Portal was free at the time XD Just curious to know why you guys joined Steam!

1 decade ago*

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I bought Half-Life 2 at release (November 17, 2004.) The content servers were straining quite hard that day but I had a good connection and managed to get in without too much delay.

1 decade ago

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Dota 2

1 decade ago

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Free Portal, but I couldn't play it at the time. I kept the account til I got a better computer, and fittingly enough, Humble Bundles started about then, and I started to notice great sales and I've stayed since. Kinda.

1 decade ago

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Got free Magicka and then Cities in Motion :)

1 decade ago

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Because Left 4 Dead (2) required Steam.

1 decade ago

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I didn't join steam, steam joined me.

1 decade ago

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Pretty much this^^
I bought SR2 some years ago and I didn't even know about steam back then.

1 decade ago

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bought l4d and welp, had to install it

1 decade ago

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Free portal did it for me too.

1 decade ago

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The prices during a Christmas sale. When I saw how cheap they were, I finally caved, after avoiding them like the plague since the Half Life days. A lot of gamers despised Steam at first, including me, They've gotten much better since then so I don't mind these days.

1 decade ago

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Free portal and hl2 deathmatch xD

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Skyrim said it required Steam :p

1 decade ago

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Free games when I purchased many video cards.

1 decade ago

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To activate Half-Life and later Half-Life 2.

1 decade ago

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My friend told me Borderlands GOTY was on sale on it and that I should get it, so I did. Great game.

1 decade ago

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to buy games

1 decade ago

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to install half life 2 when it came out :D

1 decade ago

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Because i was looking for a great game witch decent social aspect after i stopped playing WoW. Still cant find a game that comes anywhere close.

1 decade ago

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To play Alien Swarm.

1 decade ago

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To play civ 5

1 decade ago

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Why I joined Steam? Valve shut down WON. I had no choice.

1 decade ago

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Orange Box '07. yayeah!

1 decade ago

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It was Terraria and Portal for me.

1 decade ago

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I joined steam when Team Fortress 2 went f2p, but then I found out that it's not my kind of game, so I left steam till I got Borderlands 2 with my graphics card.

1 decade ago

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To play Serious Sam HD.

1 decade ago

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For playing CS 1.6

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by doaconstrictor.