and I'll remove you from my blacklist :D.

8 years ago

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That's good to know! Man, even if I just gifted my bundle leftovers here instead of elsewhere, I'd catch up in no time. Or if I stopped entering giveaways for 98% off games just because there's so many hundreds of them, haha.

Personally, I like this kind of blacklist. I find it motivating, which I think is the point. And I can picture the future day when I finally catch up and am unblacklisted, and that will be satisfying because I will have earned it.

Keep being awesome Cjcomplex.

8 years ago

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Don't feel too bad, I'm in the same boat. These days, 90%+ of my entries are only for wishlist games anyway, to give me a chance to catch up (though I still win constantly, which is frustrating haha).

You're already contributing to this site (thank you!), so just keep doing that and you'll catch up on your ratio eventually. If that matters to you.

8 years ago

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Oh, my... I can't remember how I discovered Bundles but it was a long long time ago...

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the ride!!

8 years ago

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bump! thanks for the train! man, that was a really really really long one!

8 years ago

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I found out bundles tho here. thanks and bump!

8 years ago

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I learned about HumbleBundle and InieGala from friend of mine :) I think that my first bundle purchase was from IndieGala.

8 years ago

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A friend told me about Humble Bundle =)

8 years ago

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I think I jumped in the very early days. First or second Humble bundle. Got pretty excited for the idea of having a possibility to get new games cheaply. Then I realized many of those games were something I had no desire to play. I still have some several years old games sitting in my library. That shopping spree increased my backlog so much. At least now I know better and have decent level of self-control.

8 years ago

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that's one long choochoo :O

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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PC forums spoke about humble bundles. Was confused games could be so cheap at frist.

8 years ago

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Epic train. Bump

8 years ago

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I guess through friends and Steam sales. If I remember correctly.

8 years ago

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It was so long ago, i honestly dont remember :( must have been in some group chat or from this forum i guess

8 years ago

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I think I found out about bundles on Steamgifts. I was wondering how come there are so many games being given out by people and then read on SG's forums that a lot of the giveaways are bundle leftovers. Never bought a bundle though because I don't have credit card or paypal (even if I did I wouldn't have any money to put on them).

8 years ago

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that was a long ride

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Cjcomplex.