Isn't celebrating "straight pride" kinda offensive since those people weren't ever oppressed to begin with?
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+1. This is exactly what the snowflakes who get butthurt about BLM and Pride Month don't get: white lives are already highly valued by the legal system, and people who aren't white (often) face risks and difficulties that (most) white people don't, and so the whole point of BLM is to say that black lives matter too--i.e., just as much as white lives. Likewise, the whole point of Pride is that heterosexuality is already accepted, and that people who aren't heterosexual (often) face social sanctions and discrimination in a lot of places and a lot of ways that (most) heterosexuals don't, so it's important to make the point that other sexual orientations are valid too--i.e., just as much as heterosexuality.
If whiteness and heterosexuality were ever not the norm, then a pride movement for those would be appropriate--but it would be inappropriate as long as white lives are valued in ways that black lives aren't, and heterosexuals are accepted in ways that members of the LGBTQ community aren't.
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The Irish were oppressed...which is why Irish pride parades make sense (although their exclusion/oppression has largely ended with their assimilation into being considered 'white'; see Noel Ignatiev's book on the subject: https://www.amazon.com/Irish-Became-White-Routledge-Classics/dp/0415963095/).
And you're right that many groups have faced various forms of oppression in the history of the US--every group, that is, except rich white landowning males.
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You be careful with that edge, I almost cut my wrists!
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Before they adopted rainbows as their symbol, there has been a time where rainbows were symbols of peace.
I remember lot of houses had a rainbow flag with "peace" written on it hung to external walls/windows. Did it only happened here in Italy or it was a worldwide thing?
If so, did they improve that meaning, or the "peace" part has been excluded from this contest?
Hope I've explained it well..
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I think there've been several meanings the rainbow flag has had over the years, with the LGBT-context being the most recognizable, but the peace thing pretty much swapped from Italy all over the world, at least I've seen it several times over the years used in that manner. If I remember correctly, there's also a difference in colors, with the LGBT flag only sporting six colors due to some hick-up with the manufacturing back in the day (?, don't lynch me if I'm wrong here ;D) and the peace flag eight or nine. I also vaguely remember a pretty big business association using a rainbow flag too, although I can't put my finger on who it was.
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there is, especially considering that a rainbow itself is a symbol that has been used by humanity way before christian times. Thus using argument nowadays "you have no right to use rainbow, because we used it before you!" is plain stupidity, before you someone else used it, before them someone else and so on and on, basicaly noone should have right to use it at all, because civilisations who first used it are long gone and all others are simply stealing their precious rainbow symbolism... -.-
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''treat lgbt individuals like humans''
Nope. I'll treat everybody how I think they deserve to be treated. Your sexuality won't change my opinion of you in any way, but you being very vocal about it will.
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Someone being very vocal about their sexuality, or reducing their whole personalities to only their sexual preference doesn't tell you anything? cough shallow cough
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I think you're missing the point of why people who identify as LGBTQ do so publicly or vocally or loudly: in a time or place where being different is stigmatized or thought of as inferior or means being denied equal protection under the law, it's important to proclaim that you--a human being who is gay--also deserve all of the rights and dignity that society currently affords to straight people, which many societies do not currently do.
There's also no reason to unfairly assume that people who are vocal about important social issues are "reducing their whole personalities" to that issue. You can be vocal about many issues that are important to you--cruel treatment of animals, human trafficking, vaccines, etc--without being defined by any of them. And if you do find that the struggle to find yourself and carve out a place for you to be yourself in a society or family or church that rejects who you are and doesn't want to let you love who you want to turns out to be identity-defining, why is that shallow? Is Batman "shallow" because his life choices are shaped by witnessing his parents' murder? If my partner dies of cancer and I spend my life raising money for a cure, is that "shallow"? If I attempted suicide as a teenager because I was bullied and want to spend my career as anti-bullying campaigner, is that "shallow"?
I'm sure if you asked most people, they would have lots of other things that are important to them besides the one issue you heard them speak about in public. But finding that out would require engaging them. So what seems to be shallow is your perception of those people's identities, not their identities themselves.
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You can imagine how your post sounds to someone who's sexuality has a name and a last name, i.e. I love one person not a whole gender, and who doesn't care about society, church or family...
lgBt rights are not about love, marriage is not about love, adopting kids is not about love. Both for straight or gay couples. It's social/political battle and not too much more.
Also, wtf is that comparison? Suicidal teen? Dead partner? How can anyone take you seriously after that?
No, I won't try to engage shallow people anytime soon. LGBT people who don't brag about their sexuality in the first 10 minutes of knowing me? Sure.
P.S. Fuck you for Batman (:
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This is good, problem is that quite some part of the world treats them less than others, just becuase of their sexual orientation. Good thing that according to your comment unknown LGBT people worth the same for you as unknown straight people :)
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LGT people. Bisexuality has shallowness written on it's cover.
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I never said an individual can't be attracted to both sexes. But if you are acting upon purely physical side of attraction I will perceive you as shallow. Same goes for straight men, who are most likely to behave in that way.
And to be honest there's a huge problem of not accepting other people's feelings and opinions in LGBT world. It's insane that me saying that homosexuals will have the same treatment as everyone else got me 4 blacklists.
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Blacklists are cool now, they are both ways so you get rid of a bunch of shitty people anyway :]
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There is nothing to be proud of being gay.
There is nothing to be proud of being straight.
There is nothing to be proud of being black.
There is nothing to be proud of being white.
There is nothing to be proud of being asian.
There is nothing to be proud of being tall.
There is nothing to be proud of being short.
There is nothing to be proud of being atheist.
There is nothing to be proud of being religious.
Only thing you can be proud of is being good human.
People forget this way too often.
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Same goes for al other groups of people you find annoyting. You know why "most you meet are assholish ones"? Because of them being assholes they are the only one you notice. Probably you meet tens of bigger or smaller smokers every day yet you don't even realize they are smokers, you only notice smokers who force 2nd hand smoking onto you, like ion closed areas and such, thus ytou build yourself an image based only on smokers you recognize.
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tried vaping? After 14 years of chain smoking (1-1.5 packs of red 100s per day) and at least 10 attempts on quitting it was the first thing that did the trick for me. Ofc you are not really quitting - you exchange one habit for another, but at least less harmful one - both physically and economically.
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gay pride isnt about pride of being gay, its about gay people being able to have pride in themselves. that being gay isnt shameful and they arent bad people for being gay.
Its important because quite a lot of gay people still grow up believing they arent worthy of feeling any pride simply because of something they cant control.
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In my country many people say that they would never recognise gay on the street, but faggot immediately.
Point is that one is normal person that swings other way and it's not other people buisness similary to for example your preference of redheads over blondes.
Second on the other hand is freak that must show it and how "normal" he is.
And well, changing thoughts of one person is hard enough; changing thoughts of entire population is completely different thing, it takes time.
Also the most extremist behaviours are usually seen among not well educated people so also education. Objective education and not indoctrination.
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You know that I have no influence on general opinion and sayings? By saying that people don't say something I won't magically change it.
"In my country many people say..."
I just explained point of view that is quite popular here.
Also as I have nothing to gays, gay freaks known populary here as faggots are annoying and have no respect from me 'casue of their stupidity. Look at second picture and say that convinces you that he is "normal person". They are biggest problem of normal homosexuals and give them bad name here.
Also I don't see point in censoring myself when I say what is objective fact from my perspective - people say that and I kinda can't change that.
Vulgar words are part of every language. People should know how to use them. Yes, USE. They are stylistic part of many sentences. Problem begins when people use them as punctuation or for no reason.
Also faggot in my language is also part of bike so is not really vulgar per se, only in context.
PS. I never mentioned I am not extremist nor I am educated ^^
I just stated widely known fact where certain behaviours appear more often.
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nope, if you just explained the "point of view you don't associate yourself with" you would indicate you not associating with it, not to mewntion that while 1st use could be excused as you did, 1st image is clearly coming from you directly.
As ofr your second parahraph - there is big difference between stating your 'objective' opinion (pro tip, it's not, it's subjective, but whatever) and using vulgar slurs objectively and commonly viewed as offensive ones. If you could not participate in discussion like an adult without referring to vulgar slurs you should not participate in discussion at all which would profit all other participants.
@PS nope, yet you clearly posted these ewxtremists and not educated people as these against you, hewavilly indicating you yourself to be the better part.
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This is the same idiotic distinction that dickheads everywhere make between those who assimilate and those are different, in order to justify using a slur to refer to those who are different. Lots of assholes make a similar distinction between those they call the 'good' or 'normal' black people (i.e., those who look and act and speak like the majority white population) and the people they call 'n-----s' (who look and act and speak differently). But that so-called distinction tells us much more about you and your prejudices than about the people who you are using a slur to refer to.
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Normal is just average of oddities in chosen population.
Person is usually considered normal when they are productive (or at least not harmful) member of society that can coexist with others.
All differences are unimportant as long as they do not harm others in any way.
And I think that you don't see difference between assimilation and coexistence.
Also starting statement about slurs from slurs is kinda pointless because you show that you are not too different from people you despise.
And why everybody thinks that I heard and repeated to show point of view of some people is my personal opinion. They use slurs so I don't see the point of censoring their words - it kinda lose it meaning then.
Niggas you mentioned - why you are afraid of that word. I think that being afraid of word, even negative one is quite ridiculous. Also AFAIK they do not consider this as insult as long as they use it but any other race use it then it's insult... Quite weird imho.
AFAIK that group do not want to peacefully coexist with society made by white people. And I do not speak about different language or clothing.
Isolationism is never good thing for anyone. Especially for group that isolates itself.
PS. Blacklisting others for different opinions is childish. I checked it from curiosity because in most cases when I had different opinion here I was instantly blacklisted. Good to know that some things never change ^^
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There's no such thing as a bare human that doesn't have any other characteristics. And it's obviously false that you can't be proud of your personal characteristics; it's very much intelligible that people are proud of their achievements, their children, the games they've completed, their appearance, etc. Are you suggesting that you shouldn't be proud of anything besides your moral goodness?
Also, I think you're missing the point: some of those groups are already accepted and valued, and some aren't--and some of those who fall into the latter category include gay people, racial minorities, short people, and atheists, to name a few from your list. Affirming your equal worth as a member of one of those groups in the face of a society that denies your equal worth seems perfectly valid, don't you think?
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You kinda missed my point about being proud - maybe because I was unclear, but it's not important.
Being proud of being white/black/asian/pink/alien - you have no influence on that. You are one or not. End of question.
It's similar with most of physical atributes, like height, hair colour etc.
People should be proud from POSITIVE things that they have influence on. I said being good human as really big generalisation.
I meant being good artist, medic, scientist or whatever in what you have to put your work.
Or at least choose.
Like some ideologies etc.
Did gay choose to be gay? AFAIK no. It's just as he is.
Did white/black/asian choose to be white/black/asian? Nope.
"and some aren't--and some of those who fall into the latter category include gay people, racial minorities, short people, and atheists"
Could I ask where do you live?
Where I live, and well it's called sometimes backwater of Europe, most people don't care.
Being short? Well, probably you will hear some jokes - some of them are good, I know from experience.
Being gay? Nobody really ask you about your sexual orientation, as long as you are not annoying with showing it others won't even know.
Being atheist? Are you serious? In present times being religious is more often considered as being some kind of freak than other way around.
Racial minorities? Well, it quite depends from average behaviour of people from that minority. If they are considered nice and hardworking, you first impression would be even falsely positive. Considered lazy thieves? Well, you will have harder start, but people know that stereotypes are just stereotypes so nothing really lost.
I speak from my perspective and how I see things in Europe, I can't speak for people from Africa or Asia.
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I don't know how it's outside Europe, because I never cared enough to check and I don't want to lie, but here they are treated equally.
There are of course people who treat them like trash, but there are people who treat others like trash because of skin colour, religion, ideology or even dumber reasons - so that doesn't really count.
People should stop feel being entitled to be gratified for things that they did not earn in any way, but because they are like that.
It's quite why I despise current european and american feminists (feminazis is much better term for them imho). Equality here is present quite a while and they just want not equal rights but straight privileges for just being women.
I am for feminists in countries where they are really needed - like most african and arabic ones.
FUN FACT: first slave owner in USA was a black man, but you won't hear it when black people whine about how white people are bad.
And I'm not racist, I am just annoyed but inconsistent bastards that want earn something without any work.
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People should stop feel being entitled to be gratified for things that they did not earn in any way
I'm pretty sure that's not what Gay Pride is about. It's not about being entitled without earning, It's about that to which they should already have been entitled, the same as everyone else. That which they should have had all along. Despite (perhaps) being treated equally where you live (which in itself is subjective), they're not treated equally everywhere.
This thread (and Gay Pride Month) are about raising awareness of that, and possibly making changes.
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Well, I can't speak for other areas of the world. I just speak as I see it from my perspective.
Of course there are people who despise homosexuals, mostly older people.
But there are always people like that.
There are sometimes Marches of Equality that to be honest are more harmful than helpful to LGBT community.
Most people don't really care - it's considered rude to ask about sexual preferences. And it's maybe quite oldfashioned thing, but too much sensitivity towards each other on streets is considered quite rude too ^^
In general. It doesn't meter who you are.
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There is NO REAL discrimination in my country. And 90% of these marches is consisted from freaks running with dildos on their heads and other ridiculous things.
Does something like that say normal person to you? No.
They just hurt case of normal people just with different orientation.
Most people I know have nothing against homosexuals but most of them don't like these freaks for obvious reasons.
See connection between marches made in great part from them and spreading bad opinion aka doing more bad than good?
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funny, most people against gay marriage in this thread are from that country. Β―\_(γ)_/Β―
btw, that's an awesome thread to grow your blacklist, way more entertaining than this one
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"The LGBTI community in Poland faces widespread and ingrained discrimination across the country. While there are no reliable official statistics, Campaign against Homophobia, a major Polish LGBTI organization, recorded at least 120 homophobic or transphobic hate crimes in 2014 alone, though the true figure is believed to be much higher.
In the city of Szczecin, members of the LGBTI community spoke of living in fear since a 20-year-old gay man was brutally beaten to death after leaving a gay club in January 2014. His body was found on a nearby construction site with his face covered in bruises and his trousers pulled down β the eventual cause of death was drowning, as his face had been pushed into a puddle repeatedly."
Hmm ...
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I have friend that was beaten badly because he was in wrong place on wrong time.
I am sure most of these cases would almost surely happen to other people as well.
There are some stupid, young and agressive men that do not care who they have to beat.
"Dresy" - pain in the ass of every peaceful citizen.
Also considering known me statistic and population. ca 38mln in general and 2 280 000 LGBT (as ca 6% anonymously said it) gives you you less than 0,006% with your 120 cases. It's way less than is considered statistical error.
I do not say that this is not bad, but it's not wide spread as you would like to show it.
I am not sure, but there are more murder cases every year and murders are really uncommon thing here from perspective of average citizen.
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but it's not wide spread as you would like to show it.
Except that's not as widespread as I'd like to show it.
That's as widespread as Amnesty International says it is.
So either discrimination really doesn't happen in your country, or you're simply doing what you've been doing here all along, and refusing to acknowledge it, and using that as your excuse.
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Maybe. I don't know.
I just say what I see and feel about that matter. I am not that kind of person that always go with flow, bot not always against it.
And you have point that's how Amnesty said not you, but it's still tiny piece of whole case.
Also discrimination happens, it was and will. There will always be people like that, but they are really small part of general population even now.
It's just unavoidable in anything that is not controlled environment.
There is no "official" discrimination too, at least none that I know about.
However scale of this is so little that some cases can be purely coincidental (you know - dresy).
And rest is well, sad but as I said basically unavoidable and nothing I know but absolute control can change it.
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Comparison. Things are connected. Race, religion, sexuality, political ideology, etc.
It's not important.
Point is that people fight with each other for various, usually stupid reasons. Despise each other from differences.
However, now in day of really good realtions between most of these groups considering history the ones that were in worse position try to earn something specially for them because of history. History must be remembered, but if we would always blindly look at everything bad that happened and want satisfaction for every single one of them any progress would be not possible.
People will never be truly equal.
And this is a good thing!
Point is that people should not to feel better that others just because of these differences.
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I get your point and I share it for the most part, but people like to draw awareness to X cause. I don't make a huge deal of such celebrations anyway, but I do believe that we can live in harmony with all the diversity of our human race as long as we have respect for each other and make agreements.
All extremes are bad, there are a ton of horrible people who are gay, straight, black, white, asian, tall, short, atheist or religious! Let us hope to forge a better world with decent human beings.
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More french speaking gibberish to bring this where it was yestarday and where it belongs, up up up there
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gay pride in Milano :D a pity i couldn't attend ;_;
yes i forgot how to make a link , umpf...sorry, going to bed
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Im proud to be straight, it seems to be more rare these days. No offense
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Just because ... see the picture above ... that is the reason :V !
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That was the answer ... the point is there is no point ... I was being ironic :D !
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I think you just moved the goalposts. First, you claimed Pride was unnecessary because everyone was already accepting of the LGBTQ community. But now you've admitted they aren't.
Instead, you're now objecting to forcing people who aren't accepting to be tolerant. But that could mean one of two things: You could mean (i) forcing people to change their attitudes, which is both (a) impossible and (b) not something that anyone in the pride movement is advocating for (though they might hope people would come see them as having equal dignity). Or you could mean (ii) forcing people who currently treat some people as inferior to instead to treat everyone equally as far as the law is concerned--which seems fine, since the whole point of law and civil rights is to treat equals equally.
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That depends on what you mean by 'support'. If you think you should be able to not hire someone based on their sexual orientation, then you're wrong--the whole point of having laws is to force others to treat you fairly. You can't refuse to serve me at a restaurant because of my skin color or sexual orientation, just like you can't refuse to let me get married or adopt a kid because of those things. I think we should all be in favor of forcing people to treat equals equally when it comes to public policy.
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The problem with LGBT today that even "let them do what the fuck they want, I don't care" is considered supporting their rights. The standard is that "boo evil gays, look weird at them or worst". We came to the fucked up times when trying to grant the same rights as others is considered as pandering and giving extra rights - in numerous cases people get negative treatment just because of their sexual orientation. Not like it would matter how good of a seller, architect, scientist or whatnot someone would be, not affected by who they fuck at the end of the day.
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or educate them
oy vey, i feel like this is written "educate them" but is spelled "brainwash them" ?
stalin pls. sthap making fake accounts and remember that you are dead.
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damn people don't agree with me. they must really be uneducate.
it's a matter of ideologies here... ideologies that can't under no means whatsoever live together.
your moustache are still awesome
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Educate: to provide with information
Troll elsewhere. I deserve better quality trolls.
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i'm not trolling at all man. it's all about diferences of views. if you people would at least think to come down of that pedestal on which you stand things would be more clear.
whatever. the west is gone anyway. gg.
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i am well aware that you are all egalitarians.
babies are not a right.
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Well, people had to hide for years because they were gay, or they would have been killed. No one died because he was straight.
The point of this event is not to be pride, like hey look i'm cooler than you. It's to be pride like i refuse to hide in a closet anymore because I'm different than "the norm". And if you say to me that being gay is recognized as a standard now, I'll let you check some data. An example . I chose this one because it's from May 2017, but there is a lot more on Internet to find about this, if you don't like that one.
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It's funny you mention the Middle East only while clearly the map show it's a problem kind of everywhere, even if the extreme gravity is in Middle East yes. I guess you wanted to make it simple, but you could have mention Africa and Asia continent.
Do you know the difference between respect and fear ? You make people respect you by treating them nicely, you make people fear you by doing bad things to them. LGBT want to be peacefully accepted, in order to become respected. War or any aggressive solution is not a good solution.
Obviously, making parades there will lead you strait to death. Not on option. So how do you do ? You raise awareness in your own country, to the max of people you know, and expect that they will do the same, and that these new people will do the same, and etc... Discussions between people know no bounds, and with all the travelers and natural immigration (I'm talking about the legal one, I don't want to start a debate about illegal one) all around the world, eventually it will reach everyone. It will be long, it won't be easy, it will not work 100% of the time because there is still very bold people. But eventually it will reach everyone. A LOT os social progress have been made that way. By talking about it, you remove the mystique surrounding it, and people accept it with time. Joyful parades are just a way to raise discussions around LGBT regularly.
If you have a better solution than this, without involving violence, I'm sure LGBT people will be glad to here it.
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Again, I believe they're entitled not to agree with it. So I have no interest in helping "solve the problem". People are free to do what they want in this country, the US and many other places already. A woman without her man will be imprisoned in Saudi Arabia, I'm not interested in changing that either.
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The 15th century called, they want you to come back please.
Well, no one asked you to help. Just to let people do what they want. If they want to do a parade, let them make a parade. You should understand that, since you're for the freedom to do whatever one want.
I won't answer to you anymore. There is no point to come to a thread about LGBT people if it's just to be a wall and act like "actually I don't f*cking care of nothing".
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Can I celebrate that I sexually identify as an attack helicopter :V :V ???
OK depending on the context this can be racist : "Instead of wondering why there isn't a straight pride be grateful you have never needed one."
So let me see the majority can not Celebrate something because it is a majority and not a minority ... yep that seams logical ... well I am and attack helicopter so I can celebrate that :))) !
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I feel like you are confusing gay with SJW who think there are 50 genders, though i am glad to finally meet another attack helicopter, what model are you?
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It doesn't necessarily have to do with majority/minority status, but with the social acceptance of a group--and as it turns out, minorities tend to face a lot more social rejection and discrimination. Celebrate anything you want, but don't begrudge people who that actually need to be celebrated because they aren't socially valued. Making fun of people who have a different sexual orientation (as your helicopter example does), instead of affirming the equal status of others' sexual orientations, doesn't help make our society more accepting.
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Let me see, not socially valued by whom , by me I don't think so . I am CS engineer , you know who invented the architecture for our computers . Alan Turing a homosexual so please first understand that I really don't see the difference between me an him for example .
But rubbing in the face the same thing all over again that is something else, there are a lot more important topics like Syria were people are killed then this but what ever :( !
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While you most likely already knew that, given your line of work, it might be worth pointing out that while Turing is nowadays valued for his contributions to defeat the nazis, back in his day he was chemically castrated for his crimes and killed himself later.
So if you prefer looking at it that way you can consider gay pride parades and stuff like that as a celebration how far we as a society have come in tolerating and in some cases even accepting gay people.
So Yay for everbody I guess ?
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I would be the first that will step up if some one will be discriminated but you see it seams that like any movement it always becomes political and that I don't like !
And I know, that man was a genius, we all should have a statue because he is the one that made all this possible :( !
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Makes sense. Although in some cases the LGBT movement also seems to get used as a pawn by politicians...
I'm not even sure anymore why Austria even has a chancellor. We should just give Merkel a hand puppet and be done with it.
But I digress...
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By 'socially valued' I mean valued by society as a whole. I didn't mean to imply anything about you, or any other individual--I'm glad you're accepting! Sundance85 makes a great point, too, about Alan Turing, and how he was not valued by his society--and was in fact legally persecuted and punished--precisely because he was gay. That's why it's so important to make the point about how society has massively undervalued and discriminated against people who have made essential contributions to their fields, as depicted in films like The Imitation Game and Hidden Figures. Finally, I agree that life and death issues are the most important ones to talk about, and the scale of the Syria crisis makes it a priority--but at the same time we can also recognize being LGBTQ frequently is a life and death issue for people in countries like Iran or Saudi Arabia or even Russia. It's not incompatible to say that both are important.
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I had to look up the term, thanks for spreading awareness.
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No need you you have here a summary : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DbQ7Imqi1s
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This should work with the picture : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d27gTrPPAyk :D !
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Have a bump, this thread is...
I would have probably contributed with an awesome Kitty Powers' Matchmaker GA but with the changes in the gifting system, it's kinda too complicated for me. Sorry
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