Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Blood Feast (1963)

American splatter film. It's about a psychopathic food caterer who kills women so that he can include their body parts in his meals and perform sacrifices to his "Egyptian goddess" Ishtar. The acting isn't great, the story aren't either and the effects are pretty tame by today's standards. But given its $24,500 budget, it was very successul, grossing $4 million. I have no problems calling this movie bad, because even the director said about it "I've often referred to Blood Feast as a Walt Whitman poem. It's no good, but it was the first of its type.". So yeah, if you just wanna watch a good horror movie, this definitely isn't it. But if you're interested in the history of horror movies or splatter movies specifically you should watch it. Overall it's just not good, but it was the first splatter movie and it's a lot more extreme than anything else from the time so for that I can still recommend it.

8 months ago

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Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat (2002)

American slasher splatter film. It's about the grandson of the caterer from the original restarting his grandfather's catering business (and also his killing business). It really doesn't take itself too seriously, it's even funny at some points. The acting isn't that good either, but it seems like everyone knew what they were in for. The gore looks a lot better and it's also more extreme. Then again, there have been 60 years between the original and its sequel. Towards the end there's even a prominent cameo by the great John Waters, because he was such a big fan of Herschell Gordon Lewis. If you've seen the original, go and watch this one, too. But if you haven't seen the original you can give this one a miss, too. I thought this might be even worse than the first one but I was pleasantly surprised so I can actually recommend it.

8 months ago

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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

American horror film. It's about a group of friends who fall victim to a family of cannibals while on their way to visit an old homestead. Another movie that closes a big gap in my movie knowledge. And I can definitely see why it's as influential as it is. It's a great movie. It's scary and disturbing, has some bloody scenes (although it's not as gory as I expected) and it's really good overall. So I can definitely highly recommend it!

8 months ago*

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Just recently rewatched. So good!

8 months ago

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Literally introduced my partner to this Monday night, she appreciated it as a genre classic and was creeped out but not scared per se. To be fair, it has not aged that well in that regard but it's definitely filling a gap, as you wrote.

8 months ago

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There's a reason this movie has so much traction, but that's mostly buried in time now. You might find this interesting though..

7 months ago

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Fascinating article, thanks for the link. Didn't really make the Vietnam connection while I was watching it, but in hindsight...

7 months ago

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)

American black comedy slasher film. It's about a radio host who is attacked by a family of cannibalistic killers, and a former Texas marshal who seeks revenge for his relatives who were killed by them in the past. There's a lot more going on and the movie is also gorier, because this time they're showing all of the gore they were intentionally hiding in the original. So yeah, it's a very different movie but it's also very entertaining. We get some new characters and see some old ones again. And also, this has one of the greatest official movie posters ever which parodies The Breakfast Club (1985). Overall I can still very much recommend this movie.

8 months ago

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IT Chapters I and II. (2017, 2019)

I'd seen the original miniseries with Tim Curry as Pennywise and felt like the new version wouldn't hold up to scrutiny for an old school horror fan like myself. I was pleasantly surprised and glad to be proven wrong: my partner loves them and wanted to introduce me to them since I've been showing her some of my favourite horror classics over the past few weeks and Chapter I reinvented Pennywise in a refreshingly horrifying way.There was even a good deal of what felt like practical FX even if it was CGI. It made for a memorable and emotionally-engaging film.

Chapter II has a great cast and an interesting concept but it felt more like a series of vignettes from a horror series rather than a coherent movie. Still worth seeing of course, provided you liked the first part.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
I in turn introduced my partner to this classic of the slasher genre. She appreciated it as a genre classic and was creeped out but not scared per se. To be fair, it has not aged that well in that regard but the sympathy shown to a disabled character is noteworthy for both the time period and the genre in which it takes place..

8 months ago

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Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990)

American slasher film. It's about Leatherface and his cannibalistic family stalking a motorist couple in the backroads of Texas. Yeah, it's a lot worse than the first two. I don't have much else to say about this. Well, the cast is good. We got Viggo Mortensen and Ken Foree with Viggo only becoming super famous a while after this movie came out but so far I'd guess he's the most famous actor who was part of this franchise. Overall I think this one's really quite bland and doesn't really do anything very good. Can't recommend it.

8 months ago

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The Holdovers (2023)

Amazing film based in Massachusetts surrounding a boy's prep school during winter break. The film is by a great director Alexander Payne (Sideways, Nebraska) and features Paul Giamatti, Da'Vine Joy Randolph, and newcomer Dominic Sessa. I highly recommend it for those who like more slice of life films

8 months ago

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (1995)

American black comedy slasher film. It's about four teenagers who get into a car crash on their prom night and end up in the clutches of a cannibalistic family led by Leatherface. This starts off pretty similar in structure to the previous one, but this time it has annoying teenagers in it who only talk about sex and nothing else. But then it gets a lot more fucked up than the previous entries which is something you can either appreciate in a movie like this or not. With Renée Zellweger and Matthew McConaughey we're continuing the trend of young up-and-coming actors who in the franchise. McConaughey especially can play "unhinged" very well, as this movie and Killer Joe (2011) demonstrate. Imagine if McConaughey's character from Dazed and Confused (1993) wasn't just a bit of a creep but a full blown psychopath. This is still not that good of a movie but I think it's better than the previous one at least. It definitely surprised me, being a lot lower rated than even that one. So overall I can actually recommend it for what it is.

8 months ago

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

American slasher film. It's about a group of young adults traveling through rural Texas who encounter Leatherface and his murderous family. What a surprise. It's a direct remake of the original but it definitely feels like looking back at the 70s through an early 2000s lens (because that's pretty much what it is). At the beginning they are even on their way to a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert after traveling to Mexico to purchase weed. Cast-wise we got another young actor who became famous afterwards in Jessica Biel, but also an older well-known face in R. Lee Ermey, both of whom definitely delivered stand-out performances in this movie. The movie itself is overall just a pretty mediocre slasher flick with not much to make it stand out. I do like them tying the end back to the beginning a bit with the character who got all the action into motion saying something along the lines of "I just wanna go home" and the "final girl" uttering the same sentence at the end. Anyway, I definitely remember the official poster for this movie. Of course, at 10 I also definitely wasn't allowed to watch it. Now I have and I can safely say it's nothing special, just your average early 2000s slasher flick. Also, it looks a lot darker than the original, but that was a bit of a trend during the time this came out. So yeah, can't really recommend.

8 months ago

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Speed (1994)
Fun movie about a bus that can't go less then 50mph or else it explodes. Lots of action, but also lots of small writing/directing mistakes that make it hard to suspend disbelief. Like at one point the bus has to jump across a bridge where a middle part is missing, the problem is when they show the bridge there's zero incline so it's impossible to jump it, instead they just have the bus act like its got extremely powerful hydraulics in its front wheels and make it shoot upwards once it reaches the end of the bridge. Or most of the movie the act of getting on/off a moving bus is shown as an extremely difficult feat to achieve, but then in one scene the main actor just casually strolls off onto another vehicle like it was nothing. Or when they're on a train and have to stop it but it has a broken emergency brake, they can still control its speed but instead of simply slowing it down and letting it glide to an eventual stop they set it to maximum speed instead. There's lots of other little things that don't make sense, but yea, it's one of those kinds of movies you kind of have to turn your brain off to enjoy.

8 months ago

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Yeah I finally watched it. It wouldn't be too bad if they didn't take themselves so seriously. Have they even watched Indiana Jones movies?
It's an okay one-time watch I guess but it does drag on. As for critics who seemed pissed that the characters were "one dimensional", I'd invite them to rewatch the first 3 movies (I deliberately choose to ignore the alien movie) and give two character traits that describe either Sallah or Marcus Brody.
Still, even if you try not to fall to the nostalgia tunnel vision, the Dial of Destiny is lacking something.

8 months ago

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Coherence (2013)

Interesting premise,hampered by cheesy execution. I understand it might be a shoe-string budget movie but you can still make better characters even with no money.

8 months ago

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Outside the Box (2015)

German action comedy thriller film. Watched this one yesterday. It's about a team-building event gone wrong, where a group of managers are taken hostage by two actors who demand real ransom. Pretty entertaining, good cast of actors mostly unknown outside of Germany, although international viewers might recognize Richard Sammel from Inglourious Basterds (2009). Overall it's good, but nothing special. Still, can recommend.

8 months ago

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)

American slasher film. It's about the origins of the infamous cannibal family and Leatherface terrorizing a group of young travelers in rural Texas. So this is a prequel only to the 2003 remake of the original. This is also the first movie in the franchise without any kind of opening narration. (We actually get the typical narration about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (aka the in-universe event, not the movie) at the very end here.) It kinda expands on the previous one a bit (lots of backstory of characters we've seen in that one) and because those two are in a continuity by themselves you should maybe just watch those two together if you're going for one or the other anyway. On its own I can't recommend it, but if you've already seen The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) why not watch this one, too?

8 months ago

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A movie that is sure to make you feel like a lazy bum XD
Great cast and a good script can make a good movie out of even the least exciting premise.
Annette Bening and Jodie Foster really make the movie shine but the direction is also excellent. It is really directed like a documentary in a very cinematic way. Too bad it was not released in theatres here.

8 months ago

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Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)

American slasher film. It's about a woman who, upon discovering she's adopted, goes on a road trip with her friends to collect her inheritance, and ends up encountering Leatherface. Yes, the 2D version is still officially called Texas Chainsaw 3D, even though you can't really find it anywhere online, afaik. It doesn't even look like a 3D movie for the most part, you got barely any of that "things coming at the camera" stuff you saw in other 3D movies from around that time. This movie is a sequel to just the original and ignores all the other previous ones. It does some things quite differently to the ones that came before and it's also a lot gorier than any of those. Might be the bloodiest one in the whole franchise so far. The cast is very good, with some actors returning from the original and its first sequel (Gunnar Hansen, Marilyn Burns, John Dugan, Bill Moseley) and some young talent (Alexandra Daddario, Scott Eastwood and more). Overall this does some things differently which I liked so I can recommend it. But of course it might not be for everyone.

8 months ago

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I honestly had no idea they had made so many Chainsaw Massacre movies. I only watched the first one a looong time ago.
You can do a whole month of Halloween with just that one franchise! Well, not you because you watch more movies in a month than most people do in a year but you know... ;)

8 months ago

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Yeah, a lot of classic horror movies have franchises behind them that are way bigger than you'd imagine. TCM has 9, which means Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) tomorrow will be the last one for now. But unlike other big franchises this one doesn't into worse and worse sequels but has multiple continuities. Very confusing, but like this it manages to make even the eighth entry a good one.

7 months ago

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I guess a lot of horror directors and writers got into horror thanks to the first movie so I'm sure it did bring a lot of inspiration to those who were lucky enough to make a career out of it.
I'll try a few.

7 months ago

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Finch 2021

Post-apocalyptic movie. Tom Hanks slowly dying in the company of a dog, a robot dog and a robot. Like any other post-modern movie there is no any sens. So movie look like very boring novel about nothing. Hanks plays well, but thats all dignities.

8 months ago

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Leatherface (2017)

American horror film. It's about the origin of Leatherface. This franchise has so many separate continuities and timelines, I swear... So this one's a prequel to the 1974 original and Texas Chainsaw 3D (2012). I think I'll put a timeline thingy in my next review, the one for Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022), which is (as of now) the latest movie in the franchise. But coming back to this one... it's a good prequel, definitely better than the prequel to the 2003 remake. This one actually has you guess which character will become Leatherface (not gonna spoil too much here, just watch it yourself). Overall I can recommend this one.

7 months ago

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Cool Hand Luke
As the title goes, this was about a very cool guy called Luke. It's a gritty and thought-provoking story of a man who refuses to conform and stands up to authority, making it a timeless tale of defiance and resilience. I loved how raw it felt, the life of a convict. This was a brilliant movie, and can easily hold on its own in 2023

7 months ago

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Incendies - hits like a truck (10/10)

7 months ago

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)

American slasher film. It's about the bloody confrontation between Leatherface, who has been hiding in a deserted town for half a century, and a group of young gentrifiers who want to turn the town into a trendy hotspot. The gore is very good, I'll give them that. The rest, not so much. Overall I can't really recommend it.
And here are the timelines I've promised:

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) => The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) => Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990) => The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1995) => Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)

Leatherface (2017) => The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) => Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) => The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

So yeah, it's all a bit confusing. The franchise overall is a good one imho. The original is of course still the best, even without all the gore that everyone is associating with it. Such an iconic movie. Massive influence on the slasher genre as well. It influenced so many movies that came after it. With the rest of the movies, some are good, some are bad. Some are better and some are worse than people think they are. But yeah, I'm glad I've watched all of them and now I've filled a big gap in my movie knowledge. For now I've had enough gore, though. So the next few movies I'll be watching will be very different.

7 months ago

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Blue Beetle (2023)

American superhero film. It’s about a young Mexican-American who gets a powerful suit of armor from an alien scarab that fuses with his spine, and battles a ruthless corporate villain who wants to use it for his evil plans. The movie is refreshingly family-focused, even our hero's grandmother is joining in on the action later when she reveals that she was a revolutionary in her younger days. It also has some interesting Mexican/Mexican-American culture. So there are some good scenes in this but overall it's just another comic book movie. Can't really recommend it unless you're looking for a movie where you can just turn off your brain for 2 hours.

7 months ago

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The Killer (2023)

American action thriller film. It's about an assassin who gets caught up in an international manhunt after a hit goes wrong. So because this movie just came out like... 7 hours ago there won't be anything about the plot in this review, apart from my obligatory one sentence summary at the beginning. But... the acting is great, the cinematography is amazing, the story is very captivating. Overall I think this is a great movie and I can highly recommend it!

7 months ago

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Did it come to Netflix already? Nice. Had it on my watch list so will give it a watch soon.

7 months ago

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Yes, it just released on Netflix. I wish I could've watched this on the big screen, but no cinema around me showed it.

7 months ago

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Resident Evil: Death Island 2023
Been waiting for this to be released in a place that can see it.
Rather good one that explores a side adventure that does not have to do with Umbrella or the other kinds from 7 and 8,


7 months ago

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Upside Down; or, the Human Flies (1899)

British short silent drama film. It's about a magician sending his audience to the ceiling. Nice effect. Stanley Kubrick actually used the same technique in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) almost seventy years later. Overall this is an entertaining minute-long short and I can recommend it.

7 months ago

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