The other day I ask this guy how he’s doing and he has the nerve, THE NERVE, to respond to my perfunctory greeting with a perfunctory, “Can’t complain”. Can’t complain?! That’s a damn dirty lie! You can always complain and complaining is my favorite. My favorite thing to complain about is other people, because I have no control over them, so I ALWAYS have something to complain about. For example, I compulsively gorge myself on bundles, but the bundle guy sometimes puts games in there I don’t want. Read my mind bundle guy! So, after incorporating the nutritious games into my unwieldy backlog matrix, I’m left with an even more unwieldy pile of bundle poop*. Despite how much humanity seem to like bundles, they have only created more problems for man. And speaking of man, oh man am I getting pumped up by all this complaining! I feel like a baby goat head-butting a chicken!! Now, come eat from the bundle poop* trough!

*Bundle poop™ is a trademark of Fyantastic™. Fyantastic™ is a trademark of MikeyMcMikenson.

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7 years ago*

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What do you like to complain about?

View Results
It’s struck in my teeth!
Can’t find my keys!
Tuesday?!? I thought it was Thursday!!
This medium is actually a small/large!
They didn’t do the dishes/laundry!
She wore THAT again?!
They should of used proper grammer and spelling!
“moist”, “chunk”, “panty”, “ointment”, “snug”, etc.!
“Are you working hard or hardly working?”
He thinks he’s sooo cool!
They left the toilet seat up/down!
Cousin Jimmy’s lazy eye needs to get a job!
Can’t complain!
Other – please specify, in excruciating detail, in the comments below!


7 years ago

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Bumpy bump

7 years ago

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looks like you have epic rages ;)

7 years ago

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The only thing worth complaining about is an under-cooked pizza crust.

7 years ago

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I had the most amazing pizza 3 days ago! It managed to be both undercooked AND overcooked at the same time! Truly, the most amazing pizza I've ever had!

7 years ago

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Hmm, two things to complain about in one pizza.
I shall have to consult The Book of Pizza and ponder this deeply ....

7 years ago

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I didn't ask, because a magician never reveals their secrets, but I suspect they started with a frozen pizza and an oven with an overhead heating element. Then, they cooked the pizza at a high temp for a short time. Voila! Burned toppings and soggy wet crust!!

7 years ago

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I can't complain either. My missus beats me if I do :(

7 years ago

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I'm glad to hear there's a steady hand at the wheel!

7 years ago*

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bump for hypocrites that say they don't complain ^^

7 years ago

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I think I can safely say I don't complain.
You do enough for the both of us and I can't get a word in edgewise. ;)

7 years ago

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you invertebrate ^^

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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it's :Melon:

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7 years ago

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Chillax, peasy. It's not worth the effort.

7 years ago

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I hate hypocrites! They provide endless avenues of complaint to scratch my itch for self righteous indignation. That's why love them so much.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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I like complaining about all kinds of things, but people who only complain... Fuck me, you are a psychopath and probably have 100 cats.

I will complain about people who don't capitalise their sentences, names etc. Those people need to go back to school.

7 years ago

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I always figured it was very busy people who didn't have time for the shift key, like high powered business executives and such. I hadn't considered perhaps they'd just skipped capitalization lessons during English class.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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Keep it up! You can do it!!!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Don't read spoilers if you're easily offended or dislike bad language.

Fuck Steam! And fuck Valve! Fuck games that are too hard, fuck games that are too easy! Fuck pollution! Fuck having a job! Fuck Steamgifts! Fuck this thread! Fuck you! Fuck this keyboard, fuck this mouse, fuck this computer desk and fuck that uncomfortable office chair! Fuck Summer! Fuck Winter! Fuck seasons! Fuck you, Canada! Fuck America! Fuck first world countries! Fuck third world countries! Fuck humans! Fuck animals! Fuck life, but fuck death too! Fuck this planet! Fuck geography! Fuck biology! Fuck technology! Fuck computers! Fuck electronics! Fuck robots! Fuck androids (fucking creepy fucks) and fuck Disneyworld! Fuck arts! Fuck non-arts! Fuck cars! Fuck trains! Fuck locomotion! Fuck your favorite game, it sucks! Fuck your favorite food! Fuck the ocean, it's too fucking huge! Fuck aerodynamics! Fuck AMD! Fuck Nvidia! Fuck oranges! Fuck fruits! Fuck vegetables! Fuck meat! Fuck food, I don't need any! Fuck letters! Fuck the alphabet! Fuck numbers! Fuck education! Fuck intelligence! Fuck character limits! Fuck positiveness! Fuck negativity! Fuck wheels and fuck shapes! Fuck things! Fuck randomness! Fuck this comment! Fuck your opinion! Fuck my opinion! Fuck your reply (if any)! Fuck fuck! Fuck swearing! Fuck repetition! Fuck pointless comments! Fuck forum suspensions!

7 years ago

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I complain about the one less fuck there is in this comment.


7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

7 years ago

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Lol, Community...

7 years ago

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I've never heard this expression! Thanks. Now I know the color of fuckery.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This guy fucks.

7 years ago

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no complaints from me

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Gotta love that bundle poop™
Thanks and bump!

7 years ago

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bump c:

7 years ago

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Can't complain about complaining

7 years ago

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I had to click TOO MANY TIMES for that train! Ugh! My fingers!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Life. Life sucks. Nothing ever goes right, there's always some stupid diseases plaguing people, other people are annoying, I can never buy the coolest stuff, and worst of all, ANIME ISN'T REAL!!! SCREW YOU STUPID REAL LIFE!

7 years ago

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If anime was real, then it would take forever to power up before you do anything. Just imagine how much grunting and yelling you'd have to do just to charge up your phone, which already takes too long. Then again, in an infinite universe/multiverse anime is probably real somewhere/sometime.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Best bundle poop, thanks! :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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