Hey guys, so I am going to be purchasing a pet soon. I am 15 years old and my parents are letting me purchase an animal. I am using my own money (about 100 dollars) and am buying everything for it. I don't want anything like a dog or a cat, those are too much of a commitment and too costly. I want something that is easy to take care of, but it doesn't have to be ridicoulously easy to take care of. I want an animal that you could handle and befriend easily, not something like a fish. If you have any suggestions, that would be great.

P.S. If you could also give some info on how to take care of them, that would be great too. Personal stories are great.

Edit: Perhaps I should make something clear because some of these comments are rather hostile towards me. I am VERY friendly towards animals and I would never not take care of one. I had a pair of pet rats who lived beyond their average age and died. I want something that isn't too much work, but that doesn't mean I oppose work. I think I will get a pair of guinea pigs. I have a huge cage lined up for them with many toys and I have already read a ton on them.

10 years ago*

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do not buy. adopted! :D

10 years ago

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Anyone with your attitude getting a pet should get sued, as should anyone selling you a pet. That's a life you're talking about and it's already just about the money and your personal freedom. You're not ready to get a pet, get a twitter account, write a blog or do some other meaningless things to keep you busy and away from pets.

10 years ago

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Pet need to be taken care of, if you are not prepared to take care of your pet don't buy them.

10 years ago

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I think anyone who generally buys a pet (so either something rare/exotic, or a normal pet but from a store where they get pets from mills, mistreated, neglected and outright tortured) is unfit to take care of an animal and/or human.

10 years ago

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pet love human too, especially dogs and cats, guess you really don't know them so well.

10 years ago

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I don't really see any discussion going until you start making any sense.

10 years ago

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your pet don't love you.

10 years ago

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My pets and family would disagree. I hope you don't have any.

10 years ago

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Low commitment pets eh? Fine, I won't suggest an ovcharka or a panda bear. For you : Commitment level low: pet rock, pet gravel, pet wood. Commitment level medium low: pet cactus, the rose of jericho, triops, goldfish. Commitment level medium: Water turtles (although I did have a pair of them back at your age I did grow bored of them quickly because there's not much to do to play with the buggers, so they should be perfect if you only want to feed them once a day and change their water every other day. Downside: their life spans are around the century but I don't think that will be a problem in your case.) Commitment level medium high: parakeets, bungees, other birds, rabbits, rats, ice, ferrets, hamsters ( also cute). Those actually require some attention apart from feeding and cleaning their cages and the birds like to chatter which might be an issue if your parents don't like the noise of birds tweeting or parrots squawking. Commitment level high: Chinchillas, I had one once and it was amazing and cute and sweet and the softest thing ever, but they require special living conditions ( temperature, humidity etc). I left it to my then boyfriend for a week and it died because he didn't keep it cool enough. :| Chinchillas can't sweat and it was during the summer so he pretty much killed it. They can also be expensive-ish. Commitment level impossible: Dogs! I love dogs and I want a mal but you are not ready for doggies yet so you are wise not to go for one.-----Whatever you decide, let us know, k? I am curious to see what you will pick.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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animals are not toys that you can purchase. just because you can buy them, it doesn't mean you have to. go to your local shelter if you want an animal.

10 years ago

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well it scares me as fuck when i read a thread like that, go to the animal shelter and free a pet that has been gifted on christmas just like you want it...people nowadays
i want a pet but i dont know which one...cant believe to read such crap

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Sorry, just wanted some advice...

10 years ago

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what's wrong with asking for other people's opinion and stories to help you make up your own mind?

10 years ago

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there is nothing wrong to ask someone before you get goods, but an animal is not a good its a living thing.
YOU should know what you want and not act like:
"hey i can buy an animal but i dont know which one and i dont want to put too much effort in it"
this acutally pisses me off cause there are thousand of animals thrown away every fkin year cause kids didnt know that they have to care and spent a lot of time for a living animal.
but to make this clear and to stop the hate, go to your local animal shelter and check what they have, perhaps you fell in love with a poor soul that just waits for you to be loved til the END of the life of that little thing.

10 years ago

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Your right, I should just randomly buy a ferret. And when I realize that I don't like it because I didn't ask anyone for opinions, I will put it in a shelter, where it has a chance to die. Your logic is abysmal.

10 years ago

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wow your reply makes me speechless...dont know what to think or to say now. guess a snail fits perfectly.

9 years ago

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That's... a very worrying comment. What you probably should do is figure out what kind of animal you would like, and then ask for advice about it. To be honest, your comment makes me think that you should not get an animal at the moment.

9 years ago

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I've had pets most of my life, none of them was bought, one was a rescued stray dog. they all lived well past what would be their 'normal' life expectation.
I am also aware that there are lots of people, not just kids, getting animals as if they were disposable objects, no need to rave abut how much I loathe it.
Still, I don't see the OP suggesting anything like that, nor I see anything wrong with talking about this with others before making a move. This might actually well be THE move that prevents him from turning into the wrong owner, the one that later abandons his pet precisely because he didn't know what to expect.

10 years ago

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Adopt instead of buying, many animals (such as dogs, cats and pets like that) suffer to reproduce in a forced way... The more you buy, the more they will need more.

10 years ago

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A dog is a great companion to adopt; but as you say a long term commitment as are parrots. So if this is your first per just get mice or a hamster. Or believe it or not a turtle in a nice terrarium is great.

10 years ago

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I would not recommend just buying a pet based on random strangers recommendations, instead do some research, but consider the advice you get here as starting point. And make sure that you are actually able and willing to actually take care of your pet several years down the line. If you are bad at commitments, then a pet is not for you.

I've personally had 4 different animals (not counting fish), and here is my take on them:
Rats: Rats are really easy to take care of (but make sure you have at least 2, otherwise they might get depressed!), will eat about anything, tend to be very friendly & social and are just awesome. They are also smart, and the ones I had seemed to enjoy solving minor puzzles.
Read eared slider turtle: Incredibly easy to take care of, you basically only need to clean their aquarium ever so often, feed them and make sure that they have a nice basking spot, and they will be happy. Aquarium+lamp for basking spot+everything that goes into the aquarium (like a proper pump, and something to build the basking spot out of) will be expensive though, and those $100 won't cover this.
Degus: Cute and relatively smart, but they need a large cage (and you need more than one, otherwise it might get depressed), and even if you buy a used cage, it's likely that it will cost more than $100. Mine also made a lot of noise as they had a tendency of being very active, so keep that in mind.
Leopard geckos: These geckos can't climb on glass, which makes them a lot easier to take care of than most other geckos, and it also makes their terrarium cheaper, as you don't need to make sure that it is quite as escape-proof as it would have to be for any other type of gecko. Easy to take care of, cute and they don't eat anything expensive (back when I had them, in the late 90's, food would cost about 0,2-0,4€/day for 2 geckos). A good terrarium with all the other things you need to keep them happy might be expensive though (my family just used an old aquarium for them, which worked well, but if you don't have one of those, then $100 won't be enough).

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Every pet is commitment, dont fool yourself.
If u cant be there for it dont get it, if u cant feed it dont get it, if u cant pay bills for vet dont get it, if u cant get normal life conditions for it dont get it.(Cats are exception, they can take care of themself) Just my 2 cents.
I had everything from parrot(died of old age), dog, turtle(was to big, now lives in a zoo), fish, rabbit, etc....
Now I have dog wich is 5 years old(frenchie) , freshwater fish tank (200 litres), and wanna get leopard gecko to be my friend :D

10 years ago

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you did the right thing to get rid of the turtle its way better for him to live in a zoo then in a small "cage" terrarium dont know where you kept him in, btw before you are buying any reptiles make sure you read about them on the internet (allot) make sure you know what you are doing becouse they get really old and selling them makes them depresive because geckos can remember the owner so you want to make sure that you know what you get, what kind, how old, and can you keep them for the rest of there like becouse he meight be only there for a part of your life but you are there for his whole life so keep that in mind also getting a young reptile please please handle it allot in the first 2 weeks, just like a dog you have to teach him young i did all of this with my 2 pythons and they turned into awesome animals only bit me once and that was the first week so dont give up because it will be a disaster Good luck with your animals!

10 years ago

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turtle had alot of place, got it as kid (150 litres terrarium). He is alive and well, i visit him sometimes. Im watching over a year for a gecko, what they eat, how to care, lets say im responsible owner. For dog i researched 2 years, talked to owners, did proper training, and now dog is great, no leash needed outside, my best pal. Thnx for info and advices, i love geckos, my wife will kill me because all the bugs he heats, but what the hell :D. I wanna make big terrarium for them, was thinking about a pair so they can hunt together at night :D

10 years ago

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I adopted 2 hamsters. I wouldn't get one again. They are easy to take care of, but they are asleep during the day.

10 years ago

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putt the cage in a shadow they are more active during the day then or make something around it like the back and the left/right sides leave the front and dont face it towards a window i did that for my little cousin and they are really active for night animals now they are perfectly healthy btw

10 years ago

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A tortoise and name it Michelangelo.

10 years ago

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Why not buying a Gremlins?

10 years ago

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i suggest a swarm of bees (no joke, i am a beekeeper)

  • you do not have to invest lots of time

  • you get honey

  • they are nice to watch

  • they rarly sting you (i never use any protection and get less than 1 sting a month) [after a while you get immunity anyway]

10 years ago

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Leopard Gecko,

Needs a cage (can be small for starters but you'll need to upgrade)

Cave two (hot cave and cold cave)

Bowl (water)


Animal itself

Learn to hand feed them and they can be quite friendly.

10 years ago

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Yes, don't buy, adopt one. There are plenty of homeless animals, cats, dogs, and even more uncommon ones, just take a look around

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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how do you feel about bananas sir?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Hi, buy a chinchilla.
On the one hand you need a cage with kind of a climbing parkour inside but on the other hand they are very cute and friendly.

Additionaly it is worth to mention that chinchillas are very active at night.

10 years ago

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So, you want a pet that doesn't need to be take care of but that's also someone with who you can share great times (so no fishes, hamsters ecc...). I guess you should just be more realistic.

10 years ago

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Perhaps you misread. I don't want something that doesn't need to be taken care of, I want something that is easy. I guess you should just read better before criticizing.

10 years ago

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easy? gosh again and still on the same point of view? how about a SNAIL then...
no but seriously, easy is relative, what does easy means for you? every animal needs time and effort, you need to either clean cages, terrariums, toilets (if its a house cat for example). you need to pay for food and health (vet)
you have to feed at least twice a day...
i ... just dont get what you are asking for, i also left another comment from my earlier reply.

good luck i guess and obviously i am crossing fingers for the pet you might get, not that it ends in a shelter cause you wasnt sure

10 years ago

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Is the same kind of thing kid. It doesn't exist.

9 years ago

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Try a bunny.

10 years ago

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yea, they taste great

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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get a snake you have to get a little bit more then 100$ but after you have the terrarium its just like 20-40$ for a normal corn snake and like 1$ a week for mice i personaly own 2 high end pythons both worth nearly a 1000$ they are really really awesome pets the first few weeks they meight bite you but when you just handle them fine they wont bite you anymore ofcourse dont piss them off becouse they are still snakes they dont need allot of care as long if your responsible enough to take care of them they are great pets and you learn allot from them like being responsible

10 years ago

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Dont buy a pet become a pet.

10 years ago

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For sure a Crocodile!

10 years ago

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I love all these people saying to adopt or listing dogs and cats, Learn 2 Read.

Bearded Dragons, funny to look at, incredibly docile, don't make noise, eats once a day maybe, poops maybe twice a week (picked up with a tissue), and only takes up a shelf or half a desk. You do have to take it outside or sit it in front of a sunny window for a bit everyday (for UV).

Some parrots are great too, but those are a bigger commitment than a dog, but often worth it ;-p

10 years ago

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My friend has one, and he loves it.

Though as for the UV, you can get a UV light if you're as unlucky as we are with your geographical location

10 years ago

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Buy a garrobo

10 years ago

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